King of Stage

Chapter 573: Time trace

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The band members did not expect that Oli actually showed up with Ophelia.

Ophelia did not expect that she could see the band members up close.

After all, in just three days, a stormy band was created throughout the Indio Desert. It is difficult for any ordinary person to resist curiosity. What's more, this band just made history in Grammys not long ago. The mysterious halo gathered on the body is even more gorgeous.

Now that she has the opportunity to get in touch with each other up close, Ophelia’s curiosity will inevitably be ignited——

What's more, the embarrassment of a long-lost reunion. If there is no topic, you must find a topic. Then, what topic is more suitable than a king?

What Ophelia is most curious about is undoubtedly Ronan, not because Ronan is the lead singer of the band, but because Ronan and Ollie used to go in and out.

Although Ronan and Ollie ran with Ophelia back then, Ophelia was not really impressed with Ronan, and she didn’t even remember her face, but only vaguely remembered a big boy who was slightly restrained and shy. , Followed by Ollie, waving the flag and shouting, even if it was just two people, it was too lively.

However, at the time of the reunion, Ophelia witnessed the miracle of the Coachella Music Festival on the spot, and she still felt the shock at close range, and curiosity surged uncontrollably, and continued for these two days. The heated discussion generated more interest and curiosity.

"Ronan Cooper?"

It is really difficult for Ophelia to connect the Ronan in the memory with the Ronan on the stage. Is it because her memories are too vague?

Instead, it was Ollie.

Over the years, Ollie still seems to be the Ollie back then, a little bit shy and cautious, a little bit sassy, ​​and a heartless smile. Time doesn’t seem to leave too much mark on Ollie, even for many years. I didn't see, meeting again, and still able to reassure Ophelia.

Inadvertently, the memory returned to college, and it was precisely because of this contrast that the performance stage on the first day became more and more magical.

Undoubtedly, the biggest winner of this year's Coachella Music Festival is the King of One Day. The three-day performance has basically been over. No one can replicate the feat of King One Day, even from the perspective of performance quality. A man can be compared with a king for a day.

It is precisely because other singers have made their debut, and through comparison, I can more intuitively feel the rare performance of the king's first afternoon on the first day of the day.

Now, there are countless discussions about King One Day’s performance on the day. Being in the Indio Desert is prone to the illusion that "everyone is discussing King One Day". Ophelia also heard some small talk from Orly. Standing in front of Ronan now, he couldn't help but want to study further.

However, Ophelia still couldn't help but worry, did she cross the line?

In fact, it's not just Ophelia, but also Oli.

Facing his teammates, Ollie only wakes up slightly at this time, and realizes that he is too eager to get along with Ophelia, so that he unintentionally reveals some secrets that should not be leaked, and then he still feels completely unconscious. I don't know, I will expose myself in front of my teammates now.

Shy. cautious. tension. perturbed.

The mixed feelings surging in Ollie's chest, he couldn't help but look up at the sky, pretending that he was looking at the stars, but his uncontrollable curled fingers still revealed the true emotions in his heart.

Ronan could feel Ollie's entanglement, naturally he would not take the stage face to face, quickly retracted his gaze, and smiled gently at Ophelia.

"Yes, until the night before the stage, we were still not sure whether it was appropriate to end Coachella's performance with this piece."

Ronan's words were like a spring breeze, helping Ophelia to rescue Ophelia, which gave her courage again and asked curiously, "Because this is a new song?"

Ronan chuckled, "Of course, part of the reason is so. After all, this is the last song of the whole performance. If you can sing in a chorus, it will undoubtedly push the atmosphere to a new peak, but choose a new song. If so, such a dream scene is doomed to be impossible."

Ollie is an honest person. Even though there is always a heartless and brilliant smile on his face, he can't laugh, but the content of the words is dry and straightforward. The facts are conveyed straightforwardly, and even the tone lacks vitality. This It's hard to make the words easy.

But Ronan is not. Obviously it is the core of a simple topic, and he can also present it in a witty and relaxed way, coupled with a subtle tone that gives emotions such as spitting, self-blacking, joking, trendy, ridicule, etc., and the words fall in the ears. Can interpret different deep meanings.

The conversation becomes more enjoyable.

This is the case at this time.

Ophelia's question was nothing special, but Ronan's answer made the back and forth answer full of fun.

"Another part of the reason is the song itself."

This is no secret, even on the talk show can be shared, Ronan easily answered.

"The genre of'embrace the new life' is not a release bursting style, but a gradual style. If it is placed at the beginning of the second half, it may be very suitable; but at the end of the audience, at the peak of emotions. It's inevitable that there will be a slight contrast to the end of the whole show at that time."

"We don't want to pour a bucket of cold water on the head when the audience is in high spirits, then we will kill the performance by ourselves."

The relaxed tone made Ophelia laugh happily. The first reaction was to turn her head and look at Ollie, "When you talked to me, you didn't mention it."

Ollie scratched his head and smirked blankly.

Ronan helped out. "That's because he wants to maintain the image of the band and doesn't want to expose the old bottom directly."

Everyone laughed.

Justin complained directly, "So don't you need to worry about it now?"

Ronan spread his hands, showing a dead pig not afraid of boiling water. "In front of his own people, there is no need to hide the **** is that."

Everyone burst into laughter.

"Owner", Ophelia sensitively caught the words in Ronan's words, and subconsciously turned her head to look at Ollie.

Ollie's reaction was a little slower, he just laughed with everyone, seemingly unaware of Ronan's special words.

Ophelia turned her head and looked at Ronan again, panicking. Is it because she thinks too much?

Time always inadvertently leaves marks on everyone. Some can be noticed, but more often they are not noticed. After I grow up, when I suddenly wake up one day, I realize that I have already I am no longer myself, and I can never go back.

Long-lost old friends, they are like the same mirror, reflecting each other's changes, good and bad, all are clearly exposed——

Even if the person hasn't discovered it himself, he will always find it after he comes back to his senses.

It's like this time.

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