King of Stage

Chapter 522: Plain camp

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A familiar and estranged name, in just over two months, Sophie, who is far away on the west coast, seems to have actively opened a new situation. Kane couldn’t help but imagine. I wonder if Sophie still hasn’t come out. The influence of a relationship is really farewell to the past.

Mark was talking, and then he noticed the look in Kane's eyes, so he took the initiative to look at it and asked, "What's the matter?"

Kane shook his head, "No, just thinking, I don't know how Sophie is."

Mark showed a big smile, "I'll see you soon, you can ask her in person, but spoiler in advance, she is fine now." After that, Mark laughed happily, "Sophie is here in Los Angeles, too. I have met many fans of King One Day, and you won’t believe what she has discovered. Obviously, King One Day has left countless footprints in Los Angeles during the seven long years."

While talking and laughing, the footsteps have reached the destination.

Ordinary military green tents are neatly laid out in front of you. A small open space can be seen directly in front of them. There are traces of burning a campfire. All kinds of camping cooking equipment are stacked next to them. The appearance I have used several times, if it weren't for the leaflets and posters of the Coachella Music Festival scattered around, I would not see the appearance of the music festival at all, it is purely a gathering of survival in the wild.

"Please tell me, this is the same as the Quidditch World Cup in'Harry Potter'. There is still something in the small tent."

Danny couldn't believe his eyes. Even though he was mentally prepared, the simple and narrow living space still brought a huge impact——

Although he is just an ordinary working-class man without a palace at home, he is also just an ordinary otaku. He has no real experience of camping in the wild. It is really hard to imagine the world without the protection of the ceiling. Such difficult living conditions are still beyond imagination even if they are psychologically prepared.

But... no one can understand Danny's analogy.

"What World Cup?" Josh was full of question marks.

"Harry Potter? The boy with a lightning scar on his forehead? Magic?" Danny tried to awaken everyone's memory, but a blank look was greeted him, which made Danny a little broken and hugged his head. **** Christ! No way! You guys! No way?"

Seeing Danny who was in self-doubt, everyone exchanged glances, and then they all burst into laughter.

Josh patted Danny on the shoulder. "We're messing around with you. Of course we know Harry Potter, although we still don't know what you are complaining about."

Danny covered his chest with a heart failure appearance, which immediately made the others smile happier and brighter.

"...It's not fair!"

"We deserve better treatment!"

"Do they know what they are doing?"

At this moment, when you approached the campsite with a word-for-word argument, Kane was the first to notice Sophie—

short hair.

A clean, short hair looks youthful and beautiful, the white T-shirt and black denim shorts dress up even more sassy and heroic, which suddenly makes people shine; Fendai’s face is very clean, and you can even see the fine freckles on the nose , But the bright eyes let the whole person radiate light.

Sophie, it seems that it has not changed, but it seems that it has changed a lot.

"Hey, guys!"

Before Kane greeted them, Sophie was the first to notice them, embraced everyone enthusiastically, and said familiarly, "Sorry for the limited space in the campsite. I have tried my best. I finally managed to win a room that can accommodate eight people. Space, but the location is basically for six people. There is no way. Coachella seems to be crazy this year. I heard that there are more than 250,000 people, and the number of attendance in three days may exceed 300,000."

independent. confidence. Calmly.

Kane didn’t know how to describe it, but he could feel that Sophie seemed to have changed from the inside out, and the whole person became different. She was still the same person in appearance, but she seemed to be able to feel the changes in her soul. As for becoming a completely different person.

In less than three months, is this really possible?

Sophie seemed to perceive Kane's gaze, did not dodge or escape, and took the initiative to look over, with a touch of sunlight in her eyes, and asked with her eyes, "What's the matter?"

Kane waved his hand again and again, and was about to say nothing, but after thinking about it, he said, "You have changed."

Sophie laughed happily, and admitted generously, "This is a good thing."

Kane thought for a while, but had to admit it, and then nodded to express his affirmation, his nerves relaxed a little, and he took the initiative to ask, "What were you talking about?"

Sophie did not come alone. Standing next to him was another tall girl with a wheaten skin. Her slender and well-proportioned figure was full of fitness and vitality, and she looked like a surfer girl.

The surf girl took the initiative to say, "The order of the king's performance in a day."

"It was arranged on the first day. We have no objection. After all, the band is not a top big name. Even if the Huan Entertainment team can enter the third day, we can’t. I don’t think there is any objection. For the new band, this is acceptable."

"But at two o'clock in the afternoon, and it's still the farthest and most remote stage, what's this?"

"What's wrong with the main stage? Are we not qualified to be on the main stage now? Does Grammy have no weight? Even trash time like two o'clock in the afternoon does not work? It's just to bully our band with too little foundation! Can you also take the championship singles and championship albums?"

"We can also be regarded as an attraction of Coachella. At least we should be given a better treatment. There is no need to look down on people with our eyes, okay?"

Cracklingly, with no breathing time at all, the surf girl just said to herself, expressing her dissatisfaction and protest without reservation.

Sophie looked at her friends and had to introduce, "Melissa-Johnson, my new friend in Los Angeles."

Melissa showed a smile and motioned but she didn't smile, she was still in a state of anger at this time, and she was not in the mood to say hello at all.

The scene was slightly embarrassing.

But all the fans present were fans, and they were fans of King One Day. Although they were not familiar with them, they had the same topic, so their attention quickly shifted.

"What's the matter? Are we in a bad position?" Josh took the initiative to ask, and then the eyes of other people gathered on Melissa.

"Grass! Hastily!" Melissa scolded without warning. Josh was startled, and it took a long time to realize that Melissa was not targeting him, she should be cursing Coachella Music Festival. , The torrent of anger couldn't stop at all, the bold and true temperament was really caught off guard by killing others.

However, Sophie has long been used to it. What she likes most is Melissa's true temperament, not pretending to be false, and going straight back and forth.

Sophie took the initiative to explain, "Not only is it bad, it can even be said to be bad." Her expression was also a little helpless, obviously, just as angry as Melissa.

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