King of Stage

Chapter 424: gentleman

Looking at the unwilling Maxim, Ronan didn’t have time to complain, because seeing Chris was about to be unable to stand up, his drunkenness seemed to be getting worse and worse. When he first met, he seemed to be energetic, but After a brief conversation, I almost fell asleep, and the whole situation is developing in the absurd and more absurd direction.

And Ronan still couldn't find a solution, which made him feel a little funny——

He and Chris did not even formally introduce themselves and exchange names, and then things went rampant like a derailed train. Unidentified bystanders thought they were best friends who had known each other for many years.

At this point, it is obvious that the surrounding eyes are surging quietly. Obviously, people are speculating that in addition to the well-known Bruno, the King and Coldplay have a personal relationship with each other. This dark horse band The network of people is more powerful than expected, but why haven’t you heard of it before?

I only heard that a lot of top superstars endorsed Frank Ocean, but I didn't see that the king had any friends in the industry.

Moreover, the most absurd thing is that there are a lot of people who know Chris on the spot, and there are countless people who know Chris better than Ronan, but no one has come up.

Watching Chris drunk and almost unsteady, Ronan and Maxim were at a loss, but no one came out to ask what was going on.

To be more precise, it shouldn't matter to anyone. After all, there are people who are crazier and more promiscuous than Chris at the midnight party. At this level, Chris is just sprinkling water.

Among the colorful neon, it is noisy, but also indifferent.

But Ronan does not have time to pay attention to these times now, because Chris has slowly become a hot potato——

What if Chris is really drunk but cannot find Gwyneth? Are they really going to take Chris back to the hotel?

Is this sure there is no problem?

"I'm fine, don't worry, I'm fine." I don't know if Chris heard Ronan and Maxim's conversation, his voice suddenly became louder, and he complained solemnly, but the vague words showed The other face seemed to be completely drunk.

Then, the savior finally appeared.

"Chris! God! Chris!"

A middle-aged man with dark brown hair and a bushy goatee appeared on the stage. He looked at Chris in disbelief, stepped forward quickly, hurriedly looked at Ronan and Maxim, and asked anxiously.

"What happened."

Maxim took the initiative to say, "He poured three glasses of whiskey in a row, doubled."

The goatee patted his forehead heavily, "Will? Will should follow Chris tonight! God!"

Will-Chapin (Will-), the drummer of Coldplay.

Although the goatee's words were interrogative, he obviously did not expect to get an answer. Looking at Maxim's face full of confusion, he reacted, "Sorry, sorry, sorry, I'm really too rude, I'm Fei. Er, Phil-Harvey, band manager."

The goatee simply introduced himself, but didn't have time to shake hands and greet him. Seeing Chris, who was barely standing on Ronan, he could only shake his head again and again, his frowning brows could see the troubles of a splitting headache. Mumbled "I knew I shouldn't come tonight, I knew", and then took the initiative to try to take Chris from Ronan, so that Ronan could be free.

But this Phil looked really thin and weak, and the wrinkles on his forehead also exposed the traces of growth rings. He couldn't bear Chris' weight at all, but he was messing up.

Ronan stopped Phil, "Sorry, are you the manager of Coldplay? Do you have a business card?"

Because it was an unfamiliar face, and considering that Chris had gradually become confused at this time and had not spoken for two minutes before and after, Ronan felt that he still needed to be more cautious.

Phil looked at Ronan blankly, dumbfounded, "I..." the more ridiculous he thought about it, but he calmed down quickly, "Ronan, I am the manager of the Coldplay team, believe me, no one would think It’s going to hurt Chris, and it’s a midnight party, not anyone can show up."

"I know, but the situation is special right now, isn't it?" Ronan bowed his head and gestured to Chris, who was mumbling to himself in an alien language. No more languages ​​would be enough.

Ronan wouldn’t say much if he was a bystander. After all, it’s not his own business and he doesn’t want to be nosy; but now Cliff is by his side, he can’t give Chris to a stranger. , If something happens, he will also have conscience uneasy.

"I know, I know all." Phil is completely understandable, and even faintly moved--

This is Vanity Fair. It’s not bad to tell the paparazzi to come and take pictures or leave evidence. It is a luxury to look forward to the righteous man who will take the initiative to help.

Mingzhe’s indifference is a law of getting along, and it’s also a kind of politeness. In the event of an unexpected situation, the agents, managers, assistants, family and friends around the artist will come out to help, and outsiders will not be able to interfere, so I just stand by. Not a bad thing.

It seems that now, Phil hopes that Ronan will not be nosy, and he can save trouble and take Chris to leave the midnight party quickly.

Phil was a little bit dumbfounded, calmed a little bit, and then explained, "Ronan, I am indeed the manager of the Coldplay team, but I don’t have a business card, but Chris’ current situation can’t be ignored. Let’s be rational. Although Chris is very sexual, he is not Leonardo DiCaprio."

"Hahaha." Maxim laughed directly.

But then Maxim realized that it was not the best time to laugh, so he cleared his cough and concealed his emotions.

Ronan's eyes also showed a smile, but he still insisted, "At least You should prove something, Phil, your name is Phil, right? You should understand what I mean. Tonight, it’s just the first meeting between Chris and I. I don’t want this first meeting to lead to an unpredictable result. Losing a partner is a trivial matter, and losing a potential friend is the most regrettable thing."

"Ah..." Phil was stunned, speechless, just let out a sigh.

Although Phil thought the situation at this moment was too ridiculous and funny, he couldn't refute it upright.

What should I do?

In a state of panic, Phil did not think of a better solution for a while.

Fortunately, the midnight party is full of people coming and going. The gossip rumors are always the fastest to spread. This is how Phil rushed over, and soon another member of the Coldplay team rushed over.

"Jesus Christ!"

Before the footsteps arrived, the voice had arrived, and then Phil grabbed the shoulders of the incoming person, "Will, where have you been? Didn't you let you follow Chris?"

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