King of Stage

Chapter 502: Correct posture

Trapped in the "narrow" space of the carriage, Maxim was unable to unfold it at all, so he became more and more aggrieved. In the end, he was sulking at himself and smashed the inner wall of the carriage, depressed. He roared, it seemed that as long as he vented the bad breath in his chest, he would be able to feel better.

"Aren't you angry?" Cliff asked curiously. In fact, it was Ronan who was really curious. Trastan hurt Ronan face-to-face, and even made Ronan carry the burden of guilt for a long time. Time, but Ronan's performance today is completely indifferent, which really makes Trastan become insignificant.

The words were asking Ollie, but Cliff's gaze glanced at Ronan.

Ollie shrugged, "I am angry, of course I am angry. I still haven't forgotten what he did. However, seeing him struggling with all his strength today, it's like..." Ollie is still not good at talking, even in front of his teammates. Also need to organize the language, "Like a clown."

"I think he is very pitiful." Just when Ollie finished speaking, Maxim and Cliff looked at both of them, glaring at him. Only Ronan grinned and Ollie waved his hands again and again, "It's not sympathy. What he meant was that he felt sad, and then he didn't want to continue to entangle him.

Ollie couldn't find the correct words by scratching his head, so he looked at Ronan for help.

Ronan, who was watching the scene all the time, chuckled, "Orly means that the mad dog bit you, you don't have to bite it back, even if you bit him, you will end up with a mouthful of dog hair."

"Ronan!" Maxim couldn't believe Ronan's metaphor, and exclaimed directly.

Ronan smiled more brilliantly, "I just said that he and we are no longer in the same world. We don't have to lower our standards to cooperate with him. You will care about him with a three-year-old child and smear your face. ?"

"It depends on whose child it is." Maxim rolled his eyes.

Ronan lightly chins his head, "As expected of an ancient Roman statue-like handsome guy, he is still handsome when he rolls his eyes."

A ridicule made Maxim also dumbfounded, the atmosphere immediately relaxed, and he looked at Ronan helplessly, "I understand what you mean, and I know the truth, but..."

"But I still can't get angry." Ronan took the conversation, and he understood that he understood that he felt the same way.

"Then you just now!" Maxim sat up straight, the turbulent mood still not completely calmed down, and became excited with a little stimulation.

"Tactically calm, someone always needs to stay sensible, right?" Ronan raised an eyebrow at Maxim, "I just don't want to fight a mad dog. Even if we win, we lose."

This description makes Maxim also very helpless, angry and funny, "Then you mean that Cliff and I are also crazy dogs?" Although the words say this, he obviously has no momentum, compared to anger. That said, many are complaints.

"Oh, you actually realized it." Ronan didn't deny it, and Maxim grinned with a single sentence, his face was speechless.

Ollie snickered beside him, which made Maxim helpless.

Cliff quietly pondered Ronan's words, thoughtfully.

Maxim thought for a while, after all the complaints that came to his mouth still swallowed. In terms of his mouth, he really seemed to be not Ronan's opponent, and then simply changed the subject, "Then what are you going to do?"

Since Ronan didn't want to swallow his anger, it meant that Ronan must already have an idea.

"I don't know." Ronan said simply and neatly in the end.

Maxim was speechless, looking at Ronan in disbelief, unable to say a word.

Cliff rubbed his hair irritably. "We are not joking."

"Neither did I." Ronan said honestly, "I really don't know. I mean, I have some ideas, but I don't know how to do it, please, I'm not a genius, and I'm not Steve- Jobs, how can I know everything?"

"But you acted like a genius." Maxim vomited.

"That needs to be thankful for your companions." Ronan's words made Maxim and Cliff choke, and they got stuck in their throats and couldn't spit out——


Ronan raised his hands to express his surrender, "Sorry, we have gone off the subject." Then he changed the subject, "I mean, dealing with people like Trastan, now is not in the Western movie era. We can't directly draw a gun to a duel, and then kill. After he got rid of him, all the trouble was solved."

The understatement made Jack shudder, he looked over again, and his eyes clearly read: Michael Corleone.

Ronan seemed to notice the look in Jack's eyes, turned his head and looked over, showing a smile, Jack almost screamed.

Ronan quickly retracted his eyes and continued, "As long as Trastan is still an agent, he may jump in front of our eyes at any time, just like Scout, the ghosts are still there, they are unnecessary and impossible. Avoid us, real life is like this, bad guys may not get retribution."

"Ronan!" Maxim's patience had already bottomed out.

Ronan chuckled lightly, "I mean, we can't let them disappear, but we can also use the other way to give back to others, just as we should let him suffer the consequences of dealing with Scout, and we should also Deal with Trastan like this."

"How to do it?" Maxim's handsome eyebrows were tightly tangled together.

Ronan paused for a while, a little uncertain, "Go to court."

All eyes were focused on Ronan.

Ronan continued, "I need to ask Max, and Alice should also ask the company. The best way to solve Trastam is to drag him with a lawsuit and make him suffer; if he dares to do Further aggressive actions, then it happens that we apply for a ban, prohibiting him from approaching us within two hundred feet Dealing with rogues, either as rogue as him, or absolutely tough." Ronan said himself Thoughts.

Maxim's eyes lit up, "The lawsuit, rogue and tough, we are going to sue him for bankruptcy!"

However, Ronan doesn’t know much about the law, so he still needs to ask professionals, but what is certain is that he must deal with people like Trastan quickly and ruthlessly, otherwise he will continue to entangle him when he finds an opportunity, like a cockroach, he can’t afford to fight. Xiaoqiang.

Speaking of this, Ronan sighed slightly, "We are still too shallow, otherwise, if you are at the level of George Clooney, you can completely cut off Trastan's all through the contacts in the industry with just one sentence. I will never find a job anymore."

One day, the king does not have such ability now, otherwise, that is the best way to cut the grass and root.

Alice’s mind turned so fast, "Are Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Cammore reaching this level?"

Although the band does not have this ability, it does not mean that the friends they know do not.

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