King of Stage

Chapter 642: Paparazzi stalking

"..." Ronan was full of question marks, "Yes. But how do you know?" Ronan raised his eyes to look at Taylor, with a trace of confusion in his eyes——

Could it be that the surveillance application installed by Johnny can not only locate, but also intercept audio and information? Then all his actions are under Johnny's surveillance?

How much does such an advanced application cost?

Wait, the point is a bit wrong, it should be "So surveillance has gone beyond the scope of worry and has entered the metamorphosis stage, right"?

Ronan felt that he should be creepy, but at this time, he was more curious and suspicious than fear, and the light in his eyes surged.

Taylor didn't know, so he opened his eyes and looked back.

Ronan felt that he should not make inferences for the time being, so he smiled at Taylor to appease.

"TMZ captured it, and now Twitter has come out." Johnny's voice was steady, and it was difficult to tell whether he was happy or disappointed for a while.

That's it!

Look, it's not correct that everything is right, and you shouldn't just speculate randomly because of Johnny's "historical history". Fortunately, Ronan didn't speak casually either.

"Now?" Ronan had heard of Vanity Fair's gossip statutes for a long time, but after all, he hadn't experienced it personally. At this time, he still felt a little absurd. The paparazzi saw Ronan and Taylor's lunch for the first time, and then Johnny Already know? Did the paparazzi inform Johnny?

Wait, Johnny just said, Twitter. The paparazzi should have posted the photos on Twitter the first time, so Johnny discovered the situation, but why should the paparazzi be posted on Twitter? Between exclusive and timeliness, the paparazzi chose the latter? This also means that there will be a large wave of paparazzi on their way here?

Uh...I was inexplicably pictured in my mind, surrounded by thousands of horses, but I didn't feel scared, just thought it was funny.

"Is this a simultaneous live broadcast?" Ronan's wild ideas in his mind felt a bit absurd.

"Are you and Tyler still together?" Johnny asked, "So, what do you plan to do next? Go home? Or hotel? Or vacation?"


Johnny's bold guess almost made Ronan spit out, "Lunch is just lunch." The progress in Johnny's mouth was too fierce and eager, and it really caught people off guard.

Ronan had some internal injuries--

If it is breakfast, then the situation is much better, right, but now breakfast has been delayed into lunch, and then a little more ambiguous.

However, the paparazzi's sense of smell is too sensitive, right?

Taylor seems to have noticed the abnormal situation: lunch?

So Taylor also looked towards Ronantou.

Ronan realized that he should avoid suspicion, otherwise it would be more or less embarrassing to talk about these things in person. He gestured lightly, then stood up, walked to the balcony, and briefly explained the situation, "Pure lunch ."

"No follow-up?" Johnny asked, "Ronan, I just need to confirm it, there is no critical meaning."

Ronan laughed blankly. It can be seen from Maxim’s private life that Johnny did not intend to interfere with their emotional life, but Ronan was still a little uncomfortable, and all his life activities were reported to his agent. —However, now that TMZ is watching, Ronan also knows that there is no room for excuse.

"There is no follow-up." Ronan gave an affirmative answer simply and neatly.

Johnny didn’t say much, "Okay. For the specifics, I’ll talk about it after the lunch, preferably without a follow-up. Ronan, you should know that Tyler is the center of the scandal. If you don’t want the focus of the concert to be shifted, then pay attention now. , TMZ's paparazzi should still be around you.

Ronan is still a little bit clouded and misty--

The paparazzi started following him? Or follow Tyler?

But no matter what it is, one thing can be confirmed, "Johnny, I don't like your way of expression, the scandal, and it did not appear because Taylor liked it, but your tone behaved as if it was her fault." Luo Nanyu expresses his thoughts in a gentle but firm manner.

Johnny did not argue, "Ronan, I understand what you mean. But this is your current situation. In the eyes of the paparazzi and the public, you are the little white face trying to use Taylor's popularity to create influence, or you This is the next goal of Queen Taylor."

"You can dislike it, you can protest, you can make a sound, but you can't change the facts. Ronan, welcome to Hollywood."

Concise but direct, calm but sharp.

Johnny's words also seem to have weight. After a few months of short cooperation, he has gradually become accustomed to the way of communicating with Ronan. Honesty and directness are undoubtedly the best way to complete the dialogue.

Ronan shook his head slightly, with a smile on his mouth, "Johnny, if everyone takes it for granted, then things will become a matter of course; but if there is opposition, people will start thinking and even questioning. , This is the first step to change the situation."

"We have no way to subvert the rules of the entire industry, but at least, we can hold different ideas."

Ronan also expressed his thoughts. Behind the calm words, he could feel a strong tenacity and firm his stand.

"Perhaps, the paparazzi’s first reaction to the photos is the scandal, but when we are dealing with things, we can not make assumptions in advance, and make judgments with a calm and rational mind. Things will be much At least, our communication will be much simpler, what do you think?"

Johnny laughed dumbfounded. Sure enough, Ronan is still Ronan, still maintaining a lively beating heart; but Johnny also knows that Ronan is not naive, on the contrary, Ronan is actually the most mature and mature in the King’s Band. The wisest one; after the vicissitudes of life, you can still maintain the passion and hope for life, this is the most rare part.

Johnny did not agree with Ronan's ideas, he thought Ronan was still too idealistic, but Johnny did not intend to have an in-depth discussion with Ronan, after all, they were not doing philosophical thinking or social analysis. What needs to be considered now is to solve and cope.

"So, what are you going to do?" Johnny skipped the arguments and jumped directly to the key core.

Ronan thought about it seriously, "Frankly, there is nothing wrong with it. If you cover it up, it will be fine and okay. What's more, this is a scandal or the first time. Does this mean that I have a little bit too? Is it heavy?"

With such a calm and calm appearance, Johnny couldn't help but laugh, and gently chin his head, "Indeed, scandals are not negative news. As long as you are not afraid of Tyler’s fans siege, and you are not worried about the focus of the concert, then the scandal There is no lethality. Now it seems that you are ready."

Ronan could hear something in Johnny’s words, faintly ridiculed, and he didn’t care, “I know what to do if I’m on the scene; but in the follow-up, you still need to deal with it, I guess, do I need it? Make a single statement?"

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