King of Stage

Chapter 627: dark humor

"...You have so... many guests. One more person and one less person seems to make no difference."

Justin’s words are extremely exaggerated, and at the same time, they are deliberately winking and constantly hinting at Ronan, lest Ronan don’t understand that he is complaining about Ronan’s "disparity"——

Of course it wasn't intentional harm, but a kind of intimate ridicule.

Ronan didn't care at all, looked at Justin calmly, raised his finger to the corner of his eye, "Did you have cramps in your eyes?"

Justin was directly pushed back by Ronan's words, and immediately pouted, and said to Wyatt pitifully, "Ronan is fierce to me."

Wyatt didn't hold back the appearance of the complaint, and he laughed with a flutter. With these guys there, the interview didn't require any effort at all.

Bruno patted Ronan on the shoulder to express consolation. He seemed to say: ignore Justin, and then said to Wyatt, "There were less than 30 people at the lunch party that day, and I made all the guest list myself. Of course it’s impossible to forget. At first, I was so busy that I didn’t notice it, but then I found an abnormality.”

"Oh?" Justin deliberately made a strange sound of doubt, like a sound effect.

Wyatt also suppressed his smile and cast a curious look.

Bruno chuckled directly and explained unhurriedly, "I don't know, did I mention it to you, Ronan and Jimmy came to my party together at the private party after my tour. At that time, I The relationship with Ronan is good, but far from being as familiar as it is now."

This is another unexpected tidbit.

"At that time, the Grammy nomination list had not yet been announced, and the king has not yet opened up his popularity for the first day."

Bruno’s words were still somewhat reserved, but Ronan waved his hand indifferently, “You can tell the truth, it’s okay. At that time, no one knew us at all. We were even blocked at the door of the party because the staff thought we were Crazy fans who came to the party."

"Ah? What? Why don't I know?" Bruno's expression changed slightly, a little flustered-if they weren't friends, then that would be fine; but now after becoming a good friend and learning about it, the whole feeling is different .

Ronan turned to meet Bruno's eyes, did not continue joking, but showed a shallow smile, "Relax, I am not the kind of person who can be bullied casually."

This is to reassure Bruno, there is no need to feel guilty or sorry.

"What's more, didn't I show up at the party smoothly?" Ronan raised his eyebrows slightly, letting Bruno's tense mood relax again.

When can I make a joke, when should I be serious, when should I care, when can I take it in a single stroke... Ronan's handling of things is indeed very delicate and thoughtful, and the calm atmosphere revealed from the inside out is even more evident. Wisdom is different from age.

In front of Bruno and Justin, Ronan's temperament is not inferior at all.

Moreover, the most important thing is that he can't feel Ronan's deliberate management at all. He is natural and sincere, and can secretly guide the development of things without changing his voice.

Wyatt, thoughtful.

Bruno is also not a personality that likes verbal indulgences-at least, the real promise is more weighty than words. He also just slammed Ronan's shoulder lightly, using such an action to express comfort, as if to say: My friend, I know you were wronged.

Then Bruno turned his head to look at Wyatt and continued, "In short, the king was still struggling, but when Ronan appeared at the party, I noticed him. He seems to have this kind of magic. No matter where you go, you can always be seen in a turbulent crowd."

"It's as if the spotlight follows the shadow." Justin added, "This is the case at the Grammy Awards."

Ronan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Justin, "Wait, are you retaliating? You deliberately put me on a fire? And the spotlight is like a shadow. Why don't you say that I carry a halo with me? Actually Have you secretly seen the wings hidden behind me?"


In response, Justin and Bruno both clapped their hands and laughed.

Wyatt couldn't help but laugh.

Bruno managed to control his smile, and only remembered when Wyatt reminded him. His story was not finished. "At the lunch party, I noticed Ronan’s absence, but the party was like this. Even if it’s lunch, there is no hard time limit, let alone being late. I thought, Ronan should show up later, so I didn’t call him."

Wyatt gently chinked his head in agreement.

Justin went on to say, "Later, we played games crazy, and I must tell you that this gentleman cannot play games first." The latter sentence is obviously aimed at the party host, Bruno.

It is very interesting that Ronan was absent from Bruno's lunch party, but Justin stayed at Bruno's house until early in the morning that day.

Obviously, their relationship is definitely not what Justin has always emphasized.

"Hey!" Bruno made a strong protest, but refused to get involved in the conversation with Justin, and immediately turned to look at Wyatt and continued.

"After the party entered the climax/trend, I temporarily forgot about it. Later, when alcohol took over the brain, everything began to blur, and I didn't know what happened. To be honest, I thought Ronan Appeared at the party, where might I be drinking with Justin."

"Then, I was awakened by the doorbell and opened the door with a headache, only to find Ronan, who was neatly dressed and handsomely dressed, appeared at the door, like a priest who came to promote religious beliefs. The only thing missing was a copy. Bible, can you imagine my confusion at the time?" Ronan laughed happily, his brain filled the picture, the laughter couldn't stop at all.

Bruno turned to look at Ronan, "My first reaction was, shouldn't you sleep in a certain room in the house? Why are you here? At a certain moment, I even had the illusion of entering the "Matrix" world. ."


Justin clapped his hands and laughed, "Oh, I had known that I would not go home that day. I was able to see such a wonderful scene when I got up in the morning. I missed it, but it's a pity, I missed it."

The story is finally over.

For the general public, they have seen the result. Justin, Bruno and Ronan are ready to cooperate, just like the cooperation between Justin and Jay-Z. The starry collision is very exciting; but they can't see the process. , The same cooperation comes from different origins.

This is also the reason why people like behind-the-scenes tidbits. It is always possible to find more real fun behind the gorgeous packaging of goods, which is always exciting.

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