King of Stage

Chapter 456: Heavenly Pie

Hush! Hush! Hush!

It was just an "interview opportunity", it was like a magic, one pass ten, ten pass a hundred, the hotel lobby soon quieted down, although the surging of the air could still be felt, then all eyes were focused on Alice, So sharp and so urgent, the pressure of overwhelming pressure came so hard that Alice couldn't help but seep sweat from her palms.

Obviously, the patience of this group of reporters is approaching its limit bit by bit.

Exactly! Maybe now is the best opportunity, if you delay, things may change again.

Alice rejoiced from the bottom of her heart, but on the surface she didn't show any hesitation or withdrawal, and said calmly, "Ten minutes, before the official interview today, the band can spare ten minutes. This is the limit. I'm very sorry that we can't provide it. More time, but if you want..."

Without waiting for the words behind Alice to finish speaking, she swiftly raised a piece of arm in front of her eyes, like a dense birch forest, magnificent.

The strong visual oppression makes Alice a little unable to breathe. Compared with the five phonograph trophies, the picture in front of her is more oppressive and more shocking, because this is the reality of the Grammy effect, but Alice has already done it. I was mentally prepared and calmer than I thought, so I scanned the audience quietly.

The gaze, condensed, moved over the urgent and anxious faces, including Nick, who had just won a chance to ask questions, also raised his hand without hesitation. Faced with Alice’s gaze, Nick dignifiedly met his gaze with The expression in his eyes expresses his strong will, and there is even a bit of resentment——

Why can't you give him a ten-minute chance? You just said something "absolutely impossible", why do you repent now? Isn't he a fool?

Alice wanted to laugh a little, but she held it back, her eyes continued to shift, and then some reporters couldn't bear it, calling out loudly and making self-recommendations.

"I'm from Vanity Fair!"

A word is like blowing up a hornet's nest. Is "Vanity Fair" great?

"This is'Q Magazine'!"

"'New Yorker'!"

"'Time Magazine'!"

"Eight pages of interview!"

"Cover and inside page!"

On the level of background, there are countless top forces on the scene, and no one can afford to offend; moreover, it is difficult to make a choice if the interviewer is selected based on the weight of the media. Suffocated, and then the media made all the martial arts, throwing out their own bargaining chips, one more attractive than one.

Selection is also an art.

Alice was a little embarrassed, and then she caught a figure in her sight, a flash of light in her mind, and the words blurted out.

"Mr. Wayne, Mr. Buster Wayne!"

Swipe it!

All the eyes of the audience followed Alice's eyes and looked over. The hot and scorching eyes were like flames, and the fire burst out instantly.

Who! Who the **** is it!

Buster felt that he might be cooked in the next second. The jealous and inquisitive gaze was so fierce that he could feel this madness in his bones. Now Buster finally understands that he is being burned on the fire. What kind of experience baking is.

However, Buster not only did not back down, but also enjoyed the sight, because this is the best reward-envy, it means losing.

Buster smiled and nodded towards Alice, then pushed aside the turbulent crowd, and walked forward unswervingly among the countless shadows of swords and swords. The power of shoulder-to-shoulder is everywhere, just like the ancient Roman Colosseum. You can feel the violence coming from the corner.

Finally, Buster came to Alice among countless blades, nodded and gestured, and gave Alice a friendly and familiar hug.

Alice took a sigh of relief in her heart, and finally solved a difficult problem. This is the best choice at this stage.

This time, the reporters did not continue to make noise-the opportunity appeared, but they did not seize it, so now there is no need to blame the King One Day, but should ask:

Who is that guy? Why did Buster Wayne get the opportunity to interview? If you say that the top media like "Rolling Stone" is fine, you must take it orally if you are not convinced, but where did Buster come from? Why did that guy surpass everyone to get a chance?

This is a bastard!

The pronunciation of Buster's name is very similar to that of "Asshole," and the reporters immediately found a catharsis and sweared like a child.

Nick was even more sad-he was still the subject of much attention the previous second, and he was complacent because he was given a chance to ask a question; the next second he became the subject of the cold, no one cares about it, and Buster also voted for one. With the look of "pity for the same disease", who has pity for the same disease!

The ups and downs of this roller coaster style are like love.

Nick felt that he was traumatized in his heart and needed to be comforted, but... unaccompanied, at this time he was already a dead man, no reporter cared about him at all!

Because the reporters are discussing, where did Buster come from?

"When the band came on stage as Bruno's warm-up guest, only two media gave in-depth coverage, one is Rolling Stone, and the other is an independent writer, the guy just now."

The reporters are well-informed after all, and in a blink of an eye someone can tell the identity of Buster and the origin of Buster and King One Day.

It turns out that Alice did not choose randomly; it turns out that Buster and King One Day still have such a story; it turns out that they thought Buster was a monkey that popped out of a rock, but it turned out to be the "king" in his early years. The nobles of the period...

Then, the reporters closed their mouths one after another-if the top media wins, they can also scold the big media for bullying or Alice for flattering, but Buster is just an independent writer and relying on it. It's the friendship of wise eyes to know beads and Bole to know horses, so there is nothing they can do.

I'm so jealous that my stomach is burning but I am helpless.

"Lucky bastard!"

Someone cursed angrily, but the envious eyes still leaked their thoughts.

Envy, jealousy and hatred will not help. What is more important now is how to break the deadlock——

Just as Alice expected, or as Ronan thought, after opening a cathartic gap, the reporters' emotions against the King for a day were calmed down, and their brains began to spin quickly. Now that you can see Nick and Buster break through. Defense line, so can they also do something?

After all, it is the one day that continues to revolve around the king of the day, and reporters can always think of ways to get in touch with the band members.

Either shift the goal and don’t waste time on the King of One Day. Either look for the relevant staff of Atlantic Records and create a behind-the-scenes report in another way, or look for other top superstars as the cover to compete with the popularity of King One Day.

The media always has a solution. The focus is not on how to solve it, but on how to choose.

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