King of Stage

Chapter 5: Adventure journey


   Ollie showed the correct posture of throwing on the street in embarrassment, his limbs stiffened because he was too embarrassed, and he kept his original posture as if time was still, motionless.

   one second. Two seconds.

Then the pain came too late, Ollie curled up into a cooked shrimp, grinned and hugged his knees and groaned, "How can you be so direct?" Get out of the way, I just fell down like this and it's almost falling apart. You don't talk about loyalty. What's the matter?"


   Originally, Ronan’s eyes were full of worry and confusion, but because of Ollie’s words, he couldn’t help but chuckled, “I think you seem to be in good condition and nothing is wrong.”

   At least there is still energy to talk.

   Ollie stared at Ronan with round eyes, showing a pitiful look like a puppy, "Ronan! You broke your studies!"

   But the words were not fierce accusations. Immediately afterwards, Ollie stood up and looked at Ronan up and down, and then raised his hand to touch Ronan's forehead.

Ronan reflexively wanted to move back—he was still not used to the approach of strangers, but his brain still controlled the impulse to back up, because for Ronan Cooper, Ollie was not a stranger, and , Ollie is not malicious now, he needs to adapt slowly.

Ollie didn't notice Ronan's slight back movement. He felt the temperature of Ronan's forehead with the back of his hand, and the worries in his eyes flowed out, "It's still a bit hot, how are you feeling now? Do you still feel dizzy? Do you still want to vomit? Do you need to find a place to lie down and rest? Otherwise, let's go back to the motel now. That's it tonight. Good health is the most important thing."

   Ronan did not answer Ollie’s question, but looked at Ollie up and down with a weird expression. That expression of disgust made Ollie full of question marks.

   "Will you put that germ-stained palm on my forehead?" Ronan was cursing with his eyes.

Ollie looked down at his dirty hands and dirty, wet clothes. He raised his head, smiled carelessly and said, "Sorry, sorry", and then squeezed Ronan’s. Location, go into the bathroom to wash your hands, completely forgetting the question I just had.

   Ronan changed the subject accordingly, "Where are Cliff and Maxim?"

   Ollie is worried about Ronan’s health and hopes Ronan can have a good rest, but the question is, what do the other two members of the band think?

  Recall that when Ronan fainted just now, Cliff and Maxim did not come forward immediately, but had a dispute. So what was the content of the dispute? Furthermore, only Ollie appeared at the door of the bathroom at this time, and did not see the other two people.

   When both hearing and vision are degraded, it does not mean that he has lost his perception of the world. On the contrary, when the eyes and ears cannot capture the scene, they can "see and hear" more things.

  Sure enough, Ollie's expression was a little stiff, and even the gesture of washing his hands became confused.

   "Uh..." Ollie turned off the faucet, turned around, tried to explain a few words, but quickly gave up because of lack of eloquence. Before Ronan asked further, Ollie had already disarmed and surrendered.

"They... they don’t care about you, in fact, they are also very worried about you, but the bar owner said that our performance tonight has not been completed, so we can’t count them. Today’s dinner and drinks are not exempt. The two of them are talking to the boss. Fight for..."

Has the situation of    been so bad?

   Generally speaking, the remuneration for bar music performances is calculated separately, whether it is a special performance or a resident singing performance in bars and restaurants.

However, there is also a lower-level bar performance. These bars themselves are not high-level venues and will not hold special performances. They only invite some local amateur bands or indie bands to join the fun, and the reward is also a small amount of cash. It is composed of two parts with dinner and drinks.

   Of course, "a small portion of cash" is definitely not a big number, because providing free dinner drinks is equivalent to offsetting part of the compensation.

   Ollie’s words convey two key messages:

   First, the band’s performance level is so low and the status quo is very bad; second, can the band even afford the dinner and drinks? Or is it that the bar owner refused to pay even the "cash compensation" part of tonight?

   No wonder, even though Ronan Cooper had a fever, they still insisted on performing on stage; no wonder Cliff and Maxim went hand in hand to negotiate with the bar owner. The situation of the band should have fallen to the bottom.

Ronan paused and raised a reasonable suspicion, "Our performance is nearing the end, isn't it? It's almost done." The chaotic brain still couldn't sort out, there was only a vague impression, and the performance should be nearing the end. Part of it, "If the boss is not satisfied, we can come back to the show tomorrow as compensation. Isn't that OK?"

   Ollie shrugged his shoulders high, as if he had put on a high shoulder pad, his expression full of helplessness was very funny, "Cliff thinks that way."

"Let’s try to say that today’s performance is almost over. You fainted during the last song. Our performance has been basically completed. Of course, UU Reading should be paid; but you know, The owners of these small bars..." The towering shoulders deliberately paused for a long time before Ollie put them down again, his eyes filled with helplessness, "If it doesn't work, we will fight for compensation tomorrow, but... hope is slim."

   "Why?" The words had already rushed to his lips, but Ronan swallowed it after all.

  Maybe the bar owner is deliberately looking for faults, and simply intends to go wrong; maybe the bar owner is not satisfied with their performance and refuses to return tomorrow; maybe the bar owner simply finds it troublesome and does not want to have more contact with them...

   There are too many possibilities. As the weaker band, the band is really "artificial knife, I am a fish", and there is not much room for resistance.

   For this, Ronan, who has tasted the warmth of the world, can't understand it better; moreover, he also understands the difficult situation of indie bands and unknown musicians.

The so-called "dream" cannot be fed, cannot guarantee warmth, cannot shelter from wind and rain... More often, it has no meaning at all. Otherwise, music talent shows such as "American Idol" and "Voice of America" ​​will not Will have the vitality of such a long life—

   There are too many ordinary people who are blocked outside the door because they desire to realize their dreams of music.

  All of it, Ronan knew that the bar owner had a thousand and ten thousand reasons to reject them; however, he didn't care.

   Once, even the simplest and most basic normal life was a luxury; but now, he can have the opportunity to stand on the stage and perform. This has been a tremendous change.

  He just wants to cherish this opportunity, enjoy it, and embark on this adventure. It doesn't matter if this is just a dream.

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