King of Stage

Chapter 487: Self-competition


Ho Ho Ho!

Ho Ho Ho!

The audience, who became the focus of the conversation again, immediately gave a direct response, one by one followed by a booze-the wonderful stage, the biggest beneficiary, will always be the audience; the wonderful music, the biggest beneficiary, will always be the audience . It is precisely because of the performance of the Grammy Awards that the King really built his reputation in one day, even more powerful than the five phonograph trophies.

Then there were people shouting frantically at the scene.

"You are the best!"

"Best performance!"

"Perfect performance!"

"I love you!"

"You are the king!"

The bustling praise of the audience made the four members of the king smile again one day.

Jimmy had to sigh, Ronan's maturity and wisdom are still above imagination, "Do you think musicians are like sprinters?"

Ronan lightly jawed his head to express affirmation, "Yes, we are in a competitive situation, this is a fact."

"Because people will always digitize music, album sales, billboard rankings, Grammy trophies, concert revenue, etc., and then put all the artists in a position of opposing competition."

"Indeed, from the public's point of view, it is true. There is only one winner for each Grammy award; but in fact, each of us is competing with ourselves."

Ronan’s words touched Jimmy a lot, and he nodded in agreement, “It’s like whether his second album can make a breakthrough again, and whether this performance can make up for the regret of the last performance and shine more brightly. Artists are always like this, always having trouble with themselves."

"Yes, indeed, we always make some actions that others can't understand, such as cutting off our ears, writing our own emotional experiences into songs, and so on." Ronan teased meaningfully.

Jimmy leaned back slightly, "Wait, are you suggesting someone?"

The laughter was surging at the scene.

"No, no, no, I'm saying that art comes from life but is higher than life, so if you are trying to understand the life of King One Day, please buy the album'Seven' as soon as possible. Middle." Ronan's divergent thinking is really wild, and he cuts into another rhythm in a blink of an eye.

Jimmy was also dumbfounded, "...Are you legal like this?"


The audience burst into laughter.

Ronan spread his hands out, "You also need to understand. We really don't have any chance to promote the album. To be honest, standing on the Grammy stage, we also think that way in our minds. If you perform well, you must perform well. This way The album can be sold."


The laughter couldn't stop at all.

Jimmy tried twice to control the scene, and then explained, "But, now, One Day King's album is at the top of the billboard album chart."

Oh oh oh!


The applause sounded, the whistle sounded, it was very lively.

Jimmy looked at the band members with a smile, "Can you feel the heat now? I mean, can you hear cheers and whistles when you walk on the street? When you go to the mall, someone will recognize you. ?"

The band members are all exchanging sights. In fact, Jimmy wants Ollie to answer, because Ollie still has too few opportunities to speak, but Ollie feels Jimmy’s sight and takes the initiative to say, “This question, I think, Maxim is the best Suitable for answering."

Maxim, who was named, didn’t mind, “It’s a fact! If it’s normal, I always like to go to the streets, and expect someone to recognize me, then take a photo with me, ask for an autograph, and to be honest, this way A face still needs to be shared with everyone."

As Maxim said, he found that all his teammates showed an expression of "I don't know him". Ronan even complained, "Maxim, even you, this expression is too exaggerated, I Know that you want to behave better here with Jimmy, but this is too exaggerated and causes physical discomfort."


The laughter started again, and even better, Maxim also admitted, "Well, Ronan is correct, I am indeed a bit exaggerated..."

The laughter became more frantic and interrupted Maxim's words directly.

Maxim spread his hands out, "Last time he appeared on Jimmy's show, Ronan performed really well. I also thought that I should seize the opportunity to perform well, but now it seems that I still need to adjust the scale."

Such a generous gesture successfully won the applause of the audience. Maxim also showed a satisfied expression, just standing up and bowing the curtain call.

The picture is a bit funny.

Maxime retracted his gaze contentedly, and then said, "I mean, I do enjoy the applause the most. After the Grammy Awards, I also look forward to feeling different situations, but the problem is that we have been here in the past. I was really busy for a while, working every day, either in the hotel, in the car, and then in the studio..."

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"It's like a vacuum world," Jimmy interjected.

Maxim nodded repeatedly, "Yes, we are so busy that there is no time to eat, so that we are always in a state of isolation from the audience. Therefore, we have never felt cheers or screams, and there is nothing to ask for an autographed photo. The matter, even the opportunity to go to the restaurant to eat, has continued to this day."

At the end, Maxim turned his head and looked at the audience—



Screams swept the audience!

It must be admitted that Maxim is still very good at interacting with audiences and fans, with his unique charm in every word and deed.

Jimmy followed with a bright smile, "Maksim, Maksim!" Because the scene was too noisy, he had to shout twice before he was able to call out Maksim who was interacting with the audience back, "So, You mean, if you go out now and are surrounded by fans, don’t you mind?”

"No, of course not." Maxime answered without any hesitation. UU Reading

Jimmy was very surprised, "Cliff, won't you?" Cliff shook his head, "Where is Ronan?"

Ronan laughed, "I don't know."

Jimmy was about to ask Ollie's actions and stopped, looking at Ronan, "What do you mean?"

Before Ronan could speak, Maxim made a gesture of spreading his hands and rolling his eyes. He seemed to be complaining to the audience, "You see it like this." Ronan always used a maverick attitude to steal his sight every time, so he It had to be more exaggerated.

The audience immediately saw Maxim's expression, and many people laughed in a low voice.

"I..." Ronan was about to speak, and he saw Maxim's movements next to him out of his sight, but he didn't explain anything, and he just replied, "Bite me!"

Such a naive response is like children fighting. The audience was stunned, and then the low laugh turned into a laugh, and the audience burst out. If it was matched with Maxim’s dumbfounded expression-even if they knew that Maxim was there. Performing, can't help but laugh.

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