King of Stage

Chapter 453: 1 hit the nail on the head

The chaotic scene that was on the verge of breaking out completely changed the situation because of Ronan’s light words. Not to mention the security and reporters. Even Alice was shocked and warned Ronan with her eyes, just because of Ronan’s words. Otherwise, it may break their principles.

The interview is not a problem; the protests and complaints of the reporters are the problem.

Ronan turned his back to Alice and didn’t notice Alice’s expression, but he knew what he was doing. It is very important to determine the rules to draw the bottom line, but it’s also very important to express kindness and release kindness——

One day the king has just emerged. If he is now inhumanely cut off all possibilities, then the media reporters only need to downplay a sentence of "inhumanity" and "no one in the eye" to leave a stain on the king's name for a day. After all, they are newcomers, and now they don’t have any foundation to speak of. It is not difficult for reporters to bury the king for a day in a way that three people become tigers.

Therefore, it is important to maintain principles, but it is more important to keep a proper balance.

Ronan gave the other party a chance to have a problem, instead of directly shooting to death in cold blood. What's more, this is the first time Ronan has encountered such a dramatic scene. It is inevitable that it is somewhat novel, as if... he has become Hollywood. Like the protagonist in the movie, plus the chubby "kung fu superstar" next to him, the sense of the movie is even more obvious. It is also quite interesting to relax and enjoy it.

After the reporter was overjoyed, he couldn't help but froze again. One question? What can one problem do? What problem can hit the nail on the head? How to condense ten questions into one question and strike out? A question may seem like a life-saving straw, but it is not as good as none.

However, it would be a pity to give up like this. So, how should we seize the opportunity?

In a daze, the reporter paused for a while, and his brain quickly turned, trying to find the best problem in the shortest time possible, so that he could not make a sound at the first time. As a result, Ronan threw a question against the subject.

"What media are you from?"

The reporter was still immersed in his thoughts, but replied in an instinctive way, "'U.S. Weekly.'"

"Oh, Hollywood!" Ronan exclaimed--

"U.S. Weekly" is an entertainment magazine with the same name as "Entertainment Weekly". The market competition between the two parties is very fierce. As a result, "Entertainment Weekly" got the cover of One Day King. Naturally, "U.S. Weekly" is in a hurry. I am afraid that the editor-in-chief is also down. Death orders, while issuing military orders to ask reporters to find a way, while preparing for the other hand, looking for more topical characters to serve as the cover to fight against.

As a result, the camouflage of the camouflage uniforms came into play, and even the cheeks were painted with oil, I have to say that they are very dedicated.

Ronan asked immediately, "What is the hardest interview in your memory?"

Questions that do not breathe or pause firmly use rhythm to form suppression, and then-

"The first interview after Kristen-Stewart cheated on Rupert-Sanders." The reporter seemed to have countless grievances, no need to think, the first sentence in his mind. The words blurted out.

"Haha." Ronan didn't hold back, laughing happily.

One month before the 55th Grammy, that is, January 2013, it was really lively. The breakup of two popular idols, Taylor Swift and Harry Styles, caused countless fans to calm down. However, compared with another scandal, it is really overshadowed.

With the "Twilight" series, the two leading actors Robert-Pattinson and Christine Stewart, who have reached the peak of popularity in the industry, became involved in a play, formally confirmed the relationship, and even reported marriage at one time. It can be said to be popular from the inside of the play to the outside of the play, envious of others.

But I did not expect that in July last year, the summer movie "Snow White and the Hunter" broke out in a shocking scandal. The heroine Kristen Stewart had an affair with the director Rupert Sanders. The clear photos are evidence. Conclusive, there is basically no room for denial.

Christine’s stable relationship with Robert can be regarded as the first couple in Hollywood; Rupert has a stable marriage and has two children-and Rupert’s wife also plays in "Snow White and the Hunter" In a role, playing a mother and daughter with Christine, the director got entangled with Christine just under the eyes of his wife.

The ending of the story is that Rupert’s marriage was broken and Christine did his best to try to save Robert, but this sensational love ultimately failed to turn the tide. It remained entangled until January this year when Robert moved out of the love nest that two people bought in Los Angeles. It is officially over.

The scandal spread and fermented for six months before and after. All parties in the story remained silent. They refused all forms of interviews except for the official position. Until last month, Robert finally got out of his relationship and gave his first phone interview. This opened a gap.

Then, reporters swarmed towards Rupert and Christine, but apparently they were still not prepared and still refused to make any form of statement, let alone interview.

Now, Christine and Rupert have all dived thoroughly and have never appeared in public in any form. You can imagine how difficult it is for reporters to try to interview them. Even if it is a telephone interview, the minefields of the other party are full of eyes, I am afraid No reporter would like this experience-

On the contrary, the paparazzi can flex their muscles.

It is worth mentioning that the media that filmed Christine and Rupert's personal affair was "U.S. Weekly."

Ronan lightly jawed his head to express his empathy, "I can't imagine the picture, but I can understand your choice."

In a ignorant way, Nick-Hansen came back to his senses It took a lot of time to shoot before realizing that the two of them reversed their positions, and suddenly they became themselves. The interviewee didn't know why he answered the questions honestly like Zhonggu.

Alice, who was standing next to her, was suffocating her smile very hard, even if she tried her best, she could still see the slightly shaking shoulders.

The hotel security guard on the other side cast his eyes with admiration and curiosity, just like an audience, watching the scene with relish. The enthusiastic eyes are reminiscent of watching a clown show in a circus.

Nick wanted to dive directly into the hole. He had no idea how things evolved like this.

But Nick must emphasize that Ronan's eyes and expressions are really, very sincere, and it is easy to fall into it-definitely not for himself!

Looking at Ronan in front of him, there was a flash of light in his mind. Nick finally thought that he still had a chance to ask a question; moreover, he also thought of what he should ask, maybe not the best choice, but it is still the best he can think of now. Good choice.

"Ronan, can you feel any changes now? I mean, how it feels after Grammys."

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