King of Stage

Chapter 484: Textbook level

Maxim stood up confidently, smiled and induced the audience to applaud. He didn't mind that he was out of the circle because of his appearance. Instead, he was proud of it. Both his expression and actions showed satisfying happiness, not at all. Words are needed to keep laughter on the scene.

Ollie was already laughing so hard that he was about to lose his breath.

Ronan was convinced to applaud Maxim, and even winked at the audience, constantly shouting, "This is the peak of our band's appearance."

The photo studio is filled with the atmosphere of a vegetable market, which is really exciting.

Seeing that the atmosphere of the scene was about to lose control, and the talk of the talk show was about to be out of touch, Jimmy shook the inscription card in his hand quickly, like a tour guide, to refocus the audience's attention, and then continued to recite the tweets.

"One Day King's live performance is the best Grammy this year."

"Explosive, expressive, infectious! One day king is definitely the biggest treasure found this year, who can tell me when they will start touring."

"Maxim is really handsome. It's textbook-level handsome at all."

"Is it the only one who likes Cliff? I think his shy appearance on stage is very cute."

"Please take a look! Ollie's live performance is wonderful, especially his cooperation with Alena Bayeva, the chemistry is amazing."

"It is undoubtedly a pity that we have only discovered this band until now; but fortunately, we have finally discovered this band now."

"Rookie of the Year! Also Best of the Year!"

"This year the Grammys finally showed some courage. One day the king deserves his name!"

"I have watched their live performances in Washington before, I just say that the live performances are more shocking and more moving."

One sentence, another sentence.

Maxim, who was very excited, sat down again. After listening carefully, his expression gradually became clear. He obviously enjoyed the moment very much. He even took the initiative to turn his head to look at his teammates and the audience, repeating, "Textbook level, I heard Is this the textbook level," he said while gestured to his face, as if he was displaying the precious collections of the British Museum.

Cliff also showed an expression of enthusiasm. Although he occasionally glanced at Twitter before, it was the first time to feel it systematically like today, as if opening the door to a whole new world. .

On the contrary, Ronan and Ollie exchanged a glance, and both of them seemed uncomfortable. This kind of concentrated compliment was really a bit shy.

Jimmy showed the current momentum of King One Day through tweets. This was also the first time King One could truly feel the frenzy up close, which was obviously outside the Grammy effect.

After waiting for the recitation, Jimmy looked up at Ronan, looking forward to Ronan’s response——

Maksim took the lead in reacting, opening his arms and making a hug gesture, and then the audience applauded loudly. After all, talking too much at this moment makes it easy to appear arrogant and complacent. On the contrary, A confident action is more appropriate.

However, this is a talk show. In the final analysis, it still needs language collision. Jimmy is also a little curious. How will Ronan respond to these compliments?

"Is this legal?" Ronan said, killing Jimmy by surprise, with question marks all over his face, "The show is packed with so many advertisements? Is it sure that it doesn't matter? Honestly, our record company is jammed in the end. How much bribe was given to you? Are you sure you will not receive a warning letter?"


Jimmy didn't hold back himself, the first one clapped his hands and laughed.

But this is not all.

Ronan knew that humility was not the right way to open a talk show, so he went on to say, "Is there any more? Or is it all?"

The expression of eagerness to continue to be praised, success made the scene again cheers and applause, Jimmy also showed a satisfied expression, "Of course, all on Twitter, as long as you open it, you can feel like the tide Praise."

"There are swearing and humiliation." Ronan took the sentence just right, and the laughter became even more rampant.

Ronan then immediately said, “We know that there must be different voices on social networking platforms, but to be honest, we are willing to open our hearts to all different voices. Because before the Grammys, we didn’t have much opportunity to feel. These don’t even have many listeners."

Jimmy lightly jawed his head to express his understanding. Although Ronan spoke in a brisk way, the content of the words was still worth savoring.

"For performers, whether it is a positive or a negative comment, we always hope that our stage can get some feedback, if it is positive, then accept it humbly; if it is negative, then pretend not to hear... "


Amidst the laughter of the audience, Ronan’s smile also rose, "I mean, after the Grammys, we have received a lot of feedback. No matter what, at least it means that our performance has been seen and is Accept judgment, this is a very happy thing."

Jimmy lightly his head again, "Of course, of course of course. The Grammy, anyway, it is the Grammy, and it put the band under the spotlight in an instant. We don't need to discuss the history created by the king in one day... …"

Ho Ho Ho!

Oh oh oh!


Even if Jimmy was not ready to discuss, the audience all booed up, using a lively and noisy way to give praise to the King for a day!

For onlookers, witnessing the creation of history by a king in a day is more enjoyment of the honor of witnessing history, and they seldom think carefully about whether a day is worth the king. Of course, after listening to the album "Seven" everyone will make their own judgments.

Jimmy chuckled, "I mean, even if you don't need to list data, just the Grammy stage is very important for any singer. From the nomination stage, the king will come in one day. In the spotlight, you can be seen everywhere on social networks."

It's time to move on to another topic, and Jimmy finished the switch without a trace.

"What I want to say is, are you used to it now? Or, everything is fresh and still feels weird." Jimmy throws a question casually.

Grammy, there is no doubt that this is today's top priority, but from the beginning to the current topic, Jimmy really spent a lot of time to get here. But this is a good thing, because it shows that the chemistry of today's show is still looking forward to.

Ronan did not reply aloud, but looked at Maxim and Cliff.

Cliff took the initiative and said, "Strange, it's still strange. I mean, Grammys are Grammys after all. It is always special and different, and it’s hard to believe that Grammys are us. The first award ceremony to attend."

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