King of Stage

Chapter 490: Deviation from the script

Well-regarded questions, but got an answer with a full score of value. For Jimmy’s question, Ronan’s answer really couldn’t be more perfect——

Not only gave the answer, but also gave the attitude. More importantly, I showed my personality in the cliché question and answer, and returned to music.

Even the staff in the directing studio expressed their exclamation. I have to say that the seemingly normal recording scene is revealed everywhere. Even from a professional point of view, they also like Ronan very much, and they can’t wait for it. There can be more guests, and their work is simpler.

After the Grammys, everyone hopes to invite the King for One Day because of the topical effect; but I believe that after the "Jimmy Feather Show", everyone hopes to invite the King for One Day because of the program effect. After all, There are not many such excellent guests in the industry.

As the host, Jimmy’s feelings are undoubtedly the most direct. He sighed along the way, “I can feel that you are a band that is very strict with music, and you have extremely high demands on yourself.”

"You should come and take a look at our rehearsal site, and then you will find another side of Ronan." Cliff threw out a word meaningfully.

The audience immediately began to booze, posing as if they were listening attentively.

Jimmy also showed curiosity, "Oh, what do you say?"

Ronan raised his hands innocently, a smile appeared in his eyes, but he had no intention of defending.

Cliff looked at Ronan, seemingly scrupulous, but he still said, "I can only say that Ronan is not an angel like that on the outside."

Ronan showed a smile, "Thank you, Cliff, I don't know, you thought I was an angel."

The whole audience laughed.

Jimmy became interested, "Cliff, what was your first impression when you first met Ronan?"

In fact, Jimmy should dig behind the Grammys, such as what interesting things happened on the night of the awards ceremony; what is the most memorable thing; are there any tidbits in front of and behind the scenes? And so on and so on, but why does the topic get to the first impression?

Don’t talk about Jimmy, even Ollie and Maxim are a little curious—

If it were not for a talk show, they would not have the opportunity to have such a conversation. It is difficult to know their first impressions in each other's minds.

Cliff turned his head and looked at Ronan, showing a struggling expression on his face. It seemed that he was holding back his smile very hard, which also made Ronan curious, and then Cliff finally said, "...angel !"

Ho Ho Ho!

The audience immediately burst into turmoil, even Maxim followed him and pushed Cliff heavily, "No wonder! No wonder! Did you like Ronan at the beginning, and then agreed to form a band with us. It doesn’t matter," What age is it now, love must be said bravely."

Jimmy laughed straight out of the sound of killing pigs.

Cliff was speechless. He raised his hand and gave Maxim a elbow. He wanted to swear but realized that he was recording the show now. He had to shut his mouth and explained helplessly, "I just said that the appearance brings Ronan is a quiet and introverted character, like a type of reading Shakespeare in class and thinking about the meaning of the universe and the value of life, and he always smiles when he deals with people."

"I had heard the rumors about Ronan before I met Ronan. Many girls secretly fell in love with Ronan."

Even Ronan had a face full of surprise, completely ignorant of this incident-in fact, he has now fully accepted all the memories of Ronan Cooper, but the old past is always hidden in the depths of the memory, if it is not deliberately mentioned I would never remember that Ronan still had no impression when Cliff said this.

Only Ollie nodded in affirmation.

Cliff turned to look at his teammates, "If Maxim is as dazzling as Apollo, Ronan is like Adonis."

Jimmy raised his jaw slightly in surprise, "So you were also a member of Ronan's secret crush?" After going round and round, Jimmy also teased Cliff with Maxim.


Amidst the roar of laughter, Cliff's face was speechless, but after all, he lacked some wit and could not find a way to "return".

It turned out that Ronan rescued Cliff, "I can understand, trust me, I can completely understand."

Obviously he didn't say anything, but the self-confidence exuded from the inside out, without Maxim's publicity and wanton, but he could feel Ronan's jokes, and the audience's laughter became more rampant.

Cliff raised his **** to Ronan silently.

Jimmy also clapped his hands and laughed, but he clicked until he did not continue to embarrass Cliff, "So what about Ollie?"

Cliff thought about it, and Ronan first said, "In fact, when we first met, I thought Ollie was like Sisyphus, but after getting along, I realized that he was actually more like Icarus."

Before Ollie spoke, Maxim said, "These are all tragic characters."

"Apollo and Adonis are also tragedies." Ronan's retort made Maxim choked. Indeed, most of the characters in ancient Greek mythology are tragedies, with a kind of romantic tragedy.

Then Ronan went on to explain, "I mean, Ollie has a pure attachment. The difference is that when I first met I felt that he was burdened with darkness, but then I learned that he has been yearning for the light."

Jimmy looked at Ollie, "Do you feel that way?"

Ollie shook his head, "I don't understand any words of Ronan."

Honestly confessing his "ignorance", the audience all laughed, even Jimmy laughed, couldn't help but applaud Ollie, and then said to Ronan, "I know what you mean now. "After waiting for the laughter to settle, Jimmy then asked Ronan, "What about Cliff? What is your first impression of him?"

Ronan tilted his head with an embarrassed expression, with an appearance of "unspeakable and unspeakable".

Without words, the fruit of laughter has been reached, and the audience laughed crookedly.

Cliff was looked at Ollie and Maxim in gloom, "Say something. If you don't say anything, then what am I?"

Ollie was in a state of serious thinking, while Maxim pretended not to hear.

The scene laughed more brilliantly.

Cliff looked at Jimmy sadly, "You know what I mean now, don't you?"

Ronan is not an angel.

Seeing that Cliff was really going to be sad, Ronan said quickly, "Athena, Cliff, Athena, how about?"

"Hey! Ronan Cooper!" Cliff didn't hold back anymore-everyone else was a male deity, only he was a female deity, and what happened to Athena? Coupled with Jimmy's ridicule just now, Cliff suddenly fell into a more embarrassing situation.

Ronan himself laughed happily—obviously, he did it on purpose, but he was not ready to stop there. "Cliff, I mean, you are a symbol of wisdom and war."

Cliff's face was sad.

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