King of Stage

Chapter 531: Neverland

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Duncan knew that he was very fortunate. Although he was not rich and expensive, he did not have great ups and downs. A calm life is more often just about trivial troubles. It is more than good and bad. If it is not too greedy, then life will not be that way. How troublesome.

It's just that...Life is full of stress and noise. In addition to the burden of car loans and mortgages, children's quarrels, wives' complaints, and boring repetition of work, day after day, year after year, seem to be trapped in the original In the earth, I can't see the change or feel the color, but it is dull as stagnant.

It feels like...the living space is even smaller than your own body, and then it is squeezed down like this, unable to stretch or breathe, crushing itself into countless fragments little by little.

He occasionally needs a little quiet space to relax his tight nerves a little, and then add a little color to the boring life.

That's all there is to it.

Only occasionally. Just a moment.

But even such a small wish is still not easy.

The strength of his shoulders loosened, and his body sank into the old and tattered back of the driver's seat, like a swamp, and slowly closed his eyes.

Zi Zi Zi.

On the radio, Daniel's voice was still chattering, but Duncan's brain was blank, but he didn't have the energy to listen carefully.

Maybe, he doesn't need to stay here anymore, anyway, it doesn't make sense, it's better to go home directly, instead he can hide in the tool room to find some quietness.

But what should I do if I don't want to move a finger? But it doesn’t work. He still needs to go to the right door to pick up Lily. He can’t trouble others for too long; he needs to go to the next door to find James. Some things should still be mediated; more importantly, he doesn’t have much time left. He asked his wife when he would get home.

So, what to do?

"...The highlight of Coachella's first day? In my opinion, a day king!"

The radio waves are still rustling in his ears, and the tired Duncan once again caught a familiar keyword, his attention was slightly concentrated, and it spread in the radio waves, like a whale swimming in the deep sea, silently and quietly. Frequency, waiting for the response of the companion.

"Many listeners should have heard me mention this band more than once. Chasing the Light is still one of my favorite singles of 2012."

"At the beginning of February, one day the king boarded the Grammy Awards ceremony stage, dedicated a wonderful performance, with absolute strength to make people admire."

"Interestingly speaking, the King made his name at our Full Moon Party in New Orleans on the first day, and then the King’s concert in Washington once again became the focus of social networks. It was all because of the band’s excellent live performance. In the end, we finally passed The Grammy stage witnessed all this."

"They deserve all the praise."

"Naturally, when Coachella Music Festival announced that the guest list for the second wave of performances this year has a King of One Day, our expectations have been further increased."

"Obviously, King One Day is a band with outstanding live performances. This Coachella Music Festival is another test-a time to test their ability to control large-scale live events."

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"Although Staples Stadium can accommodate 20,000 people, the pressure on the guests is different. At least they will not take off their shirts and scream towards the stage; moreover, the difference between indoor and outdoor venues It’s also obvious that the sun, the wind, the open stage, etc. are all like this."

"By then, the king will face 20,000, 30,000, and even more audiences a day. They need to control the scene and the atmosphere. It is not an easy task for any band. And so far the king has not withstood the test of a large-scale concert."

"I think this should be very interesting. Everyone is looking forward to more outstanding performances from this dark horse band..."


Zi Zi Zi.

Duncan gradually calmed down. Daniel's voice was like a soft ocean wave, flapping his toes, and his tight and tired nerves eased again. Even the sunlight outside the window softened, and his thoughts followed Daniel's voice. Wings, soaring towards the sun.

Like Icarus.

Papa, papa, thoughts flapping wings hovering over New Orleans, bathing in the golden sunset, lazy and comfortable, can't help but wander among the large masses of white clouds, the breeze sends a refreshing breath, mixed The different tastes of grass, river water, asphalt road and hot dogs.

As the light and shadow changed, my thoughts flew high again, rushing straight toward the west coast, flying, and my mood became lighter. It seemed that I was finally able to remove all the burdens and follow the guidance of the voice in the depths of my soul. Fly to the unknown, embrace adventure, and go all the way.

Buzzing, buzzing.

The voice surging in my mind gradually became clear, and I knew it carefully. It turned out to be the "chase the light" of the King for a day, and he is now chasing his own light, and the fog at the end of the field of vision gradually disperses, revealing The outline of the Indio Desert makes me happy.

Just like Peter Pan’s Never Island, the sun, the sea and the woods, coconuts, grass and freedom, where a rainbow spans the entire island, unicorns play in the water leisurely, a drop of dew can fill their stomachs, they will always Will never grow up.

Perhaps the Coachella Music Festival is an island forever.

For three days, forget all the worries of the world, just enjoy carnival, sing wantonly, as if they had never grown up, blooming brilliantly.


"Everyone... is chasing... the light..."


The sound of a snapping finger pulled back his thoughts and rushed to the ground like a free landing. The weightless chaos and irritation made the brain sober in an instant. The car radio was still sizzling, and Ronan’s singing came lightly. But it hit Duncan's heart heavily.

Whenever you listen to Duncan still likes to "chase the light", it is always easy to wake up the softness deep in his mind.

The focus of his eyes adjusted again, and then he realized that he did not go to the Indio Desert, everything was just an illusion, he was still in New Orleans, trapped in his car.

Slightly tilted his head and looked at the streets where people came and went outside. After school and parents got off work, the community slowly became lively.

Duncan’s attention was still on the radio melody, and he couldn’t help humming along with him. As long as he hummed the melody, he could imagine the scene of the Indio Desert and be able to appear in Coche with all the young people. The scene of the music festival, the dream of never island.

There, the sun will never go down, the rainbow will never disappear, and singing... will never end.

Duncan never left New Orleans in his life. He had no idea about the world outside of New Orleans, let alone the Coachella Music Festival.

However, Duncan's imagination of Coachella, from a certain perspective, may not be incorrect.

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