King of Stage

Chapter 397: Turmoil

Everything tonight is chaotic and fresh. This is the case for the awards ceremony and the midnight party. One day, the king is like Alice in Wonderland, opening a door and entering a new world, but because of the non-stop busyness, As a result, everything around me became glaring, and I had no time to savor it, and I had to move on without touching my feet.

After the award ceremony was over, the king hurried back to the hotel one day, taking a short rest and adjusting for thirty minutes.

To be honest, the band was really under-prepared. Even Atlantic Records did not expect to witness history tonight. It was completely unprepared.

Ahmet-El Tekon was taken aback. The Kings did not expect them to reach such a height when they signed the contract one day. As the award ceremony progressed, one surprise after another, also completely changed. Ahmet's plan, the award ceremony was not over yet, Ahmet flew from New York to Los Angeles on his own private jet.

Obviously, Ahmet also hopes to be able to participate in the carnival tonight-and, for Ahmet, as the helm of Atlantic Records, he sees more than just the Grammy Trophy. It is not only the follow-up plan of King One Day, but also the strategy of the entire company.

Perhaps, they should make full use of this opportunity to further open up the situation, from the market to the network to the industry's right to speak. This is the deep reason why Ahmet made a special trip to Los Angeles.

When the annual album was released, Ahmet learned the news from an altitude of 20,000 feet. One day, the king rewritten the history of Grammys. He also used his personal phone to congratulate the band members for the first time.

"Mr. Elcon, thank you for your willingness to trust us."

This is Ronan's original words.

Yun Danfengqing's words did not solemnly express gratitude and gratitude, but were hidden in ordinary daily conversations, but such words made Ahmet feel the shyness and restraint behind the words, as well as revealing them. Sincere, there is no scent of flattery and flattering fireworks at all.

Ahmet's smile couldn't help but raise--

If Ahmet insisted on his own opinion and had strong decision-making power and refused Ronan to complete the production of this album as a producer, then the album would not be what it is now, even "My Devil". It's not the current version, what will happen to the Grammys?

Behind the king's creation of history in one day, Ahmet's bold adventures are indeed inseparable.

In response, Ahmet also teased Ronan, "So, in the final analysis, are you still complimenting yourself?"

Because Ahmet believes in Ronan's talents, Ronan used his talents to create this album, creating an incredible brilliance tonight.

Facing Ahmet's banter, Ronan didn't have the wit and freedom of "Jimmy Feather Show". He was still a little low-key and restrained in private, "I'm just doing my best."

Ahmet shook his head slightly, "Ronan, this is not the attitude that the biggest hero behind sweeping the four major Grammy awards should have."

Indeed, he should be more confident, at least, he has proven himself.

Even the old-fashioned Ahmet could not predict the direction of the Grammys tonight. The dark horse is so beautiful that it can really be blacked to the end. I am afraid that the entire music industry is half a cat. It is precisely because of this that Atlantic Records has nothing at all. Prepare, there are countless situations that need to be adjusted at a time.

However, a big company is a big company. Even in the face of various accidents, the calmness and control of the overall situation quickly gained a foothold. In less than two hours, it started from scratch and completed quickly. I don’t know the follow-up, and comprehensively revised the follow-up plan tonight.

This also allowed the King to truly experience a superstar treatment for one day.

One day the king returned to the hotel. It was a rest in the name but a rest in reality. They needed to freshen up, remodel, completely change their evening dresses and styles, and attend the midnight party in a brand new posture.

In the past, I only heard a few words from the news and gossip. The top stars who attended the Oscars always did this. One set of dresses for the award ceremony, one set of dresses for the follow-up party, and another set of dresses for private parties. The dress is beyond imagination.

Even if it is just renting dresses and rest makeup, it may cost one hundred thousand dollars a night-this does not include watches, jewelry, etc.

Now, one day the king also ignorantly enjoyed such a treatment, before going to the midnight party, he must re-dress and make his debut.

Not only that, there is no respite for the rest adjustment time. One day, the four members of the king and Alice’s mobile phones have not stopped shaking. The bombardment of text messages and calls continues, even they themselves convey good to family and friends. Calls for news are constantly being disturbed by text messages. It feels like being in an erupting volcanic crater. The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking, and the heat waves are] Pay attention to the public.. Number [Book Friends Base Camp] , I read books every day to get cash/points!

Ronan also talked on the phone with his mother and brother.

However, the time is very short.

"Congratulations." Max had only one sentence, no extra words, and there was silence for a short while, during which you could hear Ronan's phone vibrating continuously, and there was no time for the emotions to ferment, and the emotions were not yet moved. Before it can rise, it has been completely destroyed.

Then Ronan and Max couldn't help but both laughed.

After a turbulent night, the turbulent emotions are just simply being happy, my mind is full of rumblings, my thoughts cannot be sorted out, let alone precipitated, and I have been forced to move forward before I have time to feel it. In addition, the hotel room is always bustling with hustle and bustle. Stylists, hairdressers, makeup artists, and assistants continue to walk back and forth, and there is noisy ears.

There is indeed a sense of joy, not suitable for moving.

"Thanks." Before hanging up the phone, Max said in a low voice, and then hung up directly without waiting for Ronan's response.

In a short sentence, Ronan was slightly stunned.

Although Max said almost nothing, and there was even a brief silence, Ronan could feel Max’s heart surging in the silence, and his thousands of words became long and mixed because of the silence:

Max, always standing behind him, and behind Alice, silently shielded them from wind and rain with his wings, and encouraged them to chase their dreams bravely, but quietly concealed their edges, corners and light, no matter what What happened, he would always stay where he was. When they turned and turned their heads, they could always see Max's figure, and then they knew that he was not alone.

Tonight, the spotlight fell on him, and also on Alice, but no one knew that there was a Max behind them.

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