King of Stage

Chapter 587: Advance and retreat

hang up the phone.

Completely ignored.

This was Ronan's first reaction, but it was later rejected by Ronan himself-to hang up was indeed enough to be decisive, but at the same time it was equivalent to avoiding.

Since the other party has decided to break the dusty state, take the initiative to call, and the tone of voice on the phone is so natural, it also means that there will be a second and a third time, and things will not stop because of Ronan’s ignorance. It will not be so simple to declare the end.

What's more, he didn't want to escape.

Rather than evade, it is better to face, then solve, or even kill, this is the real decisive decisive action.

Ronan believes that he is no longer the fourteen-year-old child, that he is no longer the child who is unable to change things and is not ready to face the accident; similarly, he is no longer the deafness and vision loss in both ears. 'S child, he is no longer the helpless child trapped in the endless darkness.

Now, he is strong enough and independent enough. He has experienced Grammys and Coachella. All the storms and storms have passed. He can face all possibilities calmly and handle them independently.

Take a deep breath.

Ronan took a deep breath, and then, the disturbing thoughts quickly settled down, regaining his composure—

A small part of the reason is that I have been mentally prepared, the clues reminding vaguely has an outline, the impact and accident at the moment of identity announcement have weakened the power, and the electric light and flint have settled down. Things seem to be less shocking than imagined.

"Jonathan Hanson".

This is not Voldemort's name, and there is no way to tremble with just one name.

The crowded brain even had time to think about it, and the corners of Ronan's mouth rose slightly, and he could even feel the absurdity.

Then, the voice continued on the other end of the phone, "I am your father."


Ronan couldn't hold it back, he laughed straight out.

This line is the most classic stalk of the movie "Star Wars" series. The dark warrior Darth-Vader is the father of Luke-Skywalker. When he said that line At that time, it also became the most fateful and dramatic tragic moment in the series.

But later, because it was used repeatedly too many times, it became a slot, even a joke.

It's like this time.

Although Ronan immediately realized his impoliteness, the scene was really full of joy, "Sorry, are we doing the script rehearsal now? I think I might have forgotten my script, or I will reschedule the time another day? "


Between the words, you can deeply feel Ronan's ridicule; and it is not intentional, you can feel the real complaints from the heart.

This is also an attack.

The breathing on the other end of the phone was obviously disordered, and the calmness and calmness of Taishan sitting steadily was finally disrupted, and there was dissatisfaction in his voice, "You are like a clown now."

"Thank you." Ronan didn't feel any offense. Not only did he not, but he chuckled happily, and said happily, "I am very happy to entertain Mr. Hansen. It is my honor. I think, Hansen today. The husband called, it should be just to find some fun."

"Don't forget, you are also a Hansen." The voice on the other end of the phone stiffened completely. Facing Ronan's repeated humiliation, he couldn't remain completely calm after all-after all, he is an elder. He is a father, and he doesn't like children talking to himself in this tone.

Ronan's eyebrows raised slightly, "Mr. Hansen, is this your trump card? It's really disappointing. I thought you were well prepared." There was a mockery in his eyes, "Wait, wait. Didn’t you receive the Cooper’s Christmas card? Twelve years ago, we were no longer Hansen."



Heavy and awkward breathing came from the other end of the telephone receiver. Obviously, the gentleman really did not know that all three children had changed their surnames—

Because he never cared.

Now think about it, when the call was just connected, the mixed emotions hidden behind the phrase "Cooper" could be reasonably explained.

"Jonathan, you shouldn't..."


"Your body..."

"Go away!"

On the other end of the phone faintly heard some fragmented quarrels, with women's voices and men's voices intertwined in a mixed manner.

You don't need to be present to feel the chaos.

In the end, Jonathan Hansen's rough voice still controlled the scene, "Get out! You all get out of me!" Although a little breathless, the majesty revealed in the voice still made the surrounding chaos all Be quiet, and then his voice reappeared on the other end of the phone.

"What the **** are you doing? I saw you in the Los Angeles Times. I know you are now Ronan Cooper. What does this mean? Is this a stage name? To distinguish it from me? Or yours. Mother made such a naive request?"

Jonathan regained his composure, and his aggressive and powerful momentum rushed toward his face over the phone.

However, to Ronan, it was so ridiculous, "Hehe, Mr. Hansen, we have discussed this topic just now. You are not the sun, and not everyone revolves around you."

"My ID and passport are all this name. If you are curious, I can tell you that Max and Alice are both. We just did what a normal family should do. So, I thought, You made a special call, maybe not to confirm your identity, right?"

Ronan’s quick attack of combined punches once again made Jonathan’s breath turbulent again, and a muffled thump came from the telephone receiver, but he didn’t know what was going on; but what was certain was Jonathan’s calmness and composure. Has been disrupted.

"What are your plans next?" Jonathan said.

Such words made Ronan tilt his head slightly, and chuckled again. He wanted to vomit, but the attack that came to his mouth was still swallowed, because Ronan realized that he was too cooperative now. , It can almost be said that there are questions and answers, UU reading www. uukanshu. The initiative of com is entirely in the hands of the other party.

Ronan, who didn’t want to keep entangled anymore, gave up his intention to continue attacking and complaining, regained the initiative, and said lightly, “Mr. Hansen specifically called today to care about my next itinerary? Ha ha, thank you very much. Care, you only need to follow my Twitter to know."

There is no sharp attack, but the courtesy of advancing and retreating properly. The alienation revealed between words is more lethal than ordinary attacks.


Such a light sentence made Jonathan furious, but before he had time to say anything, he began to cough violently.



The turbid coughing sound can feel the thick phlegm in the chest through a microphone, and the respiratory tract should be panicked. Once the coughing starts, it can't stop, as if the whole lungs are about to cough out.

At the other end of the phone, there was another rush of soldiers and horses, and the sloppy voices were surging. It could be felt that the opposite should be very lively.

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