King of Stage

Chapter 362: Like crazy


"Oh oh oh... yeah yeah..."

Singing softly is like having a hypnotic effect. Let the souls who surrender and bow down and worship naturally follow the sound of the humming while losing their way, groping in the darkness step by step, waiting for the reaction When I came here, I had already entered a whole new world.

The melodious and moving melody hums, just like an exquisite golden music box. The doll of the ballerina spins and dances on the mirror surface, and the clear and moving melody flows away, which is absolutely--

Nursery rhymes?

What, nursery rhyme?

"I know six little ducks, some are fat, some are thin, and some are full of down. The little duck with feathers on the back, she quacked and called to lead the other little ducks, quack, quack, quack, quack……"

Wait, it's really a nursery rhyme!

This is a very classic nursery rhyme before going to bed, "Little Duck". After the extreme darkness and the grandeur of the starburst, a brisk and simple nursery rhyme floats slowly in the air. … It’s amazing, it’s easy to stabilize the audience’s mood, but still maintain the sizzling hot state, but the contradictions are harmoniously integrated. The live experience is absolutely an unprecedented experience.

Who can think of it? Someone actually sang nursery rhymes on the stage of the Grammy Awards?

However, the king did just that in one day, and the effect was amazing!

The nursery rhyme is over, but the humming continues.

"Hmm..." After humming softly, the melody changed, "I want to travel through time and go back to the good old days. My mother hummed nursery rhymes to coax me to sleep, but now my life is falling apart (Stressed-Out)... "

The first time, so soft and so lazy, the vague lyrics are still unclear, and only vaguely captured the nostalgia in the song.

"I want to travel through time and go back to the good old days. Mom hummed nursery rhymes to coax me to sleep, but now my life is falling apart. It's all falling apart."

The second time, the voice gradually became clearer, but the word bite was still slightly vague, maintaining the nursery rhyme-like humming, and the sadness and loss behind the gentleness slowly permeated, and it was able to faintly capture a touch of helpless loneliness. The bitterness spread slowly on the tip of the tongue.

It's like...this feeling is like being surrounded by darkness in the dead of night, with a bottle of beer or a glass of low-quality whiskey on hand, bathed in moonlight, allowing emotions to grow and spread, and the lonely chaos and loneliness make sad and sour. Emotions flooded my mind.

The darkness has never left.

If "My Devil" is an eruption in the dark, then "Stressed-Out" is free and easy in the dark.

The dark world belonging to the King of One Day is still not over. A nursery rhyme and nursery rhyme is used as a link. It is like a lullaby hummed by a mother in childhood. It must be said that it is light and ingenious, and then it completes a seamless connection.

But for the live audience and the large audience in front of the TV, what is more important-"My Devil"? Slightly heard; "falling apart"? What is it?

The alienation brought about by the strangeness made the surging emotions calm and cool a little bit, but before the atmosphere of the scene completely settled, the performance took a turn.

"Falling apart... all falling apart..."

Ronan’s singing entered the whispering stage again, and then, "pop", with a trivial sound, the spotlight came on again, and the creamy yellow halo gently spilt down and fell on Ronan’s shoulders, delineating the sagging shoulders. The lines faintly reveal a kind of hurt, loneliness and helplessness.

At this time, Ronan raised her head, Lucy could see the blurred eyeliner at the corner of Ronan's eye, just like the eye makeup that was spent after crying, and there was still a blur after wiping the eyeliner on the back of her hand. Not only is sad, but there is also the sadness of the clown's failure to remove makeup.

Even though the entire Staples Field is apart, Lucy can still feel Ronan’s gaze, fragile and sad, but all turned into a smile on the corners of her mouth, free and wanton, bright and joking, as if it were self-deprecating, and as if it was It's hard to sum up the chicness of letting go of oneself completely.

A look is already in the state.

"I hope I can find a good voice that no one hears, and I hope I have a good voice that I was born with..." (Note 1)

Ronan placed the microphone on the microphone stand, supported the microphone stand with both hands, and slumped his hands and shoulders. It seemed that the microphone stand was the only strength to support the body, and the lazy and wanton voice rippling gently in the silent darkness. Rowing, like a boat oar, leaves ripples, breaking the calm that has been silent for a long time.


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It's rap!

Of course, for Lucy, this is nothing surprising, because she has listened to the entire album "Seven" and clearly knows the changing style of the album; but for the crowd and passersby, it is like It's a fantasy. After all, the two songs "Chasing the Light" and "My Devil" have nothing to do with rap. No one thought that the king's style of music would be so diverse in a day.

However, since the strong rise of rap rock in the 1990s and its development to the last peak of Lincoln Park in the new century, the combination of rap and rock has long been a new term. The audience is not surprised. The only surprise is that it seems not. The familiar style of the king in a day.


Ronan’s rap has a special texture, the tone is lazy but clear, the laziness in the bones and the casual rhythm of the rap blend into a round but sharp edges and corners, making the audience involuntarily want to follow the melody gently. Swing-Although Ronan's performance is more popular and younger than a real master-level rapper, but it still retains the personality of the popular color, which is very rare.

Chuckle. Ollie’s drum beats cut in, without any extra accompaniment, just like just using a beatbox to lay the rhythmic tone, just like this directly into rap, all the rhythm and rhythm are in the hands of the performer , The ease of ease creates a sense of madness that is lingering, and then Staples Stadium enters a wonderful atmosphere, and the slightly scattered thoughts fall into chaos again.

"...I hope I find a new chord that no one has heard before, and I hope that the songs I compose no longer have only flashy rhymes."

Up to this point, in fact, the audience who listened to the singing seriously was still in the minority. It was not because Ronan couldn't understand the words-on the contrary, Ronan's rap seemed vague but accurate, and there was no problem with the transmission of the lyrics; In the shock and consternation, there is no time and energy to distinguish the rap lyrics carefully, and the concentration will inevitably be a bit inattentive.

But despite this, the audience can still accurately feel the emotions behind Ronan's rap. This is the best interpretation of the stage's expressiveness, and then they are once again trapped in the world of King One Day, unable to extricate themselves.

Note 1: Falling apart (Stressed-Out——Twenty-One-Pilots)

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