King of Stage

Chapter 526: normal

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The fierce gust of wind licked the skin like a tongue of fire, a slight sting spreading between the pores and the pores, and the whole body was wrapped in the hot heat wave, as if it would burst in the next second.

Roar roar.

Roar roar.

The noise of the mountains and seas swarmed from all directions, cheers, laughter, screams, and singing were endless, like flowers blooming proudly in the long yellow sand.

Pain and happiness.

This should be the most real and most appropriate description-to be more precise, the physical pain is quickly overwhelmed by the spiritual happiness, being in the boundless sea of ​​people, feeling it with every cell The madness of the Indio Desert, and then just lost like this.

In a trance, I also began to enjoy it, seeming to be lost in it.

Even if he was really in it, Ronan still had no sense of reality. He couldn't believe that the king would actually be on the stage of the Coachella Music Festival one day.

So Ronan took off his shoes and socks, and stood barefoot on the desert, using his toes to feel the softness of the fine yellow sand penetrating between the toes. After passing through the surface, he can feel the depths. There was a slight coolness, as if a gentle touch, and the tense mood also eased.

It turns out that this is true.

Aware of this, the smile at the corner of his mouth rose involuntarily, and the joy from the heart bloomed in the eyes.

The Grammy Awards Ceremony has been two and a half months ago. It doesn’t seem to be long to speak of it, but it always produces a sense of longevity from two years ago. The noise, the applause, the lights, the attention, all are Already blurred, only a few fragmented memories remain.

The hustle and bustle and noise also gradually settled down.

After the Grammy "Celebration Trip" was over, the King returned to the rhythm of daily life and embarked on a tour together with the Shining Band.

Nothing seems to have changed, but it has also quietly changed a lot——

Tickets for the tour are selling faster and the venues are sold out. Whether it is King of One Day or Shining Band, they can feel the Grammy bonus, and their popularity has skyrocketed. The joint tour of the two bands has been sought after by countless audiences. The tour progressed smoothly with applause.

One day, the king has reached the top of the Billboard Albums Chart and the Singles Chart. From YouTube to Twitter, you can clearly feel the surge in popularity, not only the number of followers, but the click-through rate, number of likes, and retweets of each tweet of each video. All the numbers have risen linearly, showing a sense of reality in the form of numbers.

Pay attention to the public account: Book Friends Base Camp, pay cash and coins when you follow!

In addition, the number of interview teams following King One Day and the Shining Band has also increased significantly. In addition to the accompanying reporters, every time they arrive in a new city, interview appointments by the local media come in droves; telephone interview invitations for the two bands have also increased, and job opportunities have been obvious. Began to increase.

Grammy's powerful influence, moisturizing things silently changes every aspect of life; but from another angle, it doesn't seem to be that much.

As time progressed, the popularity of the Grammy news gradually cooled, and the sight line locked on the King of One Day and the Shining Band was significantly reduced, so they re-entered the mode of embarking on the road to tour, but there were more interview opportunities and fans recognized the opportunity. Higher, nothing more.

After leaving the much-anticipated Vanity Fair in Los Angeles, the tour life became simple again-rehearsal, performance, and interaction with the audience, leaving for the next city, and then rehearsing, performing, and interacting with the audience again, it seems that their lives are the same. There is not much difference in late five.

Changes exist, but life will continue.

In the final analysis, the band still needs to return to the stage, down-to-earth creation of music, dedicated performances, Vanity Fair's colorful and bizarre is just a dream filled with rose-colored bubbles, it is the work that can really stay in the long river of history.

What defines an artist is always their work.

Of course, this is not all.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on. This is the normal state of Vanity Fair, because competition always exists. Even if there is no competition, media reporters will create competition. What's more, most of the time, there is no need for the media to fan the flames. Competition sparks, all the time.

The first to bear the brunt is Scout.

There are countless rumors before and after the Grammys, but because the things in New Orleans were too secret at the time, inside information was difficult to circulate, but he did not expect that Scout showed his feet and exposed his deeds, and then his eyes gradually gathered and locked in Scout and King One Day.

From Scout’s deliberate negative news to discredit King One Day, it can be seen that the relationship between the two parties is not harmonious. As for who is right and who is wrong, whether Scout ignores King One Day or King One Day. Ignoring Scout, everyone in Vanity Fair has their own ideas.

Objectively speaking, Scout has the upper hand, because the truth is often not a "real fact", but part of the facts captured in the incomplete information according to one's own position, through a chemical reaction of interests, and incomplete information. The connections and status in the industry, those who are willing to believe in him naturally have the upper hand, even if Ronan’s calm response on the red carpet reversed part of the situation, it is still difficult to shake the foundation of Scout——

In the vanity fair, the important thing is never the objective truth, but the truth that is "good for oneself".

However, unexpectedly, Scout disappeared after the Grammys, not the one that disappeared, but the one that shut up. He did not mention the kindness and grievances of the king on any occasion, even if it was a personal friend who was close to him. There were no occasions, plus one day the King was away from Los Angeles, and this big show could not be No one knew what was going on.

There have been numerous disturbing speculations. The general view is that Atlantic Records stepped up Scout, but different opinions and ideas continued to emerge. It was not until early April when people almost forgot about it. A new version has been released.

At that time, it was indeed Scout who ignored King One Day, and there was a verbal conflict-but didn't want to. King One Day possessed iron evidence to prove this; as a result, King Scout saw King One Day win Grams. Nominated by the United States, I realized that I missed the band with care. It is hard to say whether it was envy or anger. However, driven by impulse, he released negative news, but did not expect to steal the chicken without losing the rice.

Later, Scout tried to fight Ronan tit-for-tat at the Grammy's midnight party, and finally lost, and then dived and disappeared.

This version, whether it is true or not, is still a matter of opinion-this is Vanity Fair, there is no absolute truth, only relative truth.

The only thing that is certain is that Scout did not stir up any disturbances, it seems that the rumors before the Grammys just disappeared in this way.

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