King of Stage

Chapter 469: Sleepy eyes

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the king of stage!

Burbank, located in the northwest corner of Los Angeles, has undergone earth-shaking changes over a century since Disney chose to establish a company base here, from a deserted ruin to an important base for major film companies and the four major television companies.

Pedestrians and vehicles coming and going can peek at the tip of the bustling iceberg in Hollywood.

The people waiting in twos and threes in front of Paramount Pictures' base should be unknown actors who are preparing to audition for supporting roles or group performances, but who knows, maybe there is the next Leonardo DiCap hidden here Rio.

Driving a golf cart lightly and dexterously through the bizarre clothing on the streets of Burbank, it looks like it should be a supporting actor who left the rest area to go to the set for shooting, but unfortunately, the shadow fell on the face and could not be seen clearly.

The peripheral light of the line of sight can catch the two people talking with each other. From the dressing point of view, it seems that they are the screenwriters who are discussing the script. The wind sent their arguing words, "...the arc of the characters is broken... "

The most special and amazing thing is that there are no paparazzi shots, no onlookers, and no enthusiastic fans. The whole street is a chaotic and orderly daily appearance, as if such scenes have become part of life, creating movies. The magical process is also unattractive, it couldn't be more normal.

But from the eyes of outsiders, ordinaryness does carry extraordinaryness. In a daze, a picture of the movie appeared in Alice's mind:


Perhaps life is a scene originally, and we are the characters in the hands of the "God Screenwriter", living a set life in a set up studio according to the instructions of fate.

After realizing this, the smile at the corner of Alice's mouth could not help but rise, her eyes stayed for a moment, and then she returned to work, turned around to wake up the band members, they need to wake up, adjust their state, and prepare for the talk that is about to begin. Show show recording.

However, Alice unexpectedly saw Ronan's eyes.

Ronan's vision is still a bit hazy, not completely awake, but his eyes are looking at her carefully, as if he can see through her thoughts-this is Burbank, and all film practitioners will definitely pass by or visit. Of course, Alice is no exception, but today, Alice is not a film practitioner, but an agent.

In many cases, it was too natural and too busy that they all forgot that Alice’s job is not a broker.

However, Alice had no way to leave. The king's career had just started after the Grammys, and was about to take off. How could she just turn around and leave like this? It feels like... after all the hardships, she finally reached the first peak. Before she had time to enjoy the scenery, she was ready to part ways, which was wrong.

Ronan's eyes made Alice a little flustered, just because of the embarrassment that she might be able to see through her own thoughts, she subconsciously avoided her eyes, cleared her throat and changed the subject, "Wake up! Everyone should be woken up," Arrived in the studio soon."

Ronan did not answer.

Alice was a little annoyed-to be precise, she raised her eyes and glared at Ronan, only to find that Ronan was still sleepy-eyed, which made Alice stunned, she couldn't help laughing, could it be her own mind There were too many and mixed thoughts, so he was guilty. Ronan didn't realize his thoughts at all, but in the end he was panicking there, really... stupid!

"Ronan!" Alice raised her voice and called out, and then she could see Ronan raising her eyes vaguely, and the smile at the corner of her mouth could not help but lifted up, "Wake up, Ronan! Wake up! Everyone! All wake up! We have arrived at our destination!"

But... the response was limited.

Recently, I am really tired and tired. Even robots need to beware of overheating the core engine, let alone ordinary people? Now they are insisting purely on a stream of chicken blood.

In fact, Atlantic Records did not intend to do so, and they did not want to arrange such an intensive itinerary-because unions in all walks of life in North America are widespread, the company cannot treat employees casually.

It’s hard to believe that the actors also work eight hours a day, but the eight-hour working interval can be adjusted according to the shooting situation. If the filming time of the crew exceeds eight hours, they must seek the consent of the actors and staff; Even in many actors’ contracts, relevant clauses are stated in black and white. Working hours are forbidden to exceed eight hours, and the working mode of commuting on time is comparable to that of white-collar workers.

This is also true for musicians, agents, and TV station newspaper staff. It is indeed very rare to have such a high-intensity work as the King of One Day.

The original plan of Atlantic Records was to digest such a large amount of work in a period of three weeks to one month, but the price was to squeeze the time of the tour. Not only did the shining band need to wait for the king for a day, but also the scheduled performance venues also needed to be postponed. , But this is also a helpless choice. Atlantic Records hopes to make full use of the influence of Grammys to further expand the popularity and recognition of King One Day.

All, gains and losses, it’s that simple.

This was obviously not what the King wanted to see in a day, so after internal discussions among the band members, the itinerary was compressed to less than ten days.

Hard work is hard work, but in this way, they will be able to catch up with the Shining Band tour. Not only to keep their promises, but more importantly, one day the king is still eager to stand on the stage as soon as possible, that is the space for them to shine; at the same time, they will not miss the plan of Atlantic So, Now I can only rely on chicken blood for support, but to be honest, it is so busy that there is not much time for eating and drinking, and the band members have no chance to experience the true reflection of the Grammy effect in depth. Now there is no definite sense of reality--

Rising in popularity? What is it like? Even if you use your brain to supplement, you need to have reference materials in your mind.

But now, Alice seemed to see a model of reality.


Alice couldn’t help raising her volume, but after she still didn’t get a response, she raised her voice and said directly, “Now there are more than three hundred fans gathered at the entrance of the studio. Are you sure you can greet their cheers with this look? Maxim , You would never want your appearance to appear on TMZ."

Maxim opened his eyes a little, but immediately closed them again, "Alice, don't be kidding, who will come to the studio and wait."

"More than one." Alice replied, and then said nothing more, just waiting for Maxim to see for herself.

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