King of Stage

Chapter 528: 7 up and 8 down

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"Ronan Ronan Ronan Ronan Ronan!"

The shouts of Lianzhu Cannon carried a wave of joy and happiness, and a burst of wanton and crazy laughter accompanied the sound of the wind, even if you wanted to ignore it, it was not easy.

However, this is the Coachella Music Festival, where everyone can carnival and everyone is a fan feast, even the top stars.

Therefore, the gaze rustled and swarmed over, but did not cause a commotion, just showed a enthusiastic smile, greeted Ronan to have a carnival together.

As soon as Ronan turned his head, he could see a figure leaping towards him like a big cat. The dazzling sunlight was blocked for an instant, and in the next second he felt a solid hug, and all his weight fell on Luo. Nan was on his body so that he couldn't stand firmly, and he backed two steps again and again, almost falling down.

With great difficulty, he managed to control the center of gravity and avoid the embarrassment of two people rolling together, but Ronan had not had time to adjust, and there was another torrential rain.

"This is too exciting! It's hard to imagine without arriving at the scene in person! This scene is ten times better than, one hundred times, one thousand times, and ten thousand times!"

"Have you just seen it? Someone is performing on the street! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That performance is almost Grammy level! Really professional metal rock! It's been a long time since I heard such authentic metal rock! Sure enough, underground The band is still Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger! Why don't we try metal rock too!"

"You can scream in your voice too!"

A lot of crackling words were like a flood, pouring down surgingly towards Ronan. There was no chance for Ronan to react. It is really rare to see Ronan in such an embarrassed appearance, but if you look at the subject, it is probably Can understand.


Ronan called helplessly, and finally found a gap for Ollie to stop.

However, Ollie didn't speak, but his head kept swaying left and right, like jumping beans, his swaying sight couldn't stop at all, and Ronan was a little dizzy after shaking.

Ronan laughed helplessly, "Oli, what did you smoke?"

Obviously, Ollie's current state is a bit too excited, it is definitely not ordinary happiness, it should be borrowed some "herbal" extra help.

In fact, Ronan does not like to contaminate those things, and even resists it, but the whole music circle is like this. This seems to be the norm. It is like hello and handing cigarettes. They often hand "Weeds". Things are as common and common as cigarettes. There is no need to make a fuss at all. There are countless really powerful and serious things. Those "medicine" dealers can be seen everywhere.

Therefore, although Ronan himself is not contaminated, he has no way to ask others not to touch him.

Ollie is.

Life in Vanity Fair is always under countless pressures. The ubiquitous attention puts them under the microscope, and every move may become the focus of the news; even more frightening is that standing on the stage and embracing and cheering is like embracing the world, but Turning around and returning to his room, he was only alone, the kind of loneliness and emptiness, gnawing his soul, almost maddening.

Therefore, they always desperately need to party, keep the noisy, and be in the crowd; therefore, they always desperately need some sound, even imaginary imagination can dispel the silence.

For King One Day, they had never experienced such a life before, because there was never a lot of audience on the stage, and now they are suddenly thrown into the spotlight. They are all eye-catching, and they have to face a bigger gap and even if they are not psychologically prepared. The greater the impact, the more difficult of course.

As an existence that relieves stress and adjusts life, it can temporarily relax the nerves. Ollie needs such an excuse to temporarily forget the huge gap in real life. Ronan dissuaded Ollie several times, and after all to no avail, he watched Ollie. Li didn't seem to have much influence, so he didn't say anything more.

Judging from today's situation, Ollie seems a bit too excited.

Ollie blinked at Ronan and smiled happily. He was almost unsteady. He tried to get close to Ronan’s ear and whispered but almost hit Ronan’s head directly. As a result, he couldn’t help but chuckle. Laughing, he looked at Ronan staggeringly, seeming to be focusing.

"Some more fierce ones. How about it, do you want to try it?"

Oli squinted and watched Ronan laugh.

Ronan shook his head helplessly, "Oli, you know I'm not interested."

Ollie shook his head and shook his head, placing his right hand on his lips, and a big smile appeared in his eyes, "Ronan, you just bound yourself too tightly, you need to relax, relax!"

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However, Ollie couldn't maintain a stable standing at all. The appearance of swaying back and forth was really funny, like a broken tumbler.

Ronan didn't hold back, he laughed with a flutter, "Oli, you don't need to worry about me, I am very relaxed, I may even be more relaxed than you." Ronan blinked at Ollie, his eyes revealed A touch of sly, "You are now worried that Ophelia will come to the Indio Desert, right?"

Usually, Ollie smokes one occasionally, just like a cigarette, which does not have any special effect; but today, Ollie is obviously derailed, and he does not see the formality and jerky of being in a stranger, and even some...too relaxed Up.

Ronan is not difficult to guess the reason.

Ollie was stunned, seeming to be a little flustered, but his center of gravity still couldn't stand firmly, and his continuous swaying posture filled his serious expression with a sense of joy——

Strictly speaking, the expression is not serious. It should be said that Ollie is trying to be serious, but his relaxed expression still reveals a blur. Only his eyes can catch a little loss and tension.

Emotions about gains and losses can still prevail.

"She sent a message via Facebook. But I dare not read it." Ollie said vaguely.

So it turned out to be Before Ronan could answer, Ollie went on to babble—the box couldn’t be closed at all, “If she doesn’t come, if she refuses, what should I do? If she I think my invitation is just a joke, and she doesn't even remember me at all. What should I do? What should I do?"

Subconsciously, Ollie could not help thinking in a negative direction, unable to control his worries and fears.

"Oli..." Ronan's call failed to stop Oli.

"If she refuses, does it mean that I will never have a chance? Is this the end? All is over?" Ollie has no way to stop the spread of thoughts, just like a sports car with a brake failure, lift up Starting to look at Ronan, his emotions fell into panic, and the roller coaster pattern of ups and downs was further amplified in the hustle and bustle of the Indio Desert——

Because everyone is laying down their burdens and precautions, letting their thoughts get out of track.

"I can't imagine... I am... Ronan, I don't dare. I think it's better to forget, I don't want to open the news."

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