King of Stage

Chapter 552: Find yourself

One. One more place. Another one.

The vast sea of ​​people in front of us is not "10,000" or "30,000", but composed of "30,000" and "one". Each audience is an individual with an independent soul, and each figure is the most Precious and most special existence, the scene is shocked, not because of how many people gathered, but because of every existence with true feelings.

They are listening to the king for a day.

They are in harmony with the king for a day.

They are enjoying a day of king.

They are becoming their own king for a day.

Well, it doesn't matter if one is 100,000, they are all subjects of the kingdom of stage three. This is the precious part of the magnificent scene in front of you.



The shouting gradually calmed down, and the turbid and rapid breathing can be captured in the surging air of the billowing heat. Waves swelled in the air, surging towards the stage from all directions, sight, hearing, smell and touch. And so on, feel the madness of the scene three-dimensionally on multiple levels.


It's hard to suppress!

Then Ronan took a step forward and stood at the forefront of the stage, with a smile on the corner of his mouth rising, "Let me guess, you guys didn't get here when you got lost and went in the wrong direction?"


Sophie stunned for a moment. Because of the hot air, the brain was lacking oxygen, and the brain rotation speed was still a little slower, but then she reacted:

Ronan was making fun of the grand occasion.

Just relying on the name of the King for a day is not enough to attract so many spectators to travel to remote corners like Stage 3 to participate in parties, but the problem is that Stage 3 is too remote and "lost" can't get around here. , Then...should it be a ghost?

"Hahaha." Sophie clapped her hands and laughed.

Turning her head, Sophie looked at the friends around her, and everyone’s eyes showed a little bit of clarity--it seems that the king would know the bad position of stage 3 and the bad time when the sun was over. Ronan did not complain or complain, but made a joke in such a way.

With such a mind and attitude, their depression and complaints disappeared, and the smiles at the corners of their mouths rose, enjoying the happiness at the moment.

As Sophie said, gold always shines, whether it is a full moon party or the Coachella Music Festival, the king can always reverse adversity in one day, even if it is the end of time and the end of the world, they are still singing and singing. , Use his own music to connect strangers, enter the world of the band, stand in a lonely place where no one cares, and warm each other.

This is the most beautiful place.

Just like Sophie and Kane, and like Sophie and Josh, Melissa and others, the strangers scattered around the ends of the world gathered together like this, because one day the king!

Ronan also has the same feeling. Every tour seems to be a collision of fate, and today is no exception.

"Even if you are really lost, I think you should not find a way back now."

As soon as the conversation turned, Ronan's voice became loud and powerful again. It was not a ridicule or a joke. The loud and loud words directly hit his chest with a force, and the movement of a fist grabbed all the attention of the audience.

"Because this is a forgotten paradise, a hidden island, and an isolated solitary land. Here, we temporarily forget the tedious and boring life of life. We temporarily let go of the expectation and pressure of life, remove the mask, let go of the burden, and get rid of the shackles. , Just look for the most true and original self, re-awaken the self that has long been asleep deep in the heart, and then, sing as much as you want.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of One Day!"

The impassioned words were surging in the air, it seemed that the naked eye could see the billowing air wave covering the audience, and then the scream broke free and rushed out of his throat, yelling forgot, but Ronan's words still did not end.

"Forget the worries, the burden, the pressure, and the edges and corners we have been smoothed by life. When the music is played, when the performance is on, it is this short-lived world, like Alice in Wonderland, like Peter Pan returning to eternal There is no island, so enjoy a moment of tranquility and comfort here."

"Remember, when the music sounds, you are just yourself. Your happiness, your happiness, your joy and your sorrow are the only important things. Even if there is only one song, you can be yourself. The king!"



The screams and shouts lost control in this way, completely, like a wild horse running freely, Duncan could clearly and vividly feel the turbulent waves through the audio of the radio.

Closing his eyes, Duncan seemed to have arrived in the Indio Desert, standing in front of stage three, and mingling with the audience. The hot sun, the turbulent joy and the hot sweat are all so real and so beautiful. The heart curled up, and the tears had slipped before I realized it.

He needs to feel his heart and pulse, he needs to feel that he is still alive-only in this way can he find a little enthusiasm in the boring repetition day after day, and then fight back, for his family and himself, He just needs...the time of a song to rediscover the dried-up source of vitality.

It's like this moment.



With the falling tears, Duncan seemed to feel the power of his heart beating again. It was so clear and so powerful that it made his body tremble uncontrollably. He really hadn’t felt this power for too long, it seemed, he It's not myself anymore.

Even if there is only one song Even if the singing is over, it will return to reality, even if the song stops, the pressure will reappear, but at least, the time of a song makes him feel the power again. Then you can continue to fight--

It is not the escape of ostriches buried in the sand, but the suspension of drawing strength.

He needs such a "pause."

Duncan's body was tense to the extreme, and he tried his best to control his urge to shout along with the radio audio, let the tears flow, and then quietly feel the heartbeat and the flow of blood. The taste of happiness filled his chest like a bath. Under the sun of the Indio Desert.

"Gentlemen and ladies...Welcome to the end of time. Here, we are your kings, and you are your own kings."

Ronan's voice once again pushed the enthusiasm of the scene to a whole new level. The shouts and screams of the mountains and the tsunami created the effect of sweeping the army. It seems that the entire desert is boiling together, and the sun, sand and air are all fluttering. Dancing, the majestic momentum created an unparalleled sensation.

So Duncan didn't hold back, and looked towards the west. It was clear that there was only a wall in front of him, but he seemed to be able to overlook the grand scene.

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