King of Stage

Chapter 463: Earthshaking

   "Ronan, are you sure?"

   Alice turned her head and glanced at Buster who had left, with a hint of hesitation in her eyes, then she retracted her gaze, looked at Ronan again, and asked.

   Ronan looked very relaxed, "No, I'm not sure."

   Alice looked helpless, "I mean it."

"Me too." Ronan chuckled, "I mean, although I am not sure, I am serious about my thoughts. As for whether it is correct or not, only after practice will I know. Alice, deal with it. In the current situation, we are all for the first time, maybe we should embrace some uncertainty."

Alice looked at Ronan who was all relaxed, and shook her head speechlessly, "Ronan, be careful, okay? I just want to say, be careful, don't play with fire." There are thousands of words in her mind, and Alice is still worried. But she also knew that Ronan's impulse was not to be seen, so she didn't rush to deny it completely.

   But a warning reminder is still very necessary. The bizarre Vanity Fair is scaring every step of the way, and things have never been that simple.

Ronan did not speak, but just made a salute to Alice. The relaxed appearance made Alice's tight heart relax, and he laughed blankly, "It's work, get up quickly and get ready for work, Cliff is still there now. Didn't wake up, wouldn't it be a coma?"

   The "Rolling Stone" interview team has arrived at the scene, and the leader is Wyatt Garcia, walking with wind and head upright. It seems that the posture is finally raised, even more refreshing than a king in a day.

   The last time Wyatt was interviewing the King in Washington for a day, he was the only one who was alone and was embarrassed throughout the whole process. The final interview manuscript was also castrated, and Wyatt himself felt very aggrieved for not being treated fairly.

This time, Wyatt made a comeback, not only with a large interview team of 30 people, but also the most important interview in the March issue of "Rolling Stone". I booked a 10-page layout early, which is definitely a superstar treatment. Wyatt was finally able to stretch his hands and feet.

   Such solemn and formal top-level treatment has indeed shown people the absolute confidence of "Rolling Stone". One day, the king is about to usher in his first official interview.

This situation has also caused heated discussions among other competitors. It is no wonder that "Rolling Stone" can grab the first interview with the King a day after the Grammys. It seems that Rob Sheffield is really smashing the blood. Then, What should they do? Raise the treatment of the king for a day, or raise the level of other alternate cover characters?

   belongs to the competition of top media, and it has just begun.

  So, what about Buster?

Independent writers basically have no right to speak in such a fairy fight, and even a little carelessness will cause fire. Therefore, avoiding the main battlefield as much as possible is the correct choice. What's more, Buster does not need to be mixed with it, because His battlefield is not here.

   time, rewind two minutes.

   "Buster, what does the King of the Day look like in your eyes?"

   Just as Buster was about to leave, Ronan asked, and once again reversed the positions of the interviewer and interviewee.

   Buster was taken aback for a moment. In fact, he didn't need to answer, because he was not the respondent, but facing Ronan's line of sight, his instinct sent a signal that he needed to answer, and he needed to answer seriously.

   So he did.

   "Icarus." Buster gave the answer.

   Ronan was slightly surprised, "The young man who flew toward the sun with wax wings, but because he got too close, the wings melted and eventually fell into the ocean and disappeared?"

   Like Sisyphus, Icarus also comes from ancient Greek mythology.

Buster gave an affirmative reply with a light jaw, "But what is different between you and Icarus is that you are actually aware that the wings are wax-sealed, and this still cannot stop your determination and enthusiasm for the sun, even if The end is to fall into the vast ocean and disappear into ashes without hesitation, but I just hope to get closer and closer."

Maxim couldn't help but look up at Ronan because this is Ronan, Ronan Cooper who "born like a summer flower, and dead like an autumn leaf" Ronan Cooper, who is still singing loudly even if he falls off a cliff and his bones are broken. Per, just so little by little led the band soaring towards the sun.

   Why is the song "Chasing the Light" important to the King for a Day? Because if it weren't for Ronan, the king would have fallen apart in one day, and the little hope ignited by "born with him" was ruthlessly extinguished by Scout, and it would indeed push them directly into the endless abyss.

   There is no "chase the light", there is no "my devil", and there is no miracle of five phonograph trophies.

   Buster, really captured the soul of the band, "Icarus", Maxim could not help but chew on the tip of his tongue, thoughtfully.

   And Ronan, who was the subject, watched Buster quietly, as if tasting the meaning behind the words.

   Buster didn't waver at all, and he greeted his eyes calmly, until Ronan spoke again, and the simple sentence echoed in Buster's mind for a long time.

   "Would you like to follow the band to complete the next tour?"

   Ronan sent an invitation.

In fact, at the peak of rock and roll in the 70s and 80s, it was very common for reporters to tour with the band. Because the news was not circulating enough, reporters could follow the band at close range and then complete the record with their pen; After the Jubilee, the development of communication tools has completely changed the situation. Now every fan and every audience can become an information Even a reporter sitting in the office can grasp all the information of the band

   The premise is to find the right way.

   But Ronan has now issued a tour invitation. Buster thinks this is a very interesting thing. Maybe, the king is really different in one day.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Buster agreed. Although he was not sure, he nodded and agreed with his instinct.

   originally thought that he would hesitate and regret it, but the fact is not the case. Now he is very excited and full of expectations, and his mood can't help but rise.

Perhaps, the top media are doing their best to fight for timeliness and race against time, hoping to catch the hot spot of King One Day as soon as possible; but he can follow in the footsteps of King One Day and deeply explore the reality of this band, and even For the soul, it is really exciting. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   Of course, whether the effort is directly proportional to the gain is also a question, but this is the risk that must be faced when choosing the subject matter of the report. Buster’s intuition tells him that this is a journey worth looking forward to.



The reporters in the hotel lobby all looked towards the huge team of "Rolling Stones", but Buster did not hesitate to leave the hotel. One after another, Buster could also see a small number of reporters. The figure who left step by step, but their reason and purpose for leaving should be different.

   Thinking of this, Buster's mood is lighter again.

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