King of Stage

Chapter 388: Emotional burst

It turned out that this was the reason Maxim stopped to give way.

In fact, Maxim habitually takes the lead in the forefront, but at the last moment he changed his mind, because this is the moment that belongs to the king of the day, and it belongs to the light of Ronan. From the beginning of Ronan to the end of Ronan, this It is the best way to light up the king's radiance tonight.

Sincerely, Maxim believes that Ronan’s chance to win the final speech should belong to Ronan.

Cliff took a little slower, but after seeing Maxim's movements, he also reacted, although he also wanted to be bathed in the spotlight-who would not want to be the focus of attention at such a historical moment What? However, his footsteps naturally walked to Maxim's side, and then showed a smile, met Ronan's gaze, and expressed his approval and support with practical actions.

Ollie, who was walking at the back, took the lead and whistled. Like all the guests, he raised his hands above his head and applauded Ronan, but his red eyes leaked his inner surge. Tears filled his eyes, his mood was difficult to suppress, and he was surrounded by turbulent emotions in happiness, and his smile bloomed in tears. Even if he tried his best, he couldn't control the emotions that were out of control and fell apart again.

Even with that, Maxim and Cliff's emotions also raged together.

Even if they stand on the stage with their feet, even if they are bathed in the spotlight, even if the guests are watching, it is still hard to believe that they have really made history! One day the king really shines in the audience on the Grammy night, and the music dream relief shines endlessly at Staples Stadium!

From the beginning of the newcomer of the year to the end of the annual album, the King left a magnificent stroke with five phonograph trophies and four comprehensive awards in one day, and he really laughed to the end with a dark horse.

It's so beautiful that there is no sense of reality.

Seeing the tearful expressions of his teammates laughing, they were so precarious that they were about to break the bank again. Seeing that the scene of the newcomer of the year was about to repeat itself, Ronan quickly took a deep breath and suppressed his surging emotions, then turned and walked to the microphone. , Trying to control himself according to every situation before tonight, but...

The intricate taste is clogged in the chest, and countless thoughts and thoughts are surging in my mind for a while, like a vigorous erupting volcano, once or twice...The experience of five times on stage gradually accumulates emotions, layered on the heart. , Almost out of breath.

The right hand had to be tightened, and he could truly feel the edges and weight of the gramophone trophy. The flowing golden halo was spreading in the peripheral light of the line of sight, and the surging mood calmed down a bit. Then, he was able to lift his eyelids and watch. The guests from the audience gave their speeches.

"Thank you!"

Ronan once again showed a big smile, confident and proud, frankly brilliant, and bravely greeted the audience's sight.

"Thank you Adele! It is undoubtedly an honor for us to receive this trophy from your hands. To be honest, we really did not imagine that we could stand here again, not because we made so many appearances tonight. It's boring, but because..."

A little self-joking made the guests laugh collectively, and even the arc of Ronan's mouth rose a little again.

"...The Black Keys are very, very good. Although I personally like the "Orange Channel" album very much, I really think the Black Keys will win, and now... Dan, Patrick, sorry..."

Caught off guard.

Without warning.

Ronan choked. Originally, this was supposed to be a joke, but now it spoils the taste because of choking.

In sight, all the crowded guests and spectators in the audience stood, no one sat down. They kept standing and watched the stage and listened to the testimonials. The dazzling golden lights rushed toward them, making the audience seat in front of them a mighty connection. One piece, unable to identify clearly, but still able to feel the raging heat waves on the surface of the skin, and then the emotions poured down like this.

Newcomer of the year. Best rock album. Song of the year. Annual recording.

Ronan, staying calm and calm throughout the whole process, controlled the overall situation with a low-key and humble attitude, firmly grasped the focus of the band, and led the band members to complete a wonderful performance. He did not perform abnormally because of tension, but because of the heat wave of the audience. And dedication to perfect performance.

However, the suppressed and suppressed emotions, without breathing space, the emotions accumulated over and over again, finally broke the bank at the moment of historical creation.

Take a deep breath.

Ronan took a deep breath, suppressed his emotions, and continued, "...Sorry, we are standing here again tonight. Obviously, this should be the ultimate version of a Hollywood fairy tale."

It was another easy ridicule, which once again caused the guests on the scene to chuckle.

"I..." The emotions raged again, and this time Ronan couldn't suppress it. Even if he tried his best, he couldn't control the fuzzy eyes and wet eye sockets. This made Ronan embarrassed and had to lift up. Head, trying to prevent the tears from bursting and collapsing in a physical way.

However, the emotions surging in the chest, brain, and blood vessels left no room for it. Just like this, the mountains whistle and tsunami destroyed all the lines of defense, and then the tears slipped down like this. Once a hole is missing, the flood can no longer be stopped, so that the whole body trembles.

Not only tonight, but also just a musical dream.

Once upon a time, he thought that his life was over like this. When the world lost its voice, when the light of the world gradually dimmed, the surroundings became quiet like this. It seemed that everything slowed down and entered another space, even in the turbulent atmosphere. The crowd of people is still on the sidelines.

How should life continue?

Dream is like the only ray of light in the dark; music refers to the only way for the pin to step closer to the light, and then stumble forward like this, firmly grasping the last straw, It is even impossible to distinguish whether it is because of dreams to regain the courage to survive, or to stubbornly adhere to the impossible dream for survival.

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However, tonight, he is standing on the stage of Staples Field, truly opening the situation with his dreams and opening a door to a whole new world——

It turns out that dreams can really change life; it turns out that music can really dispel darkness; it turns out that life really has more possibilities beyond imagination.

Mixed thoughts and thoughts rushed in his mind, and then Ronan lost his helmet and armor, like a fool, his proud self-control is simply vulnerable at this time, looking down at the album of the year phonograph trophy in his hand. In this way, the mixed emotions of the five flavors are released.

Ronan just stood there stupidly, even if he raised his head to no avail, tears broke through the shackles of his eyes, slid down and burned his cheeks.

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