King of Stage

Chapter 616: Act alone

Unlike imagined, the king members did not have the strength and domineering on the stage one day, the simplicity and sincerity after the stage aura faded were completely different, and the approachable smile made people feel intimate and warm. The signature is a signature, but there are thoughtful messages in addition to the signature, which immediately makes it unique.

Just as imagined, the king’s music for a day is always about dreams and life. Those notes record the truth of their journey along the way. There is no packaging and no hypocrisy. You can feel the color of their souls from the music, and the music under the stage. The face seemed to become real.

Gasper's mood rose involuntarily. Then, his eyes fell on his left chest again.

Luo Nan said, "Please continue to shine, as always."

Chewing the words carefully and repeatedly, the emotions in Gasper's eyes could not help surging lightly, and he suddenly raised his head to look at his work partner, "Ronan's words mean, am I a star? ?"

Everyone is chasing the light, but at the same time, everyone is also blooming-to be their own king in their own country.

A simple sentence contains too many philosophies, and Gasper is not sure, but the happiness in his chest can't help but burst, and the king once again reappears on the stage. The figure above, even at the Grammy Awards, still blooms with their colors.

Mood, flying.

"Oh roar!" Gasper jumped high, unable to restrain his happiness at all, so that Taylor and Carly, who had not completely gone away in the hall, turned their heads and explored what happened at the door, but what a pity I can't see it, just faintly hear the cheers and noise.

Arnold-Schwarzenegger, who was slowly parking in front of the club, looked at the parking boy with question marks all over his head. He blinked, and a question mark slowly appeared on his forehead:

Did the other person see themselves ecstatically and lose their minds? There is no need to exaggerate, right? This is not the first time I have visited the club.

Gasper completely ignored the gazes of others, just basking in the sun, blooming openly and gorgeously, showing a big smile to his colleague, as if he was full of positive courage in life, even with the young man. He also laughed helplessly:

His life as an actor seems to have finally ushered in a turning point, but no one knows what the outcome of this turning point will be. Maybe it's success, it's red and purple; maybe it's failure, and it's sinking into the sea; maybe it's ordinary, after a small wave, it returns to daily peace.

But no matter what, Gasper felt the courage again, bravely faced the challenge and bravely faced the power of life, fiercely stirring in his chest.

Today, it is suitable to start from scratch.


For Ronan, he still didn't have a clear feeling-because of him, because of his music, he changed the direction of a person's life.

Just like Michael Jackson, like the Beatles, like the Queen, like Bob Dylan, their existence has become a symbol, guiding countless young people to choose music, and also guiding countless ordinary people to rediscover their lives. Music seems to have such power.

However, the king had just emerged one day, and it seemed that he was still far away from "changing the lives of others." Ronan couldn't believe that they already had such an influence. To be precise, if I didn't notice it at all, I couldn't believe it or not.

Leaving the club and bidding farewell to Ollie, Ronan’s mood has been taken back. Just thinking that the king can now be recognized by ordinary people for one day, this is incredible, and the mood of being bathed in the bright sunshine of California has also become brighter. .

When I arrived at the recording studio, the sun was just right.

Although the afternoon sun is a bit scorching, you can already feel the scorching heat of summer at this time, and I can’t wait to wander in the blue of the swimming pool before June; but the heat doesn’t make people feel like it. Irritability, but faintly enjoy the gentle touch of the sun.

Ronan, a little nervous and a little relaxed.

It is almost a year since they arrived in New Orleans to start a new life. During this period, they experienced an incredible journey, with laughter and tears, ups and downs and highlights, but no matter what, they always have the company of their friends. The band members always advance and retreat together.

However, first she bid farewell to Alice in March, and she officially started her career as a director; then today, Ronan left the band members for the first time, started acting alone, and recorded into the studio to complete the work, not to mention Kerry. Husband, even Ronan himself felt a little uncomfortable.

Leaving the title of "One Day King" for the time being, and launching activities in the name of "Ronan Cooper", they are obviously the same person, but they have the illusion of changing their identities and launching new challenges. Therefore, the actors work in this way. ? Enter a work, change a name, and then start a new life?

If this is the case, role-playing games are really a bit exciting.

Expecting the half-tension and half-hearted mood was intertwined and surging, and even followed his steps lightly.

Pushing open the studio door, you can see Bruno Mars sitting in front of the sound console in the center, as if he is busy.

But Ronan’s sight was immediately attracted by the dazzling array of equipment and various instruments in the studio. It is slightly different from the previous studios of Atlantic Records. The instruments here are more inclined to jazz, blues, and funk styles, such as the saxophone. There are more than a dozen different styles listed, and it is like breaking into a musical instrument exhibition museum.

I completely forgot to say hello, but started to visit like a tourist, but the urgency in my eyes is a little funny.

"Hey, man, you came so much earlier than expected. Even if you are to avoid being late, you don't have to be thirty minutes earlier. This has disrupted my plan."

Bruno seemed to have finally noticed Ronan’s appearance, temporarily put down his work, turned and stood up, opened his arms to give Ronan a big hug, but after speaking, Bruno found that Ronan was a little absent-minded and did not notice him at all. Attention is simply--

Above the musical instruments.

Bruno couldn't laugh or cry, and had to snap his fingers continuously, swaying up and down in front of Ronan's eyes, as if catching a fly.

"Gentleman, this gentleman!"

Ronan finally recovered and smiled, "Wow, you are a treasure here!"

Bruno wanted to cry, "I just learned from the front desk that you are here. In order to maintain my image, you deliberately pretended to be busy and put on a professional image. Did you not notice at all?"

Bruno was a little sad, "Is it because my acting skills are not enough?"

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