King of Stage

Chapter 374: Upset

Buzzing. Buzzing.

The noise floating in the air surging above the eardrums, because of the importance of the four comprehensive awards, and because of the unpredictable unpredictable trend of the awards ceremony tonight, the suspense has increased sharply, as if everyone has the possibility, so I look forward to it. The feeling is also permeated in the Staples Stadium.

At this moment, the two award-giving guests who first opened the envelope looked like urchins who had never grown up. They smiled and exchanged glances. The joy and joy of knowing the truth first came out from the bottom of their eyes, and then the audience was on the scene. I became more curious and more confused, the buzzing sound in my ears hit like a drum, and a raging heat wave filled the air.

Faith, smiled.

Then Tim laughed too.

The exchange of eyes between the two legendary superstars conveyed information that others could not guess. The atmosphere on the scene was obviously restless, and the undecided and ready-to-see answer made people feel itchy and unbearable. The tight and stiff body couldn't help but slowly leaned forward, a sense of urgency. And the sense of expectation has become more turbulent.

"The winner of the 55th Grammy Annual Song is..."

One second.

Faith paused for only a second, and she couldn't wait to speak. She was obviously impatient. She couldn't even wait to let the suspense fly in the air for a while, "My..."

Tim didn’t expect it at all, he couldn’t help but was stunned, and then looked at Faith, who looked back at him in amazement, and couldn’t understand what Faith’s eyes meant. He thought that Faith invited him to announce the results. Slowly. After a while, he followed, "My..."

However, because the soundtracks were not on the same frequency at all, it seemed chaotic, and the suspensefulness of revealing the answer was completely gone, and the tension on the scene completely collapsed.

The problem is that among the five nominees, there is only one work that starts with "My". It is meaningless to stop halfway through the announcement, so what should I do?

"Demon..." Tim is not sure about Faith's intentions, whether he invites himself to announce the results or asks about the correctness of the results. He originally thought that Faith would announce the results himself, but now he is conditioned. He reacted happily, and couldn't put it aside even halfway through, so he said the latter word directly.

But this time Faith missed the beat in order to wait for Tim, belatedly said, "...the devil."

It's really ridiculous, and there is no tacit understanding.

Faith and Tim were also a little panicked. Neither of them expected the chaos of the matter, but now there is no turning back arrow in the bow, and it doesn’t make sense to stop. Tim made an invitation gesture, and Faith didn’t. Then he refused, and announced the rest of the matter in a straightforward manner.

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"... Ronan Cooper, Ollie Love."


A chaos without tacit understanding!

Obviously they did not discuss how to announce the result, so they completely misplaced and plunged into the quagmire. The suffocation that was originally tense and stagnant disappeared, and even a little joy was born, and the busy sight quickly passed through the crowd. Looking for the winner of the song of the year.



There was a low agitation again at Staples Stadium, but this time the situation was a little different, and it was more confused and confused with countless question marks, and then mixed with surprises and surprises, impetuous emotions agitated in the air. , It is difficult to accurately describe it in words.

Ronan was holding back his smile.

Because the scene is really full of joy, just like a Charlie Chaplin movie, there are accidents that disrupt the order in the serious and serious scenes; and Faith and Tim both remain serious, "We are serious", there is nothing at all. It means funny, but the audience at the scene already looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh, so the contradictory scene became more absurd, and the sense of joy overflowed quietly.

So much so that the shock and joy of the award announcement were diluted, and some funny pictures always popped up in my mind, and there was no way to keep it completely serious.

Even with that, Ollie, who was sitting next to him, was infected with Ronan's emotions, and he lowered his head and laughed.

Jeremiah looked at Ronan’s smile, and his smile bloomed. He turned to give Ronan a hug, and said half-jokingly, “You can laugh, it’s okay, it’s yours tonight. of."

Ronan laughed happily, and gave Jeremiah a big hug, "Tonight belongs to us."


See the unpopular again!

Even though I have witnessed several upsets tonight, when the upsets appear again, the surprises and shocks are still unabated.

The song of the year was awarded to "My Devil"!

This song composed by Ronan and Ollie beats the second, third and seventh single sales of the year, and also defeated the popular works widely circulated across Europe and the United States. He laughed all the way in a dark horse posture. Finally, broke out the biggest and most amazing upset tonight!

How did this happen?

Among the many comments after the award ceremony, "Rolling Stone" commented on "My Devil" as the top song of the year:

Ronan Cooper used musical instruments as materials to construct a three-dimensional architectural space, while Olly Love used language as color to paint distinctive colors for the building. The creation and writing of the entire song collided. The wonderful chemical reaction truly shows the three-dimensional structure and complex emotions of the song. From the structure, from emotion to inspiration, this is a rare masterpiece.

"More importantly, it has a fragile force that hits people's hearts directly."

The controversy is not as big as imagined.

At this moment, the Staples Stadium, the reaction is also somewhat subtle.

Unpopular is indeed unpopular; accident is indeed an accident, but because Faith and Tim’s rhythm dislocation revealed the answer, there is a sense of joy in the absurdity, and even the audience’s rhythm is beaten. In the chaos, the urge to laugh was involuntarily produced in the astonishment, and then the powerful impact was lost between the exchange of sights. On the contrary, after the dazedness, they showed their smiles—

Some helpless, but also some nothingness.

However, the applause continued to rang out. No matter what, the results of the awards have been announced. This also means that the biggest upset tonight was born. The accidents piled up one after another before the small upsets finally broke out in the four major comprehensive awards. Come out, completely deviated from the predicted track.

Who could have imagined that at the Grammy Awards ceremony tonight, the King of One Day, who emerged from the crevices of the stone, actually became the biggest winner so far. He has appeared on the stage three times and received the awards, and included two newcomers of the year and two songs of the year It was a heavyweight trophy, and it was instantly crossed to the year when Nora Jones was born ten years ago. Strictly speaking, the king's dark horse may be even better in one day.

This is really incredible!

Tonight, all the guests and audience present witnessed the history with their own eyes. This is probably going to be another legendary night in the history of Grammys.

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