King of Stage

: Five hundred and seventy-seven classics reproduce

In 2011, Woody-Allen (Woody-Allen) shot a masterpiece that reproduced the classic, "Midnight Paris".

An ordinary man encounters a bottleneck in his life, is trapped in his real life, eager to write his first novel, but his wife and family members all oppose it, because ideals have no living space in real life, which makes He was very depressed.

One night, he wandered through the streets of Paris and got into a sightseeing carriage boringly, but he didn't expect to travel through time and space and return to the golden age of literary shining. He met countless legendary masters and lingered at the parties where the masters' inspirations collided.

Life is such a thing.

Everyone is escaping from reality, imagining that there should be another golden age, which once existed in the long river of history, and everything they dream of is still shining. Maybe it was my childhood; maybe, it was the distant historical era when the artists I admired were shining.

The film "Midnight Paris" reproduces the golden age of the past.

What movies can do, so can music.

Now Ronan is building a magical world.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

The simple rhythm of the drum beats, but they converged into a starry Milky Way, tearing through the sky, falling straight for nine days, the roar of the ears is intoxicating.

Waiting to recover, Justin and Bruno realized that they had been completely lost in the melody. The glory and beauty of the golden age seemed to have come to the end of the world of the Indio Desert, in this vast desert. , Reproduce the classics like "Midnight Paris".

Just as Ronan sang:

"When I just want you to show a smile, who can blame me?"

So, how did Ronan do it?

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

"I want to make you thrill like Michael (Michael-Jackson), I want to kiss you like a Prince (Kiss), let us dance like Marvin-Gaye ( Let's-Get-it-On), like Hathaway (Hathaway), compose a song like this for you!” (Note 1)

Magic was born like this!

In a trance, they seem to have really returned to the 1980s when top superstars such as Michael Jackson, Prince, Marvin Gay and so on were shining, and "trembling", "kissing" and "dancing together" are their legends. Classic tracks!

And Hathaway?

It's not the actor Anne-Hathaway who has a place in Hollywood with works such as "The Princess Diaries", "Brokeback Mountain", "Les Miserables", "Batman: The Dark Knight Rises" and so on — few people know , Her name was inspired by the wife of William Shakespeare (William-Shakespeare), who has the same name and surname.

Here, "Hathaway" refers specifically to Shakespeare's wife, because many of Shakespeare's works are dedicated to his wife. Similarly, this song is also dedicated to the emotion of the "goddess", which is in everyone's mind. Hathaway" creation.

Verbs and nouns are seamlessly connected together. The retro rhythm and brisk rhythm once again show the elegance and grace of blues and jazz. The romantic and moving emotions between the staff are displayed. There is no need for the brain to think and process. The body seems to be able to. Feel the jumping notes moving, and then twist them together.

Heartily, wanton, indulgently, as if there is no tomorrow...Dancing, and then the smile on the corner of his mouth blooms wantonly.

But at this time, the climax of the chorus has just arrived.

"You have occupied my mind. You made me lose my mind and feel that I was born at an untimely time, a unique existence, but living in such a plastic world."



Justin yelled, Bruno followed with a cheer, obviously without any discussion, but the surging inspiration just collided, and the sparks that burst out on the spot infused the melody with vitality, and then everyone followed and reveled together.

I don’t know who took the lead and started to build the train. Everything is like a disco in the 1980s, with one person acting as the locomotive, and then everyone followed mightily, building a long dragon, stepping on the rhythm and twisting their shoulders. , Around the ballroom, dancing wantonly.

"Oh, baby, you are a classic ()!"

"Hey! Baby, you are a classic!"

Typical blues singing way!

Rejecting the ordinary. Rejecting the ordinary. It does not follow the rules. Instead, it is free to play according to the atmosphere of the scene. Later, the more widely recognized and popular rhythm and blues developed from here; but the focus of the blues is not It lies in "Hurricane", but in "freedom".

Simply put, it is the atmosphere. The treble is not the key point. Use the humming-style play to inject emotional weight into the notes and lyrics, which is a perfect interpretation.

"Oh!, you are a classic!"

Ronan’s singing releases energy in this way, light and invigorating, lazy but stretched, like sunshine jumping on a cat, warm and energetic, but the easy humming makes people can’t help but immerse in it, and follow along. Twisting, the mellowness and warmth in the voice are perfectly intoxicating.

Bruno, now completely roaming in it, leaned back slightly, his shoulders jittered slightly in accordance with the rhythm, and his waist and knees were slightly twisted, as if he was feeling the rhythm of the rhythm with his body, where it rose, it rose. Head, howled at the shy moon and wolf above the sky.


This made Ronan laugh happily, and shouted, "Hey, Bruno! Come on!"

Bruno turned his head and looked at Ronan, who was reflected in the light of the campfire. His smile bloomed freely. He walked on the moon and moved across the clouds and water. The two turned around and left the line of the train around the field. They came to Ronan and stood still for a while. , Raising his hands high, hit the rhythm on his head.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Not only the hands, but also the chest, waist, hips, and knees, the whole body is swaying back and forth to feel the rhythm, looking at Ronan’s eyes, completing the communication in the orange fire, it seems that you can clearly feel the collision of inspiration. With a simple two-to-eight beat, Bruno is ready.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Bruno began to sing, and he just started to speak, with a hoarse blues voice that makes people intoxicated. Compared with Ronan, Bruno's voice has an inherent advantage, a little hoarse, a little mellow, a little vicissitudes, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is like pouring a hint of dark chocolate into the blue velvet, so that the notes dance with it.

"Four dozen roses are offered just to attract your attention; to sing a serenade, like Sinatra (Frank-Sinatra)."


Bruno also caught Ronan’s inspirational intentions, and simply mentioned another superstar in the 1980s again, then turned around and blinked at Ronan, turning his knees on the spot like Elvis Presley. , Bowed slightly and made a "come, come, come" gesture to Ronan with both hands.

Ronan immediately understood: This is a signal to change the rhythm of the drums.


Hum! Hum! Hum!

Although according to common sense, the rhythm of the first verse and the second verse should be the same, and the sudden increase in the second verse will break the balance; but what about breaking the convention? Now is the time for inspiration to collide, be bold, decisive, and brave.

Note 1: Classic (—MKTO)

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