King of Stage

Chapter 381: Simply and neatly

Who will get the annual recording?

The two big monster singles as market representatives, "In the Mood for Love" and "The Most Familiar Stranger" are undoubtedly the most popular singles in the market this year, and their sales are extremely high, especially the latter has set a historical record, while the former has become Representative of indie music and pop rock.

Two popular singles are representative of the backbone, "Lonely Boy" and "Stronger" are the backbone singers who have persisted in the industry for many years. This year, both dedicated works of excellent quality and received widespread response from the market, as well as professional music critics. Give a lot of praise.

Two excellent works as representatives of new students, "Thinking of You" and "My Devil" are all from fledgling young singers-anyway, the King released his first official studio album only a day, and the two works All of them are one of the highest-rated singles by music critics this year. Ruchao's praise has reached a new high on a professional level, but so far, the market performance of the two singles has been relatively flat.

Six nominated works, three routes, then, in the end, who can have the last laugh?

From the analysis of the situation at the nomination stage, "The Most Familiar Stranger", "In the Mood for Love", and "Lonely Boy" are popular contestants, while "Thinking of You", "Stronger", and "My Devil" are nominated. That is victory.

However, judging from the trend of the awards ceremony tonight, the chances of winning prizes for "My Devil" and "Stronger" have soared, and have even surpassed "In the Mood for Love", with "the most familiar stranger" and "lone boy". The formation of a chamber of resistance against rituals.

Suspense, heavy.

When the video of the six nominated singers was played on the big screen, the sense of tension filled the scene. The King One Day, standing in the standby area in the background, also appeared on the screen, forming a picture of the other five nominees. A hexagonal composition, waiting for the announcement of the winning result.

However, compared to nervousness, the members of the king one day are more of a panic-hurriedly return to the backstage, hurriedly end makeup, hurriedly come to wait, there is no time for fermentation and precipitation, things just One by one, the swollen brain had not had time to clear up his thoughts, and then appeared on the big screen in a dizzy manner, until now it was able to get a little breathing space.

“Who am I and where am I? What is happening now” can be read from Ollie’s blank eyes. Maxim and Cliff are not much better, but they cover it up better, even It is impossible to confirm where the line of sight should be focused.

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Moreover, the prince, as the award-presenting guest, did not intend to procrastinate. After waiting for the nominated video to be played, he directly opened the envelope in his hand and glanced down at the card. He didn't even pause for a moment to create suspense, and the corner of his mouth sighed slightly:

"Oh, I love this song.'My Devil', King for a Day."

The answer is announced.

From the debut to the announcement of the answer, there is no nonsense in the whole process, and naturally there is no way to make the tension brew. The prince's clean style without muddle makes the suspense just float in the air for a moment, and then it disappears completely, even the audience Somewhat caught off guard.





In a short period of time, the emotions were turbulent and turbulent, and then the subconscious reaction had already taken the lead in action——

King for a day?


King for a day!

At this moment, the King Yiichi standing in the waiting area in the background was also full of confusion, exchanged glances at each other, confused, and did not understand what was going on.

"Please come on stage!" The staff made an inviting gesture, but the King's footsteps were still a bit hesitant for one day.

Standing behind the camera, Alice waved repeatedly, "Ronan, come on stage! I won the prize!"

It is neither joy nor happiness, because at this time there is no time or space to feel the rush of emotions. The only thought in my mind is the award ceremony process. They must be on stage again, no mistakes, and no delay in the live broadcast. Now they must as soon as possible Just go on stage.

"Oh. Oh oh oh." The members of King One Day left the standby area in a bustling manner, and then you can see a camera tracking and shooting in a backward way, following the footsteps of King One Day onto the stage all the way. Until they appeared in the sight of the audience.

Alice watched the band members' footsteps all the way onto the stage, breathing a sigh of relief, and then a thought slowly came to mind:

Got a prize?

One day the king actually won a prize?


Involuntarily, Alice hit a violent spirit, and then the goose bumps rushed from the soles of her feet to the forehead, and she was emotionally turbulent in an instant.

The guests at the scene are no exception.

Because the prince’s announcement of the results was too straightforward, the powerful impact directly collided directly without warning and without reservation, so that the shocked emotions were not enough, just surprises and surprises, could not help but be stunned for a moment, and didn’t know. What response should be made.

Until one day, the members of the king appeared on the stage, and the figure who appeared on the stage for the fifth time tonight finally made the guests on the scene feel the real feeling of rushing to their faces——

Undoubtedly, from the newcomer of the year to the song of the year to the recording of the year, the four major comprehensive awards have won three phonograph trophies for the King of One Day, officially surpassing the Black Keys, and become the biggest of the 55th Grammy Awards. Winner, laughed all the way to the end with a dark horse posture.

Shocked, long overdue!

Intricate emotions surged and surging in my mind, and the negative emotions such as doubts, surprises, accidents, etc. subconsciously felt in my mind violently concussed, but then the brain gradually reacted.

No matter what, the King’s performance tonight has proved himself. The wonderful performance is still the biggest highlight of the awards ceremony tonight. Even the star-studded Grammy scene, the King will stay with his unparalleled performance for a day. Deep and indelible mark.

From the small accident of the annual rookie's counterattack on the entertainment team, there are traces, to the annual song "My Devil", which was upset but successfully won the sincere admiration of the guests and even caused countless resonances and whirlpools, and then to the annual recording " "My Devil" Jedi reversed to complete the incredible summit thing, it seems that it is not so shocked.

Then, applause sounded.

Bang bang bang.


Boom boom boom.

Boom boom boom!

Gradually, the applause became more and more louder and louder, and the thunderous sound began to sweep the audience. The guests exchanged glances at each other, with helpless wry smiles in their eyes. The Lamy Awards ceremony is indeed extraordinary.

But apart from the accident, he had to sincerely admire. One day the king did conquer the scene with a performance, and the controversy was no longer so sharp.

Dan Auerbach and Patrick sitting next to each other stood up, and when they turned their heads, you could see that Gottiye and Huan Entertainment Team had also stood up. As competitors, they responded with applause and expressed themselves. Position.

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