King of Stage

Chapter 592: Free imagination

"Hey, Mr. Love, you are happy and happy, so what should I do?" Ronan's eyes were full of jokes, jokingly expressing dissatisfaction.

Ollie thought about it seriously, "Can't you just sell the company and wander around the world with us?"

good idea!

Ronan's smile became brighter, "Wandering around the world? Ah, I still want to buy an island in the Pacific Ocean and build a paradise."

"..." Ollie's eyes widened, his mouth opened, his face was incredible, as if he was saying: It can be like this! Why didn't I think of it!

Then, Ollie squinted his eyes and slammed Ronan’s shoulder lightly, "Beside your island, buy me one too. We are the neighbors next door. Believe me, I must be the best neighbor in the world. , We can go fishing together, we can drive a sailboat together to look for dolphins, we can also take a jet plane to Paris for lunch, and then go to the Caribbean to watch the sunset in the evening."

As he spoke, Ollie burst into laughter, just imagining the picture in his mind, and his heart exploded into fireworks.

Then he chuckled like a fool.

Ronan couldn't help but chuckled, "Wait, Ollie, what about the dream of the band? What about the wandering world?"

Ollie blinked, "We can hold a concert that is unique in the world in the high seas of the Pacific Ocean! How about it?"

To be honest, actually... a little looking forward to it!

Ronan burst into laughter, his mood finally relaxed, and the burden on his shoulders was completely relieved.

Ollie turned his head and looked at Ronan, his smile slowly falling in his eyes, and he found peace again, "Ronan, remember? You told me this sentence, there is no need to worry about someone who doesn't care about you at all, because You have no value in his life, and so should you."

Ronan was stunned for a moment, he really didn't remember, this should be Ronan Cooper's words to advise Ollie, at this time Ollie awakened the memory again.

Ollie’s father, alcoholic, irritable, and dirty, has failed marriages one after another, but he never reviewed himself, but put all his faults on his children, not only ignoring his two eldest sons bullying the youngest Ollie , And when he was drunk, he punched and kicked to vent his anger.

Ollie’s childhood was full of violence and indifference, full of wounds and tears, until he graduated from high school, he got the admission letter from the University of California, Los Angeles by his own ability, and he escaped from that **** and started a new life. After that, he never went back.

When he just entered the first year of college, Ollie’s two half brothers forcibly broke into Ollie’s dormitory. They believed that Ollie was able to go to college because he stole the cash from the family, and they tried to steal the money. When he went back, Ronan was accidentally smashed, and he called the police on the spot.

In fact, Ollie, like Ronan, both went to the university through scholarships and student loans. In addition, they also had wages earned through their own part-time jobs, which were saved for tuition and living expenses. Ollie has never received any help from the family, not only did not, but they are still dragging Ollie's hind legs, trying to pull Ollie back into the quagmire.

Their lives are a mess, and Ollie is not allowed to escape.

At that time, Ronan and Ollie met and became friends.

Looking back now, Ronan felt completely empathetic to Ollie's situation, which also became an important opportunity for them to establish a friendship. Those words contained Ronan's own voice.

"I don't remember." Ronan's answer made Ollie stunned and blinked quickly. This situation was different from what he had imagined!

But Ronan's words did not end, "I think it's always easy and simple to persuade others, but when it's your turn, you have selective amnesia."

"..." After Ollie was relieved, he realized that Ronan was making complaints about himself and couldn't help laughing.

Ronan let out a sigh again and immersed himself in his thoughts, "Actually, we all understand the truth. It's like a mathematical formula. It's not that complicated, but when you really face it, you find that it's not so easy to execute. It's like a tug of war between reason and emotion. We always need to face our own emotional fluctuations, and simple things become complicated."

Ronan like this is a little strange and familiar. It seems that he has returned to a year ago. He always lacks some confidence and can't help questioning himself. The hesitation and hesitation in his heart binds his footsteps; but this year, Ronan gradually changed, and it hadn't been a long time since he saw it like this.

However, Ollie missed Ronan a bit, not because of Ronan's swing, but because those fragility made Ronan more real.

"Emotion, this is a human weakness, but also a human strength, otherwise, we can be replaced by robots at any time." Ollie said seriously.

A short sentence, but full of philosophical flavor.

Ronan couldn't help turning his head and looked over, looking at Ollie with a confused face, he didn't seem to realize how much wisdom he had in this sentence, which made Ronan chuckle.

Sure enough, Ollie is the type of great wisdom.

"Well, I think so too." Ronan gently chinked his head to express his approval, his mood was completely relaxed, and he looked back at the desert in front of him, whispering.

"Don't worry, I just need a little time."

Ollie also nodded, without saying anything, turning his head to look straight ahead:

The vast expanse of the sky, the endless desert, the bustling sea of ​​people leaving is gradually ebb, and the sight of the place seems to have returned to the desolate silence again, the noise and prosperity of the past three days is like a grand mirage, sober It was just a dream after coming over.

There is a sense of emptiness, pulling his ankles and sinking slowly, it seems that even the breeze that sweeps over reveals a sense of loneliness and loneliness.

But at the same time, I can feel the magnificence of the universe and the smallness of the individual in the trance, and I can also feel the heat of the sound and the strength of the individual, as if closing my eyes, I can once again feel the madness of the third stage in the afternoon of the first day~ The vast expanse of three-finger rituals spread out infinitely before my eyes.

The feast of music has indeed come to an end, but those pictures, sounds and memories will always be imprinted in the depths of memory, even time cannot erode.

These are all the wealth that I own, which cannot be replaced or evaluated. Only time can tell what imprints were left in my life during the weekend of April 2013 and what impact it had. The change has come silently.

"Hey, Ronan, are you really not going to inherit the company?"


"In my opinion, you need to inherit, you must inherit, and then sell the company after changing hands. Promise me, okay?"

"How much are you going to divide?"

"Not too much, not too much, 10% is fine."

"So what's the price? Let's talk about it first, I don't accept selling."

"Oh... how can this be done!"

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