King of Stage

Chapter 546: Forget about it

From calm to upward, from introverted to release, from peak to burst...Finally, from catharsis back to calm, the ups and downs of emotions are perfectly integrated into the notes, and even the band's performance fits seamlessly into the melody, light The warm voice released unparalleled explosive power, igniting the energy contained in the notes, deepening into the soul and triggering a volcanic eruption.

Dumbfounded, perfect fall.

There was only a buzzing sound left in the whole brain, trembling uncontrollably, unable to cry or shout, and even the fingers could not move.

Surrender thoroughly; worship.

This is the only thought in Lewis' mind.

Although he had paid attention to the King’s Grammy performance for a day, he had anticipated Ronan’s live performance early; but only when he was really on the scene could he feel the power from the depths of the soul, as if every note was every The words and sentences contained light, and they vented down in a torrential rain. There was no breathing time or room for reaction, and he could only catch it with his hands.

Shocked, wave after wave, comparable to layers of huge waves, making people retreat steadily, and finally completely lost in it.

Even though Lewis has raised his expectations, the live performance is still far beyond expectations. The kind of crushing force that destroys the dead. Now Lewis finally understands what happened to the rise of the king one day after the Grammys, and he has experienced it. On the spot, no one can refuse the King for a day.

Who can refuse?


This is the only thought in Lewis' mind, especially the last paragraph, free play without song——

The technical perfection is unquestionable. The clever use of rhythm and blues interpretation injects new colors into the roar of rock and roll, and the interpretation of a completely different style, just this ability is enough to be eye-catching; but it is truly incredible. It is the interpretation and deduction of emotion.

After accumulating, repressing, repressing and repressing mixed emotions, after experiencing the continuous burst of high pitches, it once again performed more complicated and deeper possibilities. The heart trembled, and each listener was able to interpret the exclusive in the melody. My own emotions, and then fell into it and couldn't extricate themselves.


Ronan simply transformed the live stage into his battlefield, but Yun Danfengqing's interpretation created a shock of breaking the earth, like a bombardment with the power of an aircraft carrier, the audience had no chance at all, just like that. Completely lost in it.

Lewis tried to find his own voice and accurately express his current turbulent thoughts, but it was not easy in the case of a brain crash.

Eye sockets, slightly warm-Lewis himself can't tell what kind of feeling it is. It is not sad or moved, but slightly touched. It seems that a corner of his heart is slightly collapsed, and then the emotions are surging. Let yourself escape into a mortar.

A little at a loss, a little confused.

A little lonely, a little lost.

Pure emotion cut a wound in this way, and then his whole body trembled slightly, inexplicably, his eyes couldn't help being warm.

But what should I do?

Lewis fell into confusion, looked up and looked around, but found that the focus of his vision had been completely blurred. No matter where he looked at, the peripheral light of his eyes always locked on Ronan's figure, and he involuntarily drew back, through the slightly hazy sight. Lock Ronan's figure.


Inexplicably, Lewis became sad, as if he was still swallowed by loneliness when he was in the vast sea of ​​people. The more crowded the more lonely, the more crowded, the more lonely, hopelessly falling into emotions, the whole world Only himself and Ronan are left.


Ruth whispered in her ears, instantly lighting up the whole world like night fireworks. There was joy in Lewis' whole mind, and then the inspiration could no longer be controlled, erupting like a volcano, bursting through his throat. Shouted loudly.


If possible, Lewis’s only idea is to kneel on one knee to express his surrender. It seems that only this kind of action can express his admiration; but in the desert environment, the boiling blood can't calm down, just kneel on one knee. The chivalry of the earth is not enough to express one's loyalty.

So Lewis jumped up, raised his right arm, raised his index finger, and rushed to the sky with one finger pointing upwards. At the same time, the shouts surged and surged in his chest, released like thunder, shouting The corners of his mouth couldn't help but rose up as he shouted.

In this way, Lewis regained his center of gravity and focus, his chest was filled with happiness, and it was filled to the extreme in an instant, almost breaking through his chest, and then all turned into shouts, hoarsely released, to enjoy He screamed with all his strength.



At this moment, the band standing on the stage is the king of the Indio Desert!

Ruth was still immersed in her nameless sadness, unable to extricate herself, sighing with the ruthlessness of the time, sighing with the emotional temperature, sad to the heart--

In the vast world and the vast sea of ​​people, from meeting each other to knowing each other to falling in love, they must break the one in ten million chance to meet each other, but from love to strangeness, everything they once had disappeared, even There was no hatred, as if all those memories faded.

Is there really no eternity?

Is it really destined to leave?

Thinking of this, Ruth fell into a kind of grand sorrow, as if thousands of fireworks were blooming in the sky, parties and cheers were going on, but she felt the fleeting sorrow in the splendor, deeply indulged in it. Unable to extricate herself, even crying can't even Ruth needs a hug. To be precise, she needs a little warmth to dispel the cold deep in her heart.

However, just as Ruth tried to get close to Lewis, she turned out to see Lewis leaping high, as if she could pierce the sky with her hand.

Sorrow and loss of emotions quietly stirred in the chest, a burst of confusion and sadness, she and him, the emotions did not seem to stay on the same track, the dislocation made the cold inside more and more lonely, and seemed to be able to feel a gust of wind blowing. After that, he couldn't help but shudder.

Ruth didn't immerse herself in the regret, so she raised her hand and hammered Lewis' arm.

Lewis didn't know, so he looked at Ruth, then laughed happily, and greeted Ruth to join the carnival.

Ruth raised her head slightly and looked at Lewis, who was bathing in the sun and blooming freely. Her eyes were still clear, her smile was still gorgeous, and the enthusiasm that was constantly released came upon her face. Even without a hug, she could feel that wave. Warm, surrounded myself round and round.

The lonely cold seems to have found support, and the mind blooms again.

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