King of Stage

Chapter 589: Playing the piano on the cow

Ronan felt that life should be a comedy.

Everything in front of him seemed very absurd and very bizarre, because it was so inexplicable that Ronan strongly suspected that this was a prank, so he turned his head and looked around, trying to find a camera to see if there was a show crew shooting in the dark, and set up one. Trap let yourself jump.

Even the raging anger in his chest calmed down, replaced by a sense of absurd banter, and his smile rose.

So, what is going on here?

To be honest, even before the turning point of last summer, Ronan could not find any memories of inheriting family property in his memory. In other words, Jonathan Hansen’s family property has never been in Ronan Cooper’s. Considering the scope, he has never been a young master who "must go home and inherit tens of millions of fortunes if his music dream is not successful".

After all, he is no longer a Hansen.

Moreover, after twelve years, Jonathan "suddenly" remembered that he still had three children? It seems that the three children have never been listed as heirs, and then one day he patted his head and remembered it again? Isn't this a fantasy?

More precisely, the third party should hope that Jonathan will never remember that there are three other children who have inheritance rights, right? Haven't they blossomed and bred life over the years? So, what is going on now?

There is no reasonable explanation for everything. If it is a TV station prank, it will be more acceptable.

It is precisely because of this that it is becoming more and more absurd at this moment, it is simply inexplicable! Absurd beyond words!

Ronan laughed back in anger, and the low laughter echoed in his chest.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Jonathan didn't like the sneer from the other end of the phone, and was angry.

Ronan was not afraid at all, and returned to the bottom of his eyes with a light laugh, "Mr. Hansen, what happened? You saw my figure on the Grammys, and then suddenly I felt that that guy was familiar? Then? Wake up the memory that has been completely erased in your mind, and make a phone call on a whim? Or what's the matter?"

The more he thought about it, the more funny Ronan couldn’t understand Jonathan’s brain circuit--

If Jonathan really wants Ronan to bend for five buckets of rice, then it is obviously not the best opportunity for Grammys to become famous; just a few months ago, when the band was desperate, at that time Jonathan hit with a stack of blank checks, I am afraid Ronan also It is difficult to refuse so easily.

In addition, if Jonathan really wanted Ronan to inherit the family business, he shouldn't have heard from him for more than 12 years and then suddenly changed his mind.

What is going on at this timing? It's not right! From the beginning to the end, there was a...unexplainable.

"Mr. Hansen, what are you looking forward to?" Ronan was really curious, not ironic or complaining, but full of question marks from the heart. "After hearing your words, I am grateful and crying. Taken, thank you for your charity. After more than ten years, I finally remembered an abandoned stray dog, and then should I wag my tail and smile into your embrace?"

"Humph." Jonathan sneered. "Otherwise? How are you going? You don't really think that you are already a famous and famous person? Or, let me teach you a real life lesson? The blank check hits you dizzy and realizes that your persistence is totally vulnerable, and your dignity and pride are worthless?"


It turned out that Jonathan really expected Ronan to shake his tail and hug him with gratitude!

Ronan was not angry, and the corners of his mouth rose greatly, "Oh, Mr. Hansen won't disappoint. Why not, let's try it first."

"That's right, obedient..." Jonathan thought Ronan was finally subdued, his words eased slightly, showing a trace of satisfaction.

But obviously, Jonathan was still centered on himself, and he didn't feel the true meaning of Ronan's words at all.

"Ah, no, no, no, Mr. Hansen, don't worry, let's take it step by step, baby footsteps." Ronan was not anxious, patiently correcting Jonathan's illusion, just like a driving instructor, correcting the sixteen-year-old little by little. The boy learns to drive the correct posture, said with a smile.

"I mean, the first step, try to hit me dizzy with a blank check. You said, if I just sign a check directly to buy a small Pacific island, build a private airport, and then buy a private jet Machine, can all these be packaged together?"

Ronan was discussing in earnest, with a lightness in his words.

"As for building a luxury manor on the island, a second blank check is needed. To be honest, I never thought about it before, but now that I think about it, it feels quite exciting. A blank check, after all It is a matter of legend and needs to be fully utilized."

"You!" Jonathan was completely disrupted by Ronan's unreasonable moves of playing cards, only to pronounce a syllable, and then the words stuck in his throat.

Ronan was very satisfied with the situation he created, and raised his voice slightly, "What's wrong, can't you do these things with blank checks? The truth is too disappointing."

The bottom of his eyes and the corners of his mouth were filled with smiles, Ronan was completely relaxed, and faintly found the relaxed posture of a talk show——

Life can also be entertained like a talk show.

"Ah, if there is no way to achieve a blank check, then I think the plan should be shelved. Mr. Hansen should know better than me that the most important thing in business negotiations is not only the bargaining chip, but also the timing~www.readwn. com~ Since Jonathan wants to teach Ronan, now Ronan also teaches Jonathan.

"You seem to have missed the exact stop of the train, and now you got off the wrong train. Wait, did I forget to tell you? Not long ago, I just signed a check for 200,000 U.S. dollars. Not much. Obviously this is not a blank. Checks, but a blank check can’t buy Kojima and Jets anyway, so I think the difference should not be too big. I am not short of money now.”

Of course, at the current level of King One Day, the income is still below one million US dollars, which is far from being compared with a medium-sized company like Jonathan Hansen, but the point is that King One Day is also no longer desperate. The survival dilemma is no longer a problem.

"Two hundred thousand dollars? You are joking with me, right? If it is, the joke is not funny at all, it just seems how stupid you are. You don't even know how many zeros can be signed on the check." Jonathan looked again. Returning to the state, he expressed disdain with a contemptuous gesture.

Ronan didn't hold back and laughed blankly, because he felt that he was playing the piano to the cow at all, and the focus of the two people's words was completely different.

So, how should communication continue?

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