King of Stage

Chapter 359: Shocked

That... is it really Ronan Cooper?

The black silk shirt outlines a sturdy and well-proportioned body, and the light falls on it like water and the light flows, making people want to explore the lines wrapped in fabric; the black suit suit and black leather shoes are all black, without any trace of miscellaneous The color, not even a trace of exposure, even the shirt buttons were completely buttoned up, but the deadly sexiness of a fallen angel exuded all over his body, dangerous and seductive.

The most important thing is that the slender eyeliner instantly makes the handsome face become coquettish.

Ronan, who is always sunny and cheerful, Ronan who is always like a spring breeze, and Ronan who is always vigorous, is completely new at this moment, and every move carries a fatal danger, even his eyes become deep and evil. Get up and transform into a completely different image.

Ella only felt that her heart was about to burst, and she turned her head to look at Lucy who was dumbfounded, but she didn't know the intention of this action, because she didn't have time to pay attention to Lucy, and then she turned her head to look at the stage again. There was an incredible brilliance in the eyes--

Occupied instantly!

Ronan, who has a minimalist style but deadly charm, completely defeated Ella’s last line of defense and fell for it. If Ronan is really the fallen angel Lucifer, she is also willing to follow Ronan to fall to **** and embrace the darkness. It seems that **** is also It's no longer scary.

Even the guests at the scene did not understand King One Day, but Ronan in front of him at this time was a far cry from the sunshine image that was shouting and embracing his dream 15 minutes ago. He turned around 180 degrees in a short period of time. The guests couldn't help holding their breath and couldn't believe their eyes.

"Mine, demon."

Ronan raised his jaw, and after whispering, the smile at the corner of his mouth rose slightly, dark, evil, and shuddering.

Then, a poem-like chant sounded in Ronan's throat, clear, holy, and bright, as if the sun was shining down on the audience.

"Go away and fly high, yelling and singing, you will be omnipotent... into one, regardless of each other, you can take away the pain..."

Those eyes lifted up gently, revealing a desperate fragility, as if life is already in danger, "Save me if I turn into a demon."

Obviously the singing is so holy, but the lyrics and melody are so dark, and the impact of the contradiction and conflict is fully released. It feels like... the fallen angel Lucifer is completing the transformation, and deep in her heart is doing her best. Resisting but still unable to control the erosion of darkness, the pain of tearing the soul permeated through the singing, not seeing any bright red but still able to smell the **** permeation.

The violin sounded again, tearful sobbing through the cold piano keys, and then the spotlight was also lit, Alena and Cliff appeared in the light, one still on the second stage, one Standing on the left side of the main stage, the ensemble of the two instruments blended and collided in the background sound of the symphony. The sadness, the pain and the despair, permeated Ronan's voice, and showed one by one.

" ship is sinking, they think I'm crazy, but they can't understand the feeling..."

It's cold and biting.

Such as falling, ice cellar.

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Ronan's singing has a powerful and vast power, and the magnificent picture can be outlined just by singing, and it can be laid out in front of his eyes.

At this time, both bass and drums joined in. Ollie and Maxim also appeared in the spotlight one after another. The most special thing is that the five people have five spotlights, all separated from each other, as if five are not mutually exclusive. The connected islands guard their own little world. The rest of the Staples Stadium is still immersed in total darkness. The unique visual effect brings an indescribable viewing experience.

Ollie’s drumbeat is obviously improving the rhythm, as if the sound of pressing footsteps is gradually approaching, the sense of hasty oppression is condensed in Ronan's voice——

"They surround me, circling like vultures!"

"They want to defeat me and erase my color!"


A pause!

Ronan suddenly raised his head, his eyes were sharp, sweeping the audience, holding the microphone in his right hand, and raising his left hand like a broken wing, casting a scarred shadow, the power in the depths of the dantian burst out instantly, and the atmosphere of the audience was immediately Complete the transformation, "... completely erase my color!"

Darkness is coming!


A bell rang, like the judgment bell of the end of the day, all melody, all emotions and all sounds were solidified in an instant.

Ronan, took a step forward, one step, another step, like dragging a paradise turned into ruins to hell, each step is so heavy and shocking, and the huge pressure that slowly approaches is suppressed by layers. Going down, the darkness imprisoned everyone on the scene like a chain.

The heart is firmly clenched.

"Go away and fly high and sing loudly, you will be omnipotent!"

"Merge into one, regardless of each other, you will take away the pain!"

The listeners who have listened to the original version of "My Devil" can clearly feel that Ronan's performance will not slow down and the key will consciously create the auditory effect of the sound from the depths of hell. The thick and deep singing voice is just It seems that the earth's center of the bottom of the feet is hitting and reverberating.

boom! Boom boom boom!

Then, the rhythm and tone returned to the original state, the violin and the band’s performance all exploded, pushing emotions to a whole new level on the chorus level, not toward the light, but toward the deeper darkness. Ronan stood at the forefront of the stage. It's like the devil who rules the world.

"Fly away! Sing and sing! You will be omnipotent!"

"Merge into one! Regardless of each other! You can take away the pain!"

Once again the rhythm and tone rose by an octave, and the power continued to rise again, and Ronan's high pitch smoothly and magnificently climbed to the highest point.

"Save me! If I become a demon!"

Release in an instant!

The treble touched the extreme at the moment of "My-Demons", but Ronan did not release it completely. He clicked to stop, followed by a brake, easily and perfectly condensed the tone, but leaving a lingering rhyme in the audience. The ears were stirring, and the feeling of half-released emotions but still stuck in the air made the remaining emotions accumulate exponentially.

Without any pause, the song cuts directly to the second paragraph.

The audience roared, the symphony and the band's performance fully released energy, and it was obvious that Ollie was in good condition, and the drumbeat of the thunderbolt spread out in the audience, the rumbling sound seemed to hit the eardrum, continuous The roar surging in the depths of my mind.

This is "My Devil", but not "My Devil". The fully adapted song is darker and more powerful, more magnificent and more majestic. The vast momentum easily swept the audience, but it continued to shock, It's just started.

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