King of Stage

Chapter 429: Tiptoe

Reason should stop emotion; reason should control emotion; reason should block emotion... Isn't it?

But why, the more sensible, the more impulsive, the more sensible, the hotter, the more sensible, the more awake-soberly feel the heat wave surging in the chest, all the constraints of all the frameworks and all the worries are all Forget about it, only one idea has an overwhelming advantage.

So, shouldn't reason and emotion be two contradictory things?

Why is it not so now?

Reason tells Alena that she should leave, just turn around, maybe the two sides can continue to maintain a friendship and get along like friends.

In fact, Alena also took a step, but instead of turning around and leaving, she walked a small step forward to bring the two people closer together again.

The shortened distance compressed the air, the sound of the heartbeat became clear, and the nose rushing over became hot. They could even clearly see every detail on each other's cheeks, and the light and soft moonlight fell on the skin. On the surface, the fine hairs are outlined, and it seems that every subtle change in facial expression can be seen.

The undercurrent is surging.

"No one needs to know anything."

Alena spoke. She could hear her own voice, but it was like another stranger's words, like a devil's whisper.

Alena lifted her gaze and looked up at Ronan’s eyes. Her ears were near Ronan’s chest. He could clearly and accurately hear the sound of the heart hitting hard, even accompanied by echoes, as if being in a canyon. , The looming sound surrounded him.

Even with that, Alena also became nervous, lest she expose her true emotions, she could not help holding her breath, but the beating heart was still gushing in her chest, and before she realized her, her body was already leaning forward uncontrollably. , The tight muscles pulled on the last rope to prevent him from completely losing control.

The eyes are so clear and so hot.

Ronan tried to say something, but found that at this moment, any words were so pale and weak. After the brain was blank, the words disappeared, but he concentrated his gaze deeply and focused on those dark eyes. Above, it was like a deep pool, but under the deep and deep water surface, I saw the turbulent undercurrent tumbling.

It's dazzling.

Gradually, all thoughts, all thoughts, and all worries disappeared, only the instinct/energy of the inner surging is driving, and then the blood gurgled and boiled, subconsciously swallowing a mouthful of saliva, trying to relieve the dry and smoking throat, but to no avail. The adrenaline began to gush out.


If there is a breath like nothing, it will be entangled in this way, loomingly pulling the body close, involuntarily approaching the hot heat.

Get closer.

Alena stood on her toes little by little, trying to get close to the warm and shining sun. Then, her forehead and forehead collided gently, and her nose was rubbed lightly. The slight coolness mixed into the hot to hot. Amidst the waves of breath, I couldn't help but tremble slightly, and the goose bumps instantly covered the entire back, but the trembling taste was so beautiful that people couldn't help but want to continue to taste.

The gaze lifted, the scorching and scorching gazes were like tango, entanglement, exploration, confrontation, and intimacy, pulling and pulling closer and closer.

Then, the softness and the softness touched together like this, the thrilling moment of the moment was completely immersed, the sweet and beautiful fragrance bloomed with rosy light, and I fell in love with this taste uncontrollably and tried to explore the touch with the tip of my tongue. Delicate and rich sweetness, just like this.



The heart hit the heart, so fierce and so excited, that the chest began to ache, deep into each other's softness, unable to extricate itself.

Until the breathing began to swift, this reluctantly parted, but the two did not open their eyes, but breathed with their foreheads against their foreheads. The hot and scorching air surging between each other, faintly able to catch them. The two scents are entwined together, the dry pine fragrance and the light orchid fragrance slowly penetrate into each other, generating a fierce chemical reaction, and spreading in a narrow space.



Both of them were breathing in big mouths, and even the sound of breathing was warm, causing their ears to start to burn, and they almost burned their chests.

Then, he came back to his senses slowly and slowly, reluctantly pulled a little distance away, and the line of sight became clear again, the condensed focus fell on the face in front of him, but the close distance made each other a little burden. , Shuangshuang looked away, immersed in his thoughts and savored.

As hard as they can, both of them are keeping poker faces, not daring to reveal their true thoughts easily, but the eagerness in their eyes and corners of the mouth is still hard to hide. They can't help but use their gaze to explore each other's expressions, cautiously tentatively, one He accidentally collided with the opponent's line of sight, and quickly retracted like an electric shock, but after all he could not control it, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Alena raised her gaze again. Because of the height difference, her gaze fell on Ronan’s lips again. She couldn't help but bit her lips gently, as if she was recalling the soft touch and sweet taste in her mind. There was a slight laughter in his throat, "Just... it felt wonderful."

After finishing speaking, Alena did not hold back after all. She lowered her head and could not conceal the uplifted corners of her mouth. Happiness overflowed Ronan's smile on the corners of the mouth also rose up, slightly nervous. Slightly worried, he put his wings in and soared, but worried that his smile was too obvious and direct, he quickly pulled the corner of his mouth, and asked in a serious manner, "What's wrong? What are you laughing at?"

"No." Alena reflexively denied that even though she tried her best to control her, her smile still overflowed from the corners of her mouth to the bottom of her eyes, and she was surrounded by the warm current of happiness, which made her feel a little confused and even stepped. Swinging on the spot, the right calf couldn't help but want to kick back.

The cramped and shy appearance made Ronan both funny and sweet, and he chuckles, "You act as if you have never kissed before."

Ronan also became shy and cautious, scratching his head awkwardly, and then realized that the hairspray on the hairstyle was a little stiff, only then realized that he had better not spoil the hairstyle, and quickly put his right hand down, but fiddled with him at a loss. Small unconscious movements can see the inner surging.

Faced with Ronan’s ridicule, Alena became more shy and restrained. She couldn't see her bold and direct appearance before, and her smile opened completely, avoiding Ronan’s sight, stiffening her neck and emphasizing, “Because I have never seen it before. ."

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