King of Stage

Chapter 420: 2 fighting fish

If this is a movie or a stage play, Taylor Swift now wants to leave the scene-

What is the plot direction of this?

In a daze, Taylor was also abducted into the ditch. It was obvious that she should also be an actor in this play, but now she is a bystander outsider, looking at the two people close at hand, feeling restless and worrying about gains and losses. While cursing "what the **** is going on with the screenwriter", I can't help but look forward to the follow-up plot.

Who knows, how did the conversation get to this point? Before discussing tonight’s performance, what was their conversation, isn’t it in evening dresses? So, how do you build a bridge between evening dress and performance evaluation?

Even if I watched the whole process, people couldn't help wondering whether I missed the level of the plot, and my mind was full of question marks.

So, how would Alena comment on tonight's performance?

"Can you bear the truth?"

Alena’s words are still like a cactus, with tiny spikes piercing through it. Whether facing Taylor, Ronan, or other people, it has never changed. The pride and stubbornness in her bones have sharp edges and corners, any point. Collision may cause conflict.

Ronan, face calmly.

Alena received the eye signal without any hesitation. Since Ronan wanted the truth, she gave the truth, "I like it, but I won’t give full marks. This is an eighty-point stage, and there are many more. There is room for improvement. Obviously, the King of One Day cannot be said to be a legend."

Eighty points?

Eighty points!

Tyler only felt that he was about to be overwhelmed by the question mark. The best of the audience tonight is the King of One Day. There is no doubt that he is amazing and wonderful, and truly explains the meaning of the shining debut, so that all The audience felt the charm of this band. Even if it was a dark horse to win the four major comprehensive awards, it seemed not so incredible. The live performance that shocked the audience played an important role.

However, in Alena's eyes, there are only eighty points? What, eighty points?

Wait, if the king only has eighty points a day, what about other singers' performances? So... what about yourself?

Taylor felt that he was under attack.

However, Ronan thought it was very reasonable. He pursed his mouth and gently chins his head. "We are not a legend. Tonight is just a starting point."

As for the rating, Ronan did not comment. In his own opinion, Ronan is very satisfied with the live performance on stage tonight, but he will not put it into his mouth. Even if Alena’s rating is slightly lower than expected, he will Accept with an humility, this is also a reminder to remind the band not to be arrogant, they still have room for improvement, don't really think that they are invincible because of the applause of the audience or the Grammy Awards.

Alena was able to taste the subtle and deep meanings from Ronan's words, her eyebrows raised slightly, although she did not speak, the meaning conveyed by her eyes could not be clearer:

So humble?

The corners of Ronan’s mouth rose slightly, without saying anything, but turning his head to look at Taylor, as if he finally realized that there are audiences, "Sorry, we are used to this way of getting along, you come to me. The past debates are all aimed at completing a better stage."

The fourth wall of the "movie screen" was finally broken. Taylor evolved from a bystander to a participant. He was in a trance for a while, and then smiled again, but the slightly empty smile revealed a little loneliness, "Of course, we are all like this. Concentrate and go all out, hoping to create a perfect stage."

When he said these words, Taylor always felt that Alena was watching him, and then the keyword "eighty points" was constantly circling in his mind.

I feel a little frustrated, but also a little annoyed.

"But your relationship is indeed... special." Tyler's eyes flowed between Ronan and Alena, "like a fighting fish."

Betta fish is a very special species of ornamental fish, named because of its aggressive nature.

Before Ronan spoke, Alena looked at Tyler, calmly, and said unhurriedly, "Do you know when fighting fish will go to war?"

Taylor was stunned again-she only knew one thing. Betta is a very aggressive kind of aquarium fish. Once a battle starts, you must decide the outcome; but the other is not knowing why the fighting fish should go to war and when. All this extended knowledge was blank, so that Taylor was a little panicked.

But what kind of reaction is this? What is going on with Alena's brain circuit? How did it expand from a familiar metaphor?

Taylor was speechless, she felt as if she had been humiliated.

"Bettas are small fish of the Perciformes family Perchidae. Once the males enter the estrus/estrus/period, they will start to surface and inhale, spit bubbles and build nests under the water plants. After the construction of the home is over, it will Woo the female fish with fierce means." Alena conducts science popularization in a peaceful and professional tone, just like Discovery Channel.

So, is it now in the popular science documentary mode?

But Alena didn't mean to be joking, she was very serious.

"Betta fish have very strict requirements for their spouses. They must be happy and cooperate with each other. If one of them is unhappy, or there is a difference in body shape, then serious consequences will occur, and at least they will not be able to successfully complete the mating/mating. In severe cases, both sides may suffer loss or fight to death."

It turns out that betta fish is like this?

Tyler's mind did not know how many times it fell into a short pause tonight, and then his eyes moved back and forth between Ronan and Alena.

At this time, Ronan stared at Alena, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "So, the fighting fish is a romantic to death animal. I believe that there is a true soul mate. Only when the two are happy can they collide with each other. Respond, otherwise, I'd rather lose and lose until death, is that right?"

Alena also looked at, her face was calm, without any special emotions, but the crystal clear eyes could clearly reflect Ronan’s face, "I wouldn’t use such a perceptual way. Interpretation, but the inner meaning is the same, they believe that they can find their own uniqueness."

"The matter of interpreting love is perceptual." Luo Nan pursed the corner of his mouth.

Alena’s eyes are clear, "But love itself can also be interpreted rationally. It is actually dopamine secreted by the brain. This is a chemical substance that releases enough energy to keep the mood happy. Chocolate can also achieve the same effect. This is not romantic."

"Oh, you mean, between love and chocolate, you would choose chocolate." Ronan lifted his jaw slightly, a hint of joke in his eyes.

Alena was unmoved, "You are secretly changing concepts. Maybe, you should take logic again."

The back-and-forth dialogue still maintained the momentum of tit-for-tat and non-compliance, and the serious words seemed to be discussing professional issues.

However, Taylor is able to feel the subtlety and abnormality of the airflow. How should that feeling be described? It's a fighting fish.

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