King of Stage

Chapter 500: refuse to accept

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the king of stage!

At the beginning, Trastam chose to betray because of the unknown status of the king; now, what will happen to the king facing the unknown Trastain one day?

Trastan, why should I negotiate terms with King One Day?

He is not qualified.

Whether professional or non-professional, whether it is an agent or a friend, Trastan is not qualified to stand in front of the King for a day and negotiate terms. Trastan's confident and unwavering tactics are actually not counted, and they have no meaning at all.

Today’s conversation, from the very beginning, Trastan has been doomed to end.

From the wind and the sun to the squally showers and then to the drizzle, the rhythm and momentum, tone and demeanor changes, Ronan firmly controlled the situation invisibly, even if there were gaps, Trastan could not expand. Effective counterattack, completely discarding the armor and armor, this is the real strength.

Could it be that Ronan had been planning all this from the beginning of the meeting?

Trastan was not prepared for such a mental state and was embarrassed. Even a smile and even anger could not be accurately expressed. The embarrassment and suffering made him almost unsteady-even Maxim and Kerry. The husband's clenched fist didn't make him chaotic, but now he lost ground because of Ronan's words.

How to do? What should I do now? pray? tough? quibble? Polite? anger? Fight back? What posture should be taken to reverse the situation?

Trastan's mind quickly turned, and countless thoughts surged in his mind, hoping to gain a firm foothold as soon as possible and regain control of the situation.

However, this is still not all.

Ronan's lower jaw was slightly raised, his upright posture really showed the physical condescension, and then he looked at Trastan with contemptuous eyes, "From the very beginning, today's chess game, you have already made a mistake. Because you are not qualified to negotiate with us at all."


refuse to accept!

The last sentence hit Trastan hard, and there was an incredible look in his eyes-after calculating so much, in order to wait for such a good opportunity, he trailed behind the band for ten days, searching for the best opportunity for a long time. Waiting, thinking and thinking, planning and planning again, but now I am told that his plan was wrong from the beginning because it was placed in the wrong position.

The self-confidence and planning that Trastan was so proud of just crumbled little by little.

Things shouldn't be like this.

Trastan's pupils began to shake violently, and once a small corner collapsed, the whole mind began to fall apart.

After that, Ronan still did not lose his anger because of anger, but showed a smile, as if facing a stranger-there is no need to be angry because of the stray dog ​​he met on the side of the road, "Then, goodbye, Mr. Cuban."

A polite greeting, like a gentleman, as if... The thunderstorm just now didn’t happen at all, the squally rain and rain disappeared without a trace, the wind and the sun’s appearance was just treating a stranger, not worth the expense. Strangers in mind, even anger and disgust are owed--

Because it's not worth it.

Ignoring and indifference, this is the most lethal weapon, stronger than a fist, sharper than a sharp blade, as if a bullet is directly embedded in the heart.

From one extreme to another extreme, and then back to the initial extreme, the ups and downs, the ease of retracting, and the clear and neat emotional control completely disrupted Trastan’s rhythm, and firmly grasped the emotional flow of the scene in his hands. There was no room left for Trastan.

In a trance, Trastan's debut and Ronan's departure exchanged positions.

Seeing Ronan leaving behind, Ollie also quickly followed, ignoring Trastan, even lacking a look in his eyes.

Maksim clenched his fist and waited for Trastam. He still felt that if that was the case, he was not reconciled, and he should retaliate. However, seeing Trastam falling apart, he felt like he was bullying the children. There was no pleasure even if it was a fierce vent, the clenched fist was still released after all, and then followed in the footsteps of Ronan and Ollie.

Cliff's pace was at the end, his eyes were mixed and he looked at Trastan, countless thoughts were surging, but like a mess of thread, he couldn't find a beginning, even he couldn't distinguish it. What kind of mood is it at this time, if it can be as pure and simple as Maxim or Ollie, it can be angry and ignored.

At this time, the sound of tires rubbing against the ground came from far and near, and then Alice's voice could be heard mixed with the automatic opening of the car door.

"what happened?"

Obviously, Alice also noticed the confrontation.

"It's okay, I met a homeless man asking for an autograph." Ronan said, his clear voice echoed in the parking lot, "Don't worry, we completed the autograph very politely and kindly." It seems that Alice's suspicious expression can be seen. , Ronan added another sentence, with a lightness in his voice.

Cliff looked at Trastan again, and after all he didn't say anything, and quickly followed.

Trastan finally came back to his senses, "Cliff..." He raised his voice and called out the last figure who left, "Ronan is not right."

This is the only thought in Trastan's mind.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult for Trastan to find a better explanation. Today's Ronan, from start to finish, is out of maturity.

Trastan admits that six months have changed many, many things, but Ronan... is like a different person, completely changing a person, completely out of control of the reborn change, but on the contrary, both appearance and image Without any change, the confusion caused by this contradiction made Trastan a little panicked.

"Something's wrong", this is the only word that Trastan can say.

But it fell into Cliff’s ears, but it was a kind of sophistry, and the anger was aroused again, “Because he didn’t let you push? Or because he told the truth? If that’s the case, Trastan, we are all wrong. We are all."

Seeing Trastan, who was in confusion and trembling eyes felt a sense of powerlessness, "You are crazy."

A short sentence also expressed too many mixed meanings, not just the literal meaning. After speaking, Cliff never stopped, and rushed into the carriage all the way.



Pull the door, close the door, start, and start all at once, and then the car went away like this, leaving Trastan alone standing in place, alone.

The air calmed down, and it was surging in the empty parking red envelopes] Follow the public.. Public number [Book Friends Base draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

Trastan has calmed down. After the boiling thoughts have cooled, he has regained his sanity, but the eyebrows are still tightly entangled, like a knot, unable to untie:

So, how did things get to this point? How did he come prepared but steadily retreat to such a situation?

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