King of Stage

Chapter 614: Tricky

Watching Ronan and Ollie turning away from the back, Taylor did not hold back after all, turned around and exclaimed to his friend, "Carly!"

Even if I tried my best, I still couldn't suppress the surprise and excitement in the words. A short address already contained too many emotions.

Carly didn't care, and winked at Tyler, "He's good. Honestly, better than expected." Then she looked around quickly, approached Tyler's ear, and whispered in her ear, "But It's really too warm, so gentle that it loses hormonal attraction. I am a little curious about what he will look like in the bedroom."

"Carly!" Taylor couldn't believe his ears, and covered his mouth with exclaim, but then realized that in the crowd, he shouldn't make such a fuss. The sights around him began to project one after another.

"Haha." Carly smiled very brightly and shook her head slightly, "Don't tell me, you never made it up."

Tyler seemed to be frightened. He turned his head and looked in the direction where Ronan and Ollie had left, making sure that they had left the club hall. Only then did he feel relieved, retracted his gaze, and saw Carly's witty and ridiculous eyes at a glance. After all, he couldn't hold it back, and he laughed.

The two big girls laughed together, and walked into the club.

But Ronan had no idea what was happening behind him.

The sun is shining on the face, brilliant and soft, bathing in it, the muscles of the whole body become lazily loosened, and a faint smell of the sea breeze can still be faintly smelled, even if the vision is temporarily blocked and cannot be seen, you can still feel it When you reach the vast expanse of the vast ocean, your mind opens up.

The days of staying in Los Angeles temporarily make people forget the wanderings on the road, and make people immersed in it comfortably and freely.

Ronan and Ollie left the club and stood at the door. The parking boy had already drove their car over, and stopped at the door one after another.

"Changed the car?" Ronan noticed at a glance that Oli's dilapidated Volkswagen had been replaced with a vintage burgundy Mustang.

Ollie scratched his head hey, "Johnny suggested that I change one. What's wrong, isn't it too exaggerated?"

The United States is a country on wheels. According to statistics, each person owns two cars on average and can get a driver’s license since the age of 16. Vehicles are really normal for daily life. Los Angeles is one of the typical representatives. It is difficult to move without a vehicle. Even if the band members have their own assistants and drivers, private vehicles are another matter.

Ollie is a nostalgic, the old Volkswagen was still a three-handed car, or after he joined the band, he accumulated income bit by bit, plus the subsidy sponsorship of Ronan, Maxim and Cliff, It was bought for two thousand dollars, and it has been nearly six years since now.

If it weren't for Johnny's reminder, I'm afraid Ollie wouldn't remember to change the car.

"It should be replaced. That car should be sent to scrap." Ronan showed a smile and affirmed, "Cliff will definitely like this car."

Cliff particularly likes that kind of muscular car, but his height and size are difficult to control, which means that Ollie can perfectly match Cliff's dream cars.

Ollie understood Ronan's meaning at once, and laughed happily, "Even if he can't control it, he won't give up his preference for muscle cars." After a glance, he saw Ronan's car. It's that black Ford, so ordinary that it doesn't have any personality or edges.

If I remember correctly, it should be Max’s 16th birthday gift to Ronan. It was a brand new car at the time, and it has been nearly ten years now.

"Are you not going to change cars? It looks a little different from your current image." Ollie asked with a smile.

Ronan spread his hands, "A person with a real temperament can easily control it no matter what car he drives." A ridicule made Cliff lie down inexplicably with the gun, and Ollie laughed happily.

In fact, Ronan didn't change his car. On the one hand, he didn't need it. He didn't have many opportunities to drive out by himself. He was on the tour for most of the year. It would be nice to keep Max's gift.

On the other hand, all his cash has been given to Alice, and now the account is indeed empty, and he has returned to the original point again before he has time to experience the taste of a rich man. In addition, I have always been accustomed to this way of life, so there is no special desire/look to squander money.

Maybe, after Alice still needs cash? After all, laymen also know that to make a movie is to burn money.

Cliff, who was continuing the meeting in the back garden, sneezed inadvertently and looked around with question marks. When he returned his gaze, he saw Johnny's inquiring gaze and waved his hand, "It's okay, let's continue. ..."

At this time, the parking boy came to face him and handed over the car key.

Standing in front of Ronan was a young man who looked like he was in his early thirties. He was handsome and slender. He could faintly see the traces of year-round fitness. He showed a big smile and showed neat white teeth. "Ronan, I like your performance very much. The Coachella Music Festival is really great. I wonder if you can sign me?"


After the waiter in the club just now, the parking boy also made his debut.

The frequency was so frequent that Ronan subconsciously turned his head and looked around, strongly doubting whether there was a show that was shooting a tricky prank.

Shouldn't it, has the king's current recognition reached such a level in one day?

But looking around for a week, Ronan couldn’t find any trace, and his eyes fell on the young man in front of him again-faintly you can see that the other party should look like an actor dreaming of working part-time in Los appearance The body shape can be judged.

"Will this cause you to lose your job?" Ronan asked curiously.

This is a high-end private club. All Hollywood celebrities come in and out. I am afraid that there are not one hundred or eighty top stars that I see every day.

It is precisely because of this that Ronan wonders if the prank show is being filmed in secret.

At the same time, considering this situation, if the club staff ask for autographs casually, I am afraid it will be endless, and the superstars will also be annoying. Therefore, the club should have relevant regulations prohibiting staff from interfering with the lives of guests.

The parking youth smiled brightly, "Today is my last day of work. I received a recurring role in a TV series, and I need to work in Burbank next. It's all because of you."

"Me?" Ronan was full of question marks.

The young man nodded, "Everyone is chasing light, right? Even an unknown little actor can't give up his dream. Maybe I will find my own light?" Those eyes are so bright that it makes The surrounding golden sunlight was also eclipsed.

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