King of Stage

Chapter 422: Coldplay

Among the dense and turbulent crowd, Ronan walked in an orderly manner, politely responding to the jaws of the crowd who said hello, but he never slowed down, and then he saw Maksim's figure, but Maksim With his back to Ronan, the two could not exchange their sights at this time, and Ronan still didn't understand what had happened.

It was not until he got closer that Ronan noticed that Maxim was not alone, and there was a strange but familiar face in front of him:

Chris-Martin, the lead singer of Coldplay.

There is no doubt that Coldplay is one of the most influential and popular top rock bands in the past ten years. This British band needs awards and popularity. The handsome and handsome lead singer Chris has become countless girls. The dream lover of, and he also married Gwyeh-Paltrow (Gwyeh-Paltrow), the famous blonde beauty in Hollywood, and he was envious of others.

Tonight, Coldplay also took the stage and gave a wonderful performance. It is not surprising to meet at the midnight party at this time, but...

"Ah! Ronan Cooper!"

Without waiting for Ronan to say hello, Chris stood up quickly and hugged Ronan with a swoop. Ronan reflexively wanted to avoid him, but worried that Chris would rush to the street and forcibly hold back. After the urge to retreat, he was firmly gripped by Chris.

This is really... caught off guard.


Ronan exclaimed as soon as he reacted. Chris seemed to be drunk, his knees could not exert force, and he did not stand firmly. After hugging Ronan, he completely lost his center of gravity, and his whole body weight fell unreservedly. As for Ronan, he lost his balance and staggered.

His right leg quickly stepped back half a step, his feet spread out to support the ground like a compass, swaying barely supporting Chris' body, holding a breath in his chest, only having time to shout, "Maxim! "Then he continued to hold his breath and tried his best to support his body.

Fortunately, Ronan has long hands and long feet, thin body but strong muscles, barely supporting him for a moment. After Maxim’s help, he found his center of gravity again before he fell out of control. The two hurriedly supported Chris. Even more embarrassed before controlling the situation, could not help sweating profusely.

At this time, Chris was also slightly awake. He was not completely drunk. He was only drunk. His hazy eyes flashed with joy and joy. Then he looked at Ronan and laughed happily, "Oh, sorry, I I don’t know why my legs are weak. I’m really embarrassed.”

The heartless smile is like a big golden retriever. Chris is usually a big urchin, and now it's even more so after the alcohol is on his head. He laughs like they are old friends who have known each other for many years, but Ronan I swear, this is the first time they have met—

I didn't even meet at the Grammy Awards tonight.

Ronan is full of question marks now, and he doesn't understand what happened. The only thing he can do is to turn his head and look at Maxim and ask questions with his eyes:

what happened?

Maxim is also very embarrassed, and Chris is right in front of him; he has no way to explain in detail, he can only say with a smile, "Chris said that he hopes that we can work together for a performance. He likes us very much. The stage tonight."

Isn't this a polite remark in social situations? Why is Maxim taking it seriously?

Moreover, even if Chris was serious, Maxim didn't need to call Ronan over, as if the situation was urgent, he could handle it himself.

Maxime winked at Ronan, trying to imply something, but Ronan was just full of question marks and didn't understand what Maxim was implying at all.

"Ha!" Chris seemed to hear Maxim's words, laughed, and then took the initiative to explain, "I am me, I strongly request to see if Ronan Cooper has three heads and six arms, because everyone says you He is a genius, and I can still make history at the Grammys tonight. I also want to see what a genius looks like."

Is it a compliment or a satire?

Even Ronan couldn’t make the distinction. The only certainty was: Chris really drank, and the sloppy, unobstructed words and expressions lost the meaning of judgment; however, Chris was always smiling. Just treat these words as a compliment.

"The person who can create an album like'X&Y' is definitely a genius." Ronan did not respond positively to Chris, but complimented him back.

"X&Y" is the third studio album of Coldplay. It encountered the first bottleneck period after the emergence of Coldplay. It hung low-key for a whole year and produced this album. The final album became the 2005 album. The year-end global sales champion swept 8.3 million sales in a natural year.

This is also a piece of work that established the reputation of the Coldplay team. Before that, their style was too popular and too chicken soup, and they were always considered to be rock and roll outliers. Despite the positive response from the public, people in the industry have never caught a cold. The "X&Y" album became a turning point-although industry insiders still believe that Coldplay is not a real rock, they have begun to face up to the different styles brought by this band.

The following year, the album won three nominations for Best Rock Band, Best Rock Album and Best Rock Song in the Grammys. Although it did not win an award, it was still highly recognized.

"Haha." Chris laughed happily. "So are we now in the stage of polite and mutual praise? Ah, Ronan, a little disappointed. I thought you were different from those boring Hollywood people. Dare tonight. It’s a kind of courage to perform the song "Falling apart". Alas, alas, disappointing."

Facing Chris’s unreasonable Ronan didn’t mind, spreading his hands, “I’ve been arrogant on the stage, and I must **** my tail under the stage to be a man. Otherwise, it’s too offensive. If there are many people, I don’t know if we can still see the sun tomorrow."

"Hahahaha." Chris burst into laughter happily, but he smiled, his eyes filled with tears, his eyes were distraught, and he looked at Ronan sentimentally, "Do you also think'X&Y' is a masterpiece?" I think so too...Me too..." While talking, Chris covered his face and started whimpering.


Ronan turned to look at Maxim, caught off guard, and then he could see a little helplessness in Maxim's eyes, as if to say, now you know why I asked for help?

"Where's Gwyneth Paltrow?" Ronan asked with his mouth. They were really unfamiliar with Chris, and they didn't even count as a nodding acquaintance. Such a situation is really tricky, shouldn't it be K. Does Reese's wife come to deal with it? Gwyneth should also be in a corner of the midnight party now, how should they ask for help?

Maxim shook his head, spread his hands, and said with his mouth, "I don't know."

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