King of Stage

Chapter 480: Guest again

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"Ladies and gentlemen, let us welcome with applause, King for a day."

Unlike the first detailed and lengthy introduction, Jimmy Cammore’s introduction today is concise and straightforward. Without any fancy, it has already made the King of the Day debut, because the King of the Day does not need too much. Many miscellaneous introductions, obviously things are different.


Boom boom boom!

The audience all stood up and welcomed the King's debut with the warmest applause.

The iron can on the left side of the studio opened, and the four members of the King appeared on the stage one day. The cheers and applause of the audience climbed a step again. You can clearly feel the boiling heat wave in the air, as if from outside the studio. It spread all the way to the recording site of the show.

After being baptized outside the studio, the members of the king can adapt a little in one day without being panicked, but they can still feel their surprise in their smiles and expressions, because the limited space of the studio makes the cheers more turbulent, and also because Compared with the temperature difference recorded in the previous show, the temperature difference is too obvious. For them, these screams, enthusiasm, and madness are still a new thing.

Just like a curious baby entering a new world, it still takes some time to adapt.


Jimmy also stood up and opened his arms, hugged each member separately, and warmly welcomed them. With such a special treatment, you can feel the difference between Jimmy's treatment of the king for a day. Because generally speaking, in order to save time when multiple guests appear, Jimmy will not hug them one by one, but obviously, the fate of the King One Day and the "Jimmy Feather Show" is different, especially today's show.


The screams and whistles continued, until the members of the king began to sit down one after another, the noise was slightly calmed down, and then a scream of cheer exploded abruptly.

"Ronan! You are so sexy!"

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Because there was no other sound, this sentence stood out like a thunder on the ground. The lady who shouted suddenly shyly covered her cheek, and the audience burst into laughter. Even the members of the King were killed. Caught off guard.

Jimmy smiled brilliantly, "Ronan, how do you feel? Are you getting used to it now?"

Ronan's smile paused slightly at the corner of his mouth, and he looked at the lady who made the sound, "Are you sure that the adjectives are correct?"

What do you mean? Everyone was dumbfounded.

Ronan went on to say, "Are you sure it's not'talented'? I strongly suspect that there should be errors in the use of adjectives."

The whole audience laughed.

Ronan spread his hands and glanced at Maxim. He didn't need any special words. A sight showed his attitude, and Maxim also accepted Ronan's "praise" calmly, and the studio scene immediately sounded. Cheers and whistles seemed to be complimenting Maxim.

On the couch, the order of seats remained unchanged. Taking Jimmy as the benchmark, from the inside to the outside, Cliff, Maxim, Ronan and Ollie were in order.

The scene of deja vu was staged again, even Jimmy had some illusions in a trance, I have to emphasize, "Welcome to my show again", and put an accent on the keyword "again", "In order to avoid audiences Watching the illusion of the replay, I want to tell everyone that this is the second time the king has come to be a guest in five months."

After that, Jimmy looked at the band members, "So, is there any difference between five months ago and now?"

The band members exchanged a glance, and Cliff took the lead and said, "Obviously, the cheers on the scene are different."

Ho Ho Ho!

The audience immediately cheered with the performance, and the studio was so lively.

Maxim also added, "We are also more familiar. Unlike the first time, we don’t know what the show is all about. We made a lot of mistakes. The audience looks like a bunch of fools. But this time, at least we know what is waiting ahead."

Jimmy took the opportunity, "So, this time I don't look like a fool."

Maxim choked, his pupils trembling violently revealed some surprises--many times, people are always prone to an illusion, talk shows are not that difficult, and the conversations between one and the other seem to be easy to come by, including Maxim and Cliff always think so.

However, before the camera is really immersed in the spotlight, all thoughts happen within a millisecond, and can only rely on conditioned reflex to respond. Either the attention is highly concentrated or absolutely relaxed, otherwise the effect may be far lower than expected. .

It's like now.

There were many thoughts in Maxim's mind, but between the flashing lights, he felt that no answer was correct, and then he stuck for a second.

"It shouldn't be that stupid this time, but still..." Ronan took the words just right, avoiding the embarrassment of the audio being blank for a long time, and completing the connection perfectly and naturally. Most importantly, the words left a tail. Deliberately not finished speaking, this also made the content of the speech extremely good, and successfully made all the audience laugh, ignoring Maxim's pause.

Maxim is also a little upset. With such a simple response, he can clearly do well, but in the end, he missed the opportunity; and after the missed opportunity to relax, all kinds of different responses were surging in his mind, even More witty and fun than Ronan.

But how did you miss it?

Jimmy didn't notice the turbulence in Maxim's mind. Because of Ronan's words, he asked, "Ronan, do you feel any difference?"

"The number of people asking this question has increased. It has become countless. It has almost become a daily greeting." Ronan's hand-held answer made the audience burst into laughter. At the same time, it was accompanied by warm applause, and the atmosphere suddenly became The hustle and bustle became noisy.

Compared to Cliff and Maxim's answers Ronan is still better.

Jimmy also laughed blankly.

Faced with the same problem, time and time again, as the person involved, he was completely bored, but Ronan could not directly scold him back, so he also found a different way to respond. Today facing Jimmy is another way, between laughing and scolding. Show a unique humor.

But this is not over yet, Ronan asked again, "Do you need to ask Ollie again about this question?"

The subtext is to complain about Jimmy, the same question, should every member ask it?

More importantly, Ollie said without waiting for Jimmy to speak, "Yes, too much, too much."

There are no beginnings and ends, and I don’t know what is too much, too many "different feelings", or too many "same questions"?

Jimmy was also dumbfounded by the anti-general. He looked at the full-bodied and laughed audience, but did not panic. Instead, he looked at the audience with a surprised expression, "The difference is indeed different, and Ollie will rush to answer!"

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