King of Stage

Chapter 366: Peak mood

Alena lowered her eyes, all the surging emotions condensed on her fingertips, converging towards the strings in the turbulence and turbulence, flowing out into a melody.

Ronan opened his eyes and stared at Alena intently and quietly, as if he was looking up at the unattainable and wonderful dream.

Two spotlights, two worlds, two lonely islands, looking at each other in the distance, the heart is stirring.


A drum beat cut into it, which was slightly abrupt, interrupting the emotions, but not waiting for the strange growth, and then a series of melodies merged in like a rainstorm, forcibly drawing the audience into another visual experience; at the same time, the spotlight was one. The lamps lit up one after another, and Ollie, Maxim, and Cliff finally appeared in front of the audience again, but the spotlight still did not stop.


Snapped! Snapped!


One, another, the spotlights dotted around the audience fell on the individual individuals, as if awakening the islands in this way-

They are all isolated islands in the endless darkness. They can't find any companions when they raise their eyes and look around. They are just drifting alone; but when the music is sounded, the darkness is torn apart, and then they can see their surroundings. The floating island is exactly the same as myself.


Two seats.

One hundred seats.

Two hundred seats.

Ten thousand.

Twenty thousand.

The entire Staples Stadium was completely connected. They turned their heads and looked at their side in a stupefied manner. Only then did they find their companions beside them. In the end, all the spotlights were connected in a mighty series to illuminate the entire stadium. All the audience also fit in with each other.

The same breath, the same heartbeat.

The same eyes, the same emotions.

No one can be an exception.

The mighty and turbulent melody swept the audience, instantly pushing the heat wave of the audience to a whole new height, and then the roar of symphony also joined it, surging under the guidance of Alena’s violin, and the endless momentum agitated to the extreme. In a blink of an eye, the Staples Stadium shivered.

It seems that the audience will detonate in the next second, and then diffuse towards the entire world and the entire universe.

"We used to imagine that everyone has their own title; we want to build a spaceship, so that we can fly high without worry; we used to imagine flying in the universe, but now there are only others who ridicule and cynically,'Wake up, you need to start making money' ."

From rhythm to melody, from rap to expression, the firepower is fully on, the power is pushed to a new height again, the deafening roar continues to wash the soul, the Staples Field is ignited again, and the blazing flame covers the audience, no one Can escape, no one can be an exception.

They were pressed on the spot like this, their muscles stiff and their spine stiffened. Even if they wanted to close their eyes, it was impossible. They could only hold their eyes and stare at the stage like this, trapped in the storm, unable to extricate themselves. Then, the melody stopped again.

"I want to travel through time and return to the good old days. Mom hummed nursery rhymes to coax me to sleep, but now my life is falling apart.

Without accompaniment, Ronan's clear singing became gentle and light again, the loneliness and loneliness of whispering, instantly drowning the audience, like drowning, almost asphyxiated.

"I want to travel through time and go back to the good old days. Mom hummed nursery rhymes to coax me to sleep, but now my life is falling apart. It's all falling apart."

The audience roared! From one extreme to another extreme, and then back to the original extreme, the roar of great ups and downs covered the audience, like a violent storm, tearing the souls of the audience into countless fragments, amidst waves of storms. , Lost all resistance, only the body was physically left in place to complete this baptismal shock.

And thoughts have long been lost in the boundless universe.

The darkness began to erode, and then the softest fragility deep in my heart was exposed like this, and I couldn't even cry, but just stayed sluggishly.

"We used to imagine, imagine, money."

"We used to think about it, hurry up and sober, money."

"We used to imagine, imagine, money."

"We used to think about it, hurry up and sober, money."

One day all the four members of the king sang in unison—to be precise, it should be rap. Rap ​​without emotional ups and downs has condensed into an incredibly powerful force, surging amidst the roar, one layer after another. Venting down one after another, the continuous interlacing of dreams and reality made the audience run back and forth between heaven and hell. The extreme cold and extreme heat also tore their bodies apart and fell into extreme pain.

But... is also a kind of extreme enjoyment, torment-like enjoyment, as if standing at the end of the world's destruction, singing and dancing.

The smile reappeared so bitterly and helplessly at the corner of his mouth, and then danced to his heart's content, and danced forgottenly in the dark.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The melody disappeared again. In the end, there was still only Ronan and Alena, or only rap and violin, a wonderful combination.


Alena finally raised her eyes and stared at Ronan not far away, and then the surrounding lights went out again, and quickly closed little by little, as if the tide was low, and in a blink of an eye she plunged into darkness again, with only two spotlights. Surrounded by Alena and Ronan, the lonely and tall figure filled the whole stage.

The violin played again.

"We used to imagine ourselves, everyone has their own title; we want to build a spaceship, spread our wings and fly high without worry; once imagined flying in the universe, but now only others ridicule..."

The violin stopped abruptly.

Alena looked at Ronan quietly, with a smile on the corners of her mouth, like a melting iceberg, a ray of sunlight fell through the darkness, thrilling, and instantly stopped the heart from beating, but it was fleeting and enveloped The spotlight above Alena also went out.

Ronan's mouth was squeezed slightly, revealing a mocking smile, turning his head to look straight facing the audience, his sharp eyes swept across, the unparalleled momentum easily suppressed the audience, bathing in The audience in Ronan's eyes did not even dare to breathe, as if all the audience had disappeared, and the Staples Stadium fell into silence again, leaving Ronan alone. Then Ronan whispered:

"Wake up, you need to start making money."

After speaking, Ronan clenched the microphone with his right hand and stretched it forward, with a gleam of light in his eyes. The mocking and bitter expressions disappeared. Instead, the coldness and arrogance that despised the whole audience, like a king over the world The king of the Japanese kingdom put on the crown again.


Ronan released his right hand, and at the same time, the lights went out, the last spotlight disappeared, and the entire Staples Stadium plunged into darkness again.

Immediately after--


The sound of the microphone dropping to the ground came from the stereo, and it screamed harshly and sharply, leaving a lingering aftertaste, which continued to stir like a stormy sea!

Performance, over!

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