King of Stage

Chapter 555: Self introduction

The brain, seeming to be rolling, continues to rise towards the boiling point.

Ronan looked at the grand scene in disbelief. Even if this situation was unfolding in front of him, he still couldn't help but doubt what he saw.

Maybe, it's just a mirage?

After all, they are in the desert right now, phantoms appear after dehydration, seeing sights that do not exist at all. This is a physiological phenomenon that has been scientifically proven.

Ronan didn’t know how things happened, it’s just... the brain was hot, after the impulse, and then the scene evolved into something like this, as if there was another personality in the depths of the soul, a snap of a finger, and magic happened; but Ronan It must be admitted that he likes it from the bottom of his heart.

If this is a dream, then let this dream continue for a while.

"I guess you used your performance to win the admission ticket to Never Island."

Ronan, shouting loudly, bathed in golden sunlight, an absolutely strong sense of fullness surged in his chest, as if he could turn his hands into clouds and cover his hands into rain. The entire stage 3 was controlled by his palm. Here, even the dangerous desert in front of him has become his territory.

"Then, let us get to know the kings of Never Island!"

The intermission time is also a time for band members to show themselves——

As the lead singer, Ronan always stands in front of the stage, gathering the focus of the audience, bathing in the spotlight, like the facade of the band, but the band is not only the lead singer, but also Maxim, Cliff, and Austria. Well, they also need time and space to show their existence.

Now, it is the shining moment that belongs to the band members.

After many tours, the band members have gradually become accustomed to Ronan's unreasonable string of words, which can always bring laughter.

Today, nature is no exception.

"First of all, Cedric-Diggory! Handsome and handsome, deep blue eyes are as intoxicating as Lake Berga; kindness is perfect, and impeccably makes all ugly ideas invisible, yet ...To lose sex/attractiveness completely boringly."

Wait, who?

Why does Cedric from "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" appear here?

People who are not familiar with Ronan, such as Lewis and Ruth, are full of question marks. Shouldn't you introduce the band members at this time? What is Ronan doing?

People who are familiar with Ronan, such as Kane and Sophie, are already overwhelmed with joy, and can make judgments from just a few words of description.

"Gentlemen and ladies, let us welcome—"

"Maxim Puning!"

Kane and Sophie shouted loudly as they did their best, uttering the protagonist's name by answering Ronan, and the voices gathered from different corners of the audience became the best answer.

The eyes of Lewis and Ruth almost fell off, so Cedric is Maxim? What the **** is this?

As the person involved, Maxim thought he had long been used to being invulnerable, but the reality was that after hearing Ronan's complaints, his first reaction was to give Ronan a stern look, but he didn't delay his fingertips and swiped. , The fingertips drew across the strings of the bass, the notes vented down like a torrent of water, and used the melody to express his strong protest against Ronan——

He is not boring at all!

"Punch", Ruth couldn't hold back it at once, and immediately laughed. Although her head was full of question marks and she couldn't figure it out, but after thinking about it carefully, she had to say that Ronan's ridicule and complaints were keenly grasped. With certain characteristics, Maxim's image can be brought to life without much effort.

This is undoubtedly very friendly to new audiences like them who have just met King One Day, and the edges and corners of the band members are immediately sharper.

"Maxim is equal to the handsome guy in the vase", Ruth can already remember Beth's name.

So, what about the others?

"Next, Mad Hatter! He behaves strangely and madly. He often speaks illogical nonsense. His favorite puzzle is'Why a crow is like a writing desk.' But he doesn't know the answer himself. He has a wild imagination. Others can’t keep up, the problem is... all of them are useless."


Ruth didn't even need to wait for the answer to be revealed, and Ruth was already laughing. It turned out that there were such members in the King's Band one day?

Can't see it, really can't see it.

Then, before Ronan turned around to introduce, someone could see someone spread their hands and express strong dissatisfaction——


With his hands on his hips and glaring anger, he expressed fierce protest with body language. Obviously, he did not have any sense of identity with his "role".

However, Ronan didn't seem to understand Cliff, he looked at him suspiciously, and paused, "Oh, are you going to show off the Ford Walken dance?"

Ronan Cooper!

Cliff forgot to take the microphone, and directly used his own voice to protest strongly, but was interrupted by Ollie and Maxim's belly laughing.


Cliff is simply a physical idiot with uncoordinated limbs. Not to mention dancing, sometimes he even walks with his hands and feet, and his ability to wrestle on the ground is amazing. Appreciated Cliff's dance, and then looked at the balloon man at the door of the gas station-that is simply the world's dance king.

Cliff looked at the heartless Maxim, rolled his eyes, and said directly, "Cedric Diggory."

Maxim wasn't "caught" at all, and choked back with "Mad Hat", and Olly had already laughed silently behind him.

Ronan always seems to have this ability. Even though they are already prepared, they have long been used to Ronan’s various and invented words, but every time they experience it in person, they can’t help but sigh. Laughing with the audience.

"Cliff Barron!"

At the scene, Kane, Sophie and others burst into laughter. Although they could all see Cliff waving their hands again and again, doing their best to prove their innocence ~ trying to get rid of Ronan's "accusations", but they were familiar with it. The audience of the Japanese King still cast their sights on Cliff, and it seems that they have reached a consensus.

Then, they shouted out in unison, a handful of voices, one after another in front of the third stage. Ruth was obviously already a little slower, and when she waited for the judgement, the answer had already come out, but she still joined the ranks not to be outdone, and shouted out Cliff's name.

"Cliff Barron!"

The audience cheered, swarming from all directions, surrounded Cliff in an instant, and even saw a lot of arms raised high-five for encouragement, expecting Cliff to be able to "bravely" show himself.

Cliff throws a helpless look at Ronan and Maxim, but at this time there is no time. Before lowering his head, his fingertips have fallen, and his emotions are poured into it with passion, playing like Beethoven. Out of the stormy waves, it whizzed down towards the audience.



The overwhelming sound and waves spread out on top of each other, colliding with the heat waves of the audience, and exploding with incredible energy!

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