King of Stage

Chapter 407: Go wrong

There are no idiots in Vanity Fair's social occasions, because the real idiots will soon be swallowed by this virgin forest, and even the bones will not be left.

If Scout still thinks Ronan is a brash or fool who runs rampant without strategy or strategy, then he may be about to stumble.

"I think there should be some misunderstanding between us."

As Scout said so, he quickly gained a foothold and restored his usual calmness and composure. He looked at Simon and Bruno as if he was seeking their consent.

"I am a friendly person, but at the same time a vicious person. At the professional level, I always give objective opinions, hoping to help musicians get on the right track. Of course, these opinions may hurt people without any whitewashing. It means peace, but the essence is kindness."

There is something in the words, which is obviously to say that Ronan misunderstood the words and intentions of Scout when we first met, but the real brilliance of Scout lies in the fact that he never opened the skylight to speak brightly, and kept a covert attitude for himself. Room for

He still did not admit anything, did not admit that he had met the King One Day, and did not admit that it was him who spread negative rumors before the Grammys.

But for the person involved, it is easy to enter the situation and assume that Scout has admitted everything. In a multi-party dialogue, such "illusion deviations" can bring unexpected effects: Ronan may be anxiously tit-for-tat, or even explain, Scout finds loopholes, distorts facts or fabricates the truth, unknown to Simon and Bruno also became an objective third-party witness.

Dialogue, you come and I come and go too quickly, a little carelessness may make mistakes, anyone is like this, but the experienced Skurt is based on this, he can naturally have the upper hand, just As it is now, he throws bait calmly and creates traps skillfully.

"I always hope to help more musicians realize their dreams, but often, my honesty has caused countless misunderstandings and ultimately failed."

Scout gave Ronan a meaningful look, and then said to Simon, "Artists always carry pride that we can't understand."

At the end of the round and round, the words are simply summed up as:

He wanted to help King One Day, but King One day pretended to misunderstand the good intentions, so he gave up the opportunity violently. Invisibly, it coincides with the rumors before the Grammys. Maybe the facts are slightly off, but the overall direction is the same.

Defend himself, dig pits for Ronan, and pave the way for rumors.

In just an instant, Scout has completed a series of tasks, and it must be said that he is indeed clever.

Simon secretly sweated for Ronan. As the CEO of a public relations company, he could see the intricacies behind things at a glance. However, Simon was also a bystander. He didn't know the story between Ronan and Scout, even if Aware of Scout’s intention to create a trap, he shouldn’t say anything rashly, otherwise he would be disastrous, and even become Scout’s handle for a slap in the face.

For example, Ronan and Simon teamed up to frame Scout.

Therefore, Simon can only watch the changes and see what is going on. At this time, static braking is a better way.

It depends on Ronan's response.

Like Scout, Simon looked at Ronan with a smile on his face.

"Ah...misunderstanding, maybe."

Ronan’s smile bloomed again and raised his chin slightly. The slightly flashing eyes looked very relaxed. He never let go of his right hand and squeezed a little harder, but it was not for the demonstration but to emphasize the reminder, and his eyes never left. Scout, locked intently.

"Then, after going home tonight, I'd better watch that video again, awaken my memories, confirm the ins and outs of that day, and see what happened, whether Mr. Braun really considers our band, mine Does the memory produce unnecessary deviations?"


Wait, what!

Where is there such a thing, the ultimate killer is just thrown out straightforwardly, there is no mystery, no pretending to be a ghost, no secrets hidden, no undercurrents, nothing, just show the cards directly? Does Ronan understand strategy? Isn't Ronan worried that he perceives the existence of the evidence, and will act as a ruthless hand? Didn't Ronan know that after showing his hole cards, he would lose his advantage?

Is this clever or stupid?

This... this, this, what and what!

It's messed up! It's all messed up!

Scout was completely disrupted, and the calm and calmness that was finally recovered became a mess again. Ronan's uneasy behavior of playing cards ruined and disrupted the situation, and Scout's ridicule and sarcasm were all impacted. It was so messy that there was a short pause in the brain.

what happened? How to do? Wait, what's the matter?

Skurt reflexively wanted to react, but the familiar feeling emerged again—


Ronan gave a faint smile. Just when Scout was about to speak, he turned his head and looked to the other side. An action formed an interrupting effect, causing Scout's words to come to a halt. , Watching the arc of Ronan's lightly upward mouth, his throat began to itch.

“On the road of our band’s tour, we used cameras to record the story of the tour, not only the performance on the stage, but also the daily life, including those accidents, which will be regularly updated in the tubing every week. I am ready to make a memorial, and it seems to be a reminder now.

The meaningful speech machine front is not inferior to Scout. It seems that he didn't say anything, but he said nothing. Now Scout is about to misunderstand that the evidence has been published on the tubing——

Although Skurt tried his best to control his expression his face did not change much, and he still looked calm and steady, but the slight flashing eyes still exposed the surging of his heart, his thoughts were full of thoughts, and it took just a second. There have been countless thoughts flashing through it, and I can't wait to eat Ronan's flesh and blood directly.

in case! If the evidence has been announced or even stored, Ronan is indeed confident, and Scout has fallen into a desperate situation.

But but! Where did things go wrong? He clearly did not make any mistakes, why is he now facing a dilemma?

In the first meeting, he did not make a mistake. In the face of such a mediocre unknown person, he just gave the truest opinion-"reality" should not be a mistake, even if the result is not good, he always I don't think I've done something wrong, this is his job in the first place.

So, what is going on now? How did things develop so far?

He is not wrong, but needs to bear the consequences?


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