King of Stage

Chapter 368: Deserved

The audience stood up!

Thunderous applause!

The Staples Field became a sea of ​​applause. The guests and the audience did not stingy with their actions and gave the King a day of applause. At this moment, temporarily put aside prejudice and jealousy, and put aside contempt and stubbornness for the time being, and truly calm down. Come and experience the charm of live performances.

The beating of the heart, you can’t lie, and you can’t lie—good is good; top is top. Such a scene is enough to prove that the strength of the King One Day is even beyond the scope of the excitement. The whole audience is bathed in shock baptism, and no one can continue to deny it duplicity.

So, for the first time tonight, after the performance, the audience stood up and applauded. Such a grand treatment is the best proof that it is worth a thousand words.



God, this moment is so beautiful and so gorgeous, it makes people immersed in it and can't help it, even if it is sweating, even if it is exhausted, it still wanders in the noisy roar of applause, every cell under the body is cheering Scream, it seemed to have the whole world in an instant.

Then, turning his head, Ronan could see the twinkling light in the eyes of his teammates, his expression of happiness was like blinking stars above the night sky; he could also see the smile blooming at the corner of Alena’s mouth, freely venting, wanton enjoyment, Soaring freely, this kind of performance is memorable.

The smiles were in full bloom between the exchange of eyes.

Bow to the curtain call, boom boom! The applause and shouts of the audience unexpectedly climbed another step unbelievably, and you could even see many people blowing their whistles.

The curtain call again, boom boom boom! The entire Staples Stadium was shaken by the ground, and the vibrations comparable to the earthquake could be clearly felt under both feet, and the strong enthusiasm was just like this.


Turning his head, Ronan could see Ollie constantly waving at him, beckoning Ronan to come forward alone to accept the applause, and then Maxim and Cliff also shook his head together, shook his right fist and waved over his shoulder. This made Ronan a little embarrassed--

At the critical moment, the lack of self-confidence deep in my heart was still holding back my footsteps.

Ronan believes that this should belong to the band, including Alena, not just himself. After all, their stage should be a whole, and naturally, the applause should belong to all of them.

However, looking at the roaring expressions of his teammates, Ronan's eyes noticed Alena's smile, bright eyes gleaming, and behind the look of anticipation and admiration, there was affirmation of encouragement, which made Ronan's footsteps slightly. Pause, after all, he took a brave step.

Stand out separately.



The thunder of the audience really reached its peak at this moment!

They enjoyed a perfect performance, and Ronan’s strong expressiveness and stage charm are undoubtedly the biggest gain. Tonight, Ronan is the biggest star of the Grammys——

The unknown **** who popped out of the rock, used an indisputable and wonderful performance on the Grammy stage broadcasted across the United States to announce his sense of existence, and truly let the audience feel the charm of a king for a day. Ronan is undoubtedly the crown. Shining on Staples!

Boom boom boom!

The whole audience swarmed towards Ronan, and even the surface of his skin could clearly feel the heat and sharpness of the heat wave. At this moment, Ronan seemed to have truly become the king of the world and belonged to the band. In the kingdom of one day, he is the master of this kingdom!

Mind, exciting!

According to the ratings statistics after the award ceremony, when the King appeared on the first day, there was no special performance in the ratings figures, but with the deepening of the performance began to gradually climb, and the highest value reached 25 million. The award ceremony night can be among the top three, and at the same time it is the highest ratings moment of all stage performances!

What’s even more incredible is that before the King’s debut, the Twitter data averaged more than 1,000 per second. After the King’s debut on the first day, the Twitter data soared to more than 3,000 per second, and at the end of the show. The curtain call afterwards reached a peak of more than 7,000 per second-

Comparable to the Super Bowl of American football dominance, which just ended just a week ago!

It can be seen from the discussion of popularity and ratings alone that one day the king is indeed standing on the cusp of the storm, and every move is highly anticipated. In the end, the king underwent tremendous pressure and gave a splendid performance. , So it completely detonated the enthusiasm of music netizens.

The most intuitive reflection is that the four keywords "One Day King", "My Devil", "Falling Down", and "One Day King Grammy" all entered the global trend of Twitter keywords. Among them, "One Day King" "Grammy" firmly held the first place for four hours.

As you can imagine, this craze has only just started.

But for Ronan, the ratings and popular trends are not real, because those are just a series of numbers, invisible and intangible bubbles, and the applause and cheers at Staples Stadium at this moment are real. The entire chest cavity was full.

So happy!

This is the charm of the stage, this is the charm of the scene, this is the charm of music, a kind of irreplaceable enthusiasm and passion, a kind of hot and impulsive from the heart, just like... the heart bursts, the blood is boiling, and then The soul also burned in the applause of the audience.

Wanton, and crazy!

At this moment, everything became real, and the rosy dream bubble bathed in the lights of the audience, blooming with brilliant colors.

Until Ronan’s curtain call ended, and then they left the stage hand in hand, the cheers at Staples Field reached a moment, and then Ronan’s eyes collided with Alena They both Did not speak.

Because of the emotional turmoil in my mind, and because the enthusiasm on the scene has not dissipated, I will not know what to say for a while.

But between their eyes, they can all feel the excitement and joy in each other's eyes——

The performance tonight is perfect. The wonderful chemical reaction makes the performance show unique and wonderful colors. From the physical level of hearing and vision to the spiritual level of immersion and feeling, they are indeed a perfect match. It is difficult to replicate once. A top performance beyond imagination.

Such a performance is a kind of enjoyment in itself.

It is the fusion of music, the collision of inspiration, and the link of talent. It feels like a connection between the brain and the brain, the soul and the soul.

And deep in the eyes, in addition to excitement and joy, you can also faintly perceive a little more. Between the lines of sight, they stare at each other slightly in a daze. Even the smile at the corner of the mouth is no longer important, just focused and devoted. Staring into the other person's eyes, time and space fell into a moment of difficulty, as if completely forgot where he was.

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