King of Stage

Chapter 49: Division of labor

   There are so many people, what is the concept?

   Three hundred people? Five hundred people?

  Three thousand people? Five thousand people?

In fact, if there is no stadium or a delineated area, it is difficult to judge with the naked eye from a parallel perspective, because the line of sight and vision may often become an obstacle to the overall situation. When the number of people breaks through a certain boundary, there will be a lot of people. The vastness and grandeur of the numbers also make the numbers meaningless.

   Three thousand and thirty thousand, for the independent individuals in it, there is actually not a huge difference in imagination.

   At this time, there are at least two thousand people in front of him, but Ronan has no way of judging whether the actual number is more or less.

In his last life, in his long life, the largest number of people who really saw with the naked eye was only the six hundred students who walked to the playground to complete radio gymnastics in the morning meeting of elementary school; moreover, that was already a very distant past, and the memory is early It has been blurred, and it is not helpful to the current judgment.

   "Perhaps, we should list a mathematical model that divides the live crowd into multiple blocks, and then estimate the number of people in each block, then the total number of people can be estimated.

   Weird thoughts popped up in Ronan's mind, and the divergent thinking made the excitement and nervous emotions settle down a little.

   Then, Cliff had successfully drove and arrived at the parking lot behind.

At this time, a large number of people gathered in the parking lot. Although compared with the number of people in line at the main entrance, it is not at the same level, but the bustling crowd of more than one hundred and two hundred people is also due to the shrinkage of the venue. The corners of the line of sight are filled with relations.

They seem to be waiting for their favorite band. Every time a car appears, the crowd will approach like a turbulent wave. After waiting to see it clearly, some people will follow and some will retreat, forming a unique scene that makes people feel Eye-opened again.

   Obviously, the King’s Band was not what they were waiting for. The crowd retreated, as if the tide was rising and falling, and the road became clear again, but they still cheered politely and cheered the band twice.

   a little shabby.

   Cliff's expression was a bit sorrowful, and he muttered, "Why don't you leave any of them..." There was still some resentment and grief in the words.

But Ollie’s excitement broke the dullness in the car immediately, "Cheers! Wow! It was cheers! They were even waiting for the band at the back door of the bar, which is incredible! Isn't it? Guys? , Isn't it? The sight in front of me is really amazing."

   Seeing Ollie's expression of excitement, everyone chuckled, including Cliff.

Ronan can understand Ollie’s feelings. Although these cheers are not enthusiastic, and they are not directed at them, they are more like a sympathy, but the existence of these fans proves one thing, a very important thing. :

   Even indie bands, even underground bands, they can also have supporters. This group of lovely music lovers will never be stingy with their enthusiasm. So, does this mean that the King's Band can also have their own cheers in one day?

   Maybe, the full moon party tonight is an opportunity.

It was precisely because he felt the resonance of the same situation that Ollie was more excited. Cliff exchanged sights with Maxim and Ronan through the rearview mirror. They all clearly felt the subtle changes in emotions, tension and excitement. The mixed feelings are intertwined and surging.

   The vehicle stopped smoothly. The band came to the back door and knocked on the door panel. After waiting for a while, the door panel opened a third of the gap, "Band name, appointment time."

   "King One Day, 12:15, but we have just received a notice asking us to report one hour in advance."

   As the representative, it was Cliff.

In fact, Cliff is a competent captain, he is very good at handling chores and trivial matters, handy; moreover, managing the band, foreign affairs and other matters are also his skills, he is the captain of the team. The unanimous decision, including Maxim, the first captain at the beginning of the band’s establishment, also thought so.

The staff at the back door confirmed the itinerary in their hands, and then lightly chin to confirm, "Turn left when entering the door is the band lounge, go straight to the end is the backstage, you can go to the lounge to confirm the relevant matters, and then Go to the stage to communicate some specific matters of the performance."

"If you want to go to the stage for rehearsal, check the sound, lighting, stage, etc., there is no problem, the staff will carry out the final adjustment on the spot, you can go directly, but the time must be controlled within 30 minutes. I know that time is pressing, but we have no choice."

The staff showed a helpless smile and apologized, but it can be seen that he was also tired at this time, and he really did not have the energy to argue further, so all things were said in advance to prevent the band from chirping. To make a request.

   Cliff couldn’t understand it better, and he smiled and gestured with his jaw, "No problem! We understand."

In a straightforward response, UU Reading asked the staff to look up at the band, and a soothing warmth appeared in the eyes, so he added, "You can split up and go to rest separately. Room and backstage, so that we can make the most of the time and wish the performance a success."

  Although it is just a small suggestion, it can make the band make the most of the time. Such kindness is especially precious to the troubled King of the Day.

  The band and the group nodded towards each other to express their gratitude, filed into the room, after a brief discussion, Cliff and Maxim went to the lounge, while Ronan and Ollie went backstage to optimize the use of time as much as possible.

Alice holding the camera was immediately depressed. She couldn't do it again. She could only choose one of the two. Originally, Alice tended to go to the lounge to see, but worried that the party organizer might not like the camera, which would cause disagreements and delay time. , So Alice followed Ronan to the stage.

No nonsense, Ronan and Ollie walked straight to the backstage along the same path. The staff of sound, scenery, lighting and props have basically finished their work, and are conducting on-site exercises with different effects to ensure that they can provide the most exciting and splendid for the audience. stage.

Ronan’s eyes were full of curiosity. Although the King’s Band appeared on countless stages in the past, today’s stage is particularly special; what’s more, this is the first time Ronan himself has officially appeared on such a formal stage. It's different.

Looking over from the messy, dim, and sultry corner of the backstage, looking up the steps, you can see the dark brown wooden boards spliced ​​into a ground stage, with bright yellow lights covering the center, forming a condensing effect , The eyes of the whole audience are gathered in the same direction.

   This is the place where magic is born.

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