King of Stage

Chapter 403: gag

It turns out that a mountain still has a high mountain!

Ollie’s laughter is changeable and loud, and it can be called a variety of tricks. He can always transform into different voices and burst out amazing energy; Adele’s laughter is clear and penetrating, and the power released in an instant is like a high pitch. Any stuffy nose or blockage in sewers seems to be able to unclog it.

Ronan thought that Ollie's laughter was the only one in the world, but now it seems that he is still a frog in the bottom of the well, unaware that strange people are everywhere.

Tonight, I met one. Looking at Ollie and Adele standing face to face, Ronan felt a faint pain in his brain. We can't say which one is better or worse. We should say that each has its own merits, but it is certain that when the king meets, Xiao Xiami must Rewind quickly.

The two shocking laughter collided in this way, creating a thrilling and cracking effect. You can clearly feel that the figures on the dance floor are twisting their heads one after another. The eyes are filled with shock and astonishment. The music in the field seems to be willing to bow down.

Ronan felt deeply that his eardrums were undergoing severe tests, and looked at Adele and Ollie, who were laughing at each other, and could only helplessly spread their hands.

After laughing wildly, Adele shook his head at Ronan again and again, as if saying: You are so funny, and then the smile narrowed a little, "I can't guarantee other things, but what is certain is the phonograph trophy. The attention it brings is far beyond imagination, including Coachella."

Ronan's eyebrows slightly raised, and his eyes also showed a touch of meaning.

Adele was the one who came here, and gave a quick suggestion, "Sometimes, you even want to throw your phone in the swimming pool, just hoping to be quiet for a while, so trust me, Coachella will contact you. Otherwise, it will be their loss, and they need to bear the consequences; but no matter what, enjoy your time tonight, the long marathon has finally arrived at a supply station."

Ronan was able to understand the deep meaning of Adele's words in an instant, and he softly stated his understanding, "So, where should the party start tonight?"

Today, it was only the first meeting between Adele and King One Day, and the two sides did not even have much communication. Then Adele gave out his advice-although it was only a suggestion, for some people, it would only I think Adele is nosy like the seven aunts and eight aunts.

As for Ronan, he felt Adele's straightforwardness and boldness, and he was so refreshing to say something, just like a knight in a martial arts novel.

In gratitude, Ronan liked Adele's shamelessness, so he took the initiative to invite Adele, an experienced person, to guide them, maybe, enjoy midnight tonight with Adele. Party is also a fun way to open.

"Wow, where should I start?" Adele's vivid expression became weird again, and he even rubbed his hands eagerly, "Why don't you like fried chicken legs?"

"What?" A big question mark slowly appeared on Ronan's head.

Ollie didn’t know what was happening, but looking at Ronan’s expression, he burst into laughter, and then infected Adele who was standing aside again. As a result...the laughter and the violent bombardment of laughter met again. , Although it is not a landslide, but it is not far away.

At this moment, another figure appeared. He opened his arms all the way and gave Ronan a passionate hug. Then he hugged Adele and Ollie respectively in a state of wild laughter, with some doubts in his eyes. He teased "It looks like the atmosphere is good", then said to Adele "Sorry, I must first congratulate my brother", then looked at Ronan and hugged Ronan for the second time.

After the hug, Bruno stood a little bit backward, lowered the center of gravity, spread his hands, and exaggeratedly expressed joy with a backward pitching posture, "You did it! God, I can’t believe that you did it." **** Christ, can you believe it? Tonight is really wonderful, the Grammy is the Grammy, and it is so!"

Thousands of words of confusion and excitement can not be accurately expressed in a few words, but it is certain that Bruno's joy and happiness are real, as if he was himself who made history tonight.

The words of sighs made Ronan soar with excitement. Between the lines, he could feel Bruno's sincere emotions. A "thank you" was rolling on the tip of his tongue. Without Bruno's appreciation, the king would not have tonight in one day. , Maybe they are still wandering on a certain street now, maybe they have already arrived in Los Angeles and announced the end of their abandonment, and even dare not turn on the TV to watch the Grammys.

However, looking at Bruno's bright expression and bright eyes, the words on the tip of his tongue stopped.

Although a word of "thank you" is the best way to express your mood, a word of "thank you" is also an alienated polite. Ronan always felt that he shouldn't be so polite at this time, so the words whirled on the tip of his tongue and then changed It looked like, "It should be someone who is more authoritative than Grammys, who has foreseen this day long ago."

This is another way of thanking you.

Sure enough, Bruno burst into a big smile on his cheeks, very satisfied with the title of "Bo Le", and immediately cooperated with the performance, raising his jaw high and showing an arrogant gesture, as if he was enjoying the flowers and applause that belonged to him.

Ronan also turned his head to look at Adele very cooperatively and explained, "We got attention as the warm-up guest of Bruno's concert, and then we were able to release the album."

Without waiting for Adele to respond, Bruno couldn't wait to add, "I was also involved in the interview with the record company." It was like a milk doll inviting credit-his height was inferior, so Bruno had to jump up slightly. Only then can he go over Ronan's shoulders and have a conversation with Adele.

Ronan lightly chin his head, "Well, yes, Bruno is the reborn parents of King One Day."

" Adele laughed up to the sky, Bruno also cooperated very well with the performance, and deliberately made a gesture of "I am the only one" enjoying applause.

Seeing Bruno's appearance, Adele relentlessly complained, "Anyone who finds such an excellent band will never miss it easily, unless the ear is deaf."

Ronan and Ollie exchanged a glance, Bruno also looked over, the three exchanged a glance, and a meaningful smile appeared in their eyes at the same time, and then they all laughed together.

Adele didn't know why—obviously, she hadn't heard the rumors about King One Day, and naturally she didn't know the past of King One Day and Scout.

Seeing Adele's confused face, Ronan agreed with a smile, "I think so too, although in this way, there seem to be too many disabled people whose ears can't appreciate the beauty of music."

"Hahahaha", this time, all four of them laughed. The power of Ollie and Adele was so fierce that everyone around them all looked over and couldn't help but began to wonder what happened in that corner.

The atmosphere is very lively.

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