King of Stage

Chapter 541: To the point

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The heat wave of the desert is boiling, even if you just stand in place obediently, you can feel the ubiquitous heat sinking into your body along the pores, water is quickly lost, and your heart beats quickly, as if you are gradually dissolving and disintegrating. It may turn into a wisp of smoke.

However, this feeling is not uncomfortable, on the contrary, it is immersed in it, because the time in the Indio Desert, briefly, very briefly, can put all the troubles in life behind. It's not an escape, but a kind of comfort and healing, drawing energy from the music, and then mustering up the courage, straightening up, and returning to real life again.

This heat wave can temporarily dissipate all the worries in the brain.


Boom boom.

Then, in the heat that filled the audience, I felt a stronger, more maddening and more restless sound. Even if the line of sight could not catch the grand occasion, the surface of the skin could still clearly feel the surging air waves, and the soles of the feet could still be faint. Feel the slight vibration coming from.


The brain temporarily stops turning, the body is instinctively driven by the movement, and subconsciously, the line of sight is searching in the vast desert, trying to find the source of passion.

One after another, between the line of sight and the line of sight, you can find similar excitement in each other's eyes without communication, and then determine the direction. The next second, the footsteps will start to move.

Lewis and Ruth are not the only viewers who feel the "call", obviously.

In the golden desert, you can see sparse silhouettes shuttled among the dense crowds, moving quickly in the same direction, one, two, three... one hundred, two hundred, three hundred... from Less to more, maybe blindly following the trend, maybe it's instinct/can do it, but the figures that are moving one after another are indeed increasing.


Like a great migrating antelope, the agile and light figure is moving fast, and the trajectory can be clearly seen from a high-altitude bird’s eye view. In the crowd of more than 80,000 people, hundreds of people and thousands of people are continuing to move, forming A wave of wind whizzed past the desert.

Boom boom.


Such a scene is not uncommon, but it is also not common, but what is certain is that the noise and turbulence of the music festival scene can always find a reason.

Because here, people remove their masks, reveal their truest self, listen to their inner voice, and obey the instinct/instinct of the soul, everything becomes simple. Perhaps, when buying tickets for music festivals, the light of "superstars" is the reason that drove them to click to buy; but standing on the scene of the music festival, what really attracts the body and soul is the live performance. Even a "superstar" can't resist a brilliant performance.

This is precisely the most beautiful and moving part of the festival.

Who knows?

Perhaps, coming to the Coachella Music Festival for a top star, only to reap the love of a bunch of indie bands and become crazy about it.

It's like now.

An invisible wave of air is forming a chain effect approaching in the same direction, waiting for the footsteps to arrive one after another, after experiencing the arduous "traveling mountains and rivers", the end of the arduous journey finally arrived on stage 3, and then people realized it. Until I forgot one important point-

One day king.

A small number of audiences were diverted and stayed in front of the orc band's stage when they passed stage 4. But most of the audience insisted on the journey and finally reached the edge of the music festival venue, as if standing at the end of the world at the end of the world. One day king on the stage.

Regrettably, when Lewis and Ruth arrived on stage three, the first song had already been sung. Standing on the stage, Ronan raised his right hand high, showing a big smile, full of confidence. The aura covers the audience, and he is speaking simple cross-field words.

"...At this moment, I am standing on top of the world, entering the world of music with a group of familiar strangers at the most beautiful music festival in the world. I don’t need words, I just use music to communicate and enter the carnival together. The rhythm of the party, God, what can I ask for?"

Lewis stopped panting and stood behind the crowds. It was already difficult to see the scene of the stage at this time. Even through the big screen, Ronan’s face could not be seen clearly. But the most important thing in the festival is the atmosphere. So, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, just immerse yourself in the atmosphere.

"Next, this song is dedicated to every stranger. Thanks to Coachella Music Festival for letting us meet. Maybe we will never see each other again after today, but at least we have the Indio Desert in April 2013."

The light joking, successfully made the audience laugh low, not only humorous but also sensual, you can feel a kind of wandering relief between the lines, but can't help feeling the special romance, turn your head and look around yourself Those unfamiliar faces.

Perhaps they are all visitors in each other's lives, and they have a little bit of intersection because of the Coachella Music Festival, and they will never see each other after the festival is over.

But the important thing is that in these short three days, in front of stage three at this moment, they shared a small part of each other’s lives. His story affects his, and her story also affects her. , He and she influenced each other again, they became a moment in each other's story, and then evolved into memories.

Even strangers have shared moments together.

This is also a kind of romance, with a touch of sadness and relief, the art of language, so that the audience in front of stage 3 feels invisible fetters.

Lewis turned his head and looked at Ruth beside him. Even if he had just arrived, he felt the same for Ronan's words. At a glance, he could see the splendor in Ruth's eyes, and then he kissed his girlfriend deeply. His smile shone brightly.

They are not the only ones embracing each other.

Lover. friend. stranger.

At this moment, each other turned their heads to look at each other, even the faces of the first meeting, but because of the Coachella Music Festival and because of the King of One Day, they are standing here, standing side by side, for one day. Cheers to the king's music, this is a beautiful experience.

Maybe hugging, maybe kissing, maybe just looking at each other and laughing or an eye exchange, but it seems to exchange a small piece of soul.

"At the same time, dedicated to the fan who inspired me to create this song. I believe this fan should be there. If you feel like you are after you hear it, don't doubt that it is indeed you."


The audience couldn't help but exchange their sights. Sophie also turned to look at Kane, Josh and others. They couldn't restrain their curiosity, but couldn't help being excited. It's hard to describe herself. Thoughts at the moment, but what is certain is that the relationship between each other is closer.

Because of the Kings One Day.

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