King of Stage

Chapter 435: Approachable

Paparazzi, can you be regarded as a reporter?

Counting, not counting, in fact, paparazzi themselves have the attributes of journalists, but they are more entertaining, more commercial, and at the same time more unscrupulous, breaking the professional ethics of journalists, and being surrounded by an atmosphere of entertainment to death, which also makes The paparazzi separated from the ranks of reporters and formed a separate system.

As for the "rat shit" in the paparazzi team, it is a special case. After all, this is the case in all walks of life, and there may be more or less saboteurs who break the rules of the industry.

The same is true for Justin Dalton. Although the incident happened suddenly and bit his scalp into battle, as a paparazzi, he also gave full play to the ability of a reporter. Questions one after another, layered questioning methods added enough pressure. Attempt to forcibly disrupt Ronan's rhythm and defense.

But the problem is that there is too little information about King One Day. Whether it is a reporter or a paparazzi, they are facing the band for the first time after the awards ceremony tonight. They are currently in a state of lack of information, so Justin It’s difficult to find the focus of the question.

There is momentum, and there are methods; but without the support of data, it is difficult to achieve results when attacking like a headless fly.

Moreover, after becoming a paparazzi, Justin really hasn’t interviewed for a long, long time. The usual pace of life has become accustomed to the "private investigator" mode, and he has found the most appropriate position in the game of interests to achieve his goals. Interview skills have been rusty. Without the ability to capture key details between the lines, pressing questioning makes it difficult to truly grasp the lifeblood and launch a fatal blow.

In addition, even in the process of questioning, Justin couldn’t help feeling ridiculous. He couldn’t believe that he was really "interviewing" Ronan, and his divergent thinking would inevitably fall into some limitations and aggressiveness. Questions control the rhythm and momentum, but the content will inevitably be empty.

Despite this, Justin still made some attempts, such as "What is the most impressive thing that happened at the party tonight", such as "Who is the most impressed person tonight", etc., trying to find clues, but this question is for Ronan. In terms of it, there is really no offensive power, so I can deal with it lightly——

And it's all truthful.

There is no need to lie and fool. Ronan can deal with it with only his art of speaking. Justin’s attacks are both rushing and rushing, while Ronan is always immobile, and he can eliminate all attacks invisible by underestimating them. In the past confrontation, Ronan's old manners can be felt more and more.

Sure enough, Justin was unable to dig out any information, and could not help but feel a sense of powerlessness. That feeling is like in the cartoon "Cat and Mouse". Tom meets Jerry. It is obvious that the cat should have the upper hand, but the mouse controls it. Between the palms.

Justin thought he was a very failed cat.

Out of sight, he glanced at Ronan through the rearview mirror. Justin was surrounded by a deep sense of frustration. He had clearly seized the opportunity but he still didn’t seize any exclusive or explosive points. His mind even surfaced. An impulsive thought, "What if I cause a car accident"——

If this is the case, it will definitely be on the front page tomorrow.

"The tragedy of Princess Diana repeats itself."

"The secret behind Ronan Cooper's private paparazzi car."

"The blockbuster Ronan and the paparazzi on the Grammys staged'Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion'!"

"Behind the car accident: Is there a Brokeback Mountain in Ronan Cooper's heart?"

"Tragedy! The night that swept the Grammys was full of joy and tragedy!"

Just a thought, different interpretations from different perspectives can emerge in my mind. I am afraid that the entire North American entertainment news will be a sensation, just like the tragedy of the British royal family, Princess Diana, who suffered a car accident because of the chasing of the paparazzi. Unlimited interpretation possibilities.

Until now, the car accident is not an accident but a speculation of murder, and it has not been truly denied.

But...Although the idea of ​​man-made car accidents has sprouted, Justin still has his own bottom line. "Entertaining to death" is not really risking with his own life. He still forcibly suppresses this idea, cleans up his attention, and continues to work. While asking questions, look for a breakthrough.

However, the ten questions are less than imagined, and the opportunities are limited. In a blink of an eye, only the last of the ten questions is left. It seems that a flower can't be changed. Justin, who is in a state of half abandonment, casually raised it. The last question is a bit sloppy.

"Which one has the most special significance after winning five Grammy trophies tonight?"

This is not a paparazzi question, but a reporter question, and it is also an interview with reporters-because there is no hot spot at all, it is just an exploration of the mental process, and the problem lies here. The paparazzi does not care about the mental process of public figures at all.

Unexpectedly, Ronan, who replied fluently and fluently in the front, quieted down a bit, which surprised Justin a bit, and Ronan gave a slightly unexpected answer.

"Song of the Year."

Justin was puzzled, but Ronan offered an explanation.

"Actually, our band is always at a loss and always exploring. You know, when we are confused, we are often willing to try and see everything. The same is true for us, exploring in different styles and types. To be honest, we don’t have the confidence— -Because we have never succeeded."

Ronan still had a smile on his mouth, but there was a little loneliness and confusion added to his smile, as if he could see the state of anxiety before the Grammys.

Justin’s gaze drifted slightly towards The approachable smile was like the warm winter sun, and the barrier between paparazzi and artist disappeared, as if... just two friends chatting at close range .

Although there is still a voice in Justin's heart, this is a trap, Ronan’s trap, he is a paparazzi, he needs to continue to be sharp, and any topic needs to dig a gap; but Justin listened quietly to Ronan. His words deny this idea.

"Even if we create the entire album, we still have self-questioning in our hearts. Obviously we are not a rock band with confidence in the traditional impression. Tonight, to be able to get the affirmation of the song of the year is more of a direction Affirmation-we should believe in our inspiration."

There are not too many ups and downs behind the calm words, but Justin can’t help but think of Ollie’s disorganized appearance at the awards ceremony tonight, when receiving the song of the year, and the not-so-clearly organized acceptance speech presented precisely. It is the truest emotions and thoughts, which now coincide with Ronan's words, and can faintly paint a picture of the story.

Justin seemed to be able to see the picture, but the picture was so blurry that he couldn't see the specific contour lines clearly. This feeling was really scratching.

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