King of Stage

Chapter 659: Paparazzi

So, how did Ronan discover Fox and how did he recognize Fox?

   Ronan doesn't have the ability to communicate with the gods. In the final analysis, it is just simple reasoning.

   The premise of everything is that Ronan knows about Fox's existence and the spread of the "scandal" on Twitter, which also means that the paparazzi will be lingering. To be sure, the paparazzi will not easily let go of such a scandal, not only today, but also for some time to come.

Thinking that Alena will go to her home tomorrow, Ronan’s least hope is to be disturbed, and even more so that the paparazzi will not cause unnecessary accidents. After all, they still lack enough understanding of each other’s world. If they are suddenly caught by the paparazzi. Exposure, the development of things may be off track.

   Ronan doesn't have the ability to predict the future, but he knows how to prevent dysfunction.

   When he left the club, Ronan remained vigilant, not paying attention to Taylor's thoughts at all, but looking for the lurking paparazzi.

However, Ronan had too few opportunities to deal with the paparazzi. He didn't notice anything. It was not until Taylor left and the two cars left the parking space to follow up. Ronan realized that the paparazzi might not be so concealed, not necessarily a dog hole. The corners and corners of the treetops fell, but it was as dark under the lights, and they concealed their tracks in an upright manner.

   For example, parking spaces.

   If you don’t pay attention, those vehicles parked quietly on the side of the road will not cause any concern at all; but if you concentrate, you only need a little help from the angle. Finding that Fox is a matter of time—

Originally, Ronan was also ready to board the car. When waiting to leave the club, he should pay attention to the fact that the fox's tail would always be exposed; but he did not expect that before getting on the car, he accidentally caught a glimpse of the cannon barrel in a van. The light attracts the steps forward.

   Then, I found "Hunter".

   As for Fox's identity, it should be half speculated and half blind.

After being exposed to the sun for several hours, you can see that Fox’s cheeks and nose are faintly sunburned at a glance. Coupled with Fox’s evasive and panicked look and actions, there is simply no silver in this place. .

   Ronan made a bold guess, but he guessed it.

   So... the first time?

  In the club, how did Ronan know Fox's phone number?

   The answer is very simple-definitely simpler than imagined: Johnny Quaid.

To be more precise, the relationship between brokers, public relations people, journalists, and paparazzi is a large and complicated network, because brokers and public relations people need to deal with the media, they often master the industry's senior, advanced and professional The way of media contact is the same for reporters and paparazzi.

   For example, arrange paparazzi sneak shots whenever necessary.

   For example, the exposure of one news item is exchanged for the silence of another news item.

   For example, the transaction after the private news was secretly photographed.

  In this network, their contact information is not a secret that is strictly guarded against, after all, everyone may need to exchange benefits.

  Of course, there are also a small number of lone wolves among the paparazzi, walking alone in the dark, doing big things quietly, but fortunately, Fox is not one of them.

   Johnny received Ronan's call. Although he didn't understand what was going on, he still got Fox's call, which took less than three minutes.

   is much simpler than imagined.

   Actually, it's not magic, and it's not that mysterious. I'm afraid Fox can think clearly when he calms down, but now in the vortex of chaos and chaos, his subconscious has fear. Subjectively identifying Ronan as a monster, things will naturally deviate from the track, and it is a bit outrageous.

Ronan discovered that the paparazzi had also been demonized, living in the rumors of the people, not only mysterious but also terrifying, but after removing the mask of teeth and claws, they were also ordinary people, and they were like other professional hitters, there was nothing to fear. of.

   It's like now, watching Fox who panicked, Ronan finds it very interesting. Instead, he wants to chat with the paparazzi and learn about the paparazzi's mentality.

  Fox noticed Ronan's eyes, he was helpless and flustered. He always felt that Ronan was looking at himself with a mouse-study gaze, and then he was simulating the steps of anatomy.

   This is... an illusion, right?

   Fox hurriedly diverted his words again, "Then how did you find me?"

   Ronan still didn't plan to answer, "Luck."

"I really thought someone fainted from heatstroke and might need a little help, so I ran over, and I look forward to tomorrow being able to be on the front page of TMZ because of my heroic deeds..." The serious expression seemed to be serious , Also sighed lightly, expressing grief, "Unfortunately, I missed an opportunity for speculation."

  Fox felt that Ronan was insulting his IQ, "You are kidding."

   "Yes, I am." Ronan didn't refute either, just lightly chin to express his approval, as if he was saying: You are right, everything you say is right.

   Fox was like a throat, almost out of breath, and suffered a heart attack, "You did it on purpose."

   "Big Ben, we are friends." Ronan's expression was very sad, "You shouldn't doubt my sincerity."

   Fox wants to vomit blood: Who is your friend! I just talked to you for three minutes, okay? This is the first time we met today! And My only thought now is that you hurry up and get out, who wants to be friends with you! Conscience of heaven and earth, no one wants to be friends with Satan!

But the moment the anger rushed to his forehead, Fox forced himself to calm down-today, he is undoubtedly aberrant and confused, one step is wrong, and now he behaves like a second fool, without paparazzi at all, even basic He couldn't achieve his calmness; after the emotional confusion reached the extreme, he calmed down.

   Not as good as... Push the boat along the way?

   "Yes, we are friends." Fox took a deep breath and showed a smile, "Since we are friends, let's be honest, what's the matter with you and Taylor?"

   Ronan was not vigilant either, as if he was actually facing a friend, he approached the window slightly, beckoned at Fox, and made a secret move.

   Fox hesitated for a moment, and moved closer.

   Ronan said quietly, "The truth is, I accidentally ran into Taylor yesterday, and I only met for dinner today to apologize."

   Fox frowned slightly, he felt his IQ was insulted.

   Such outrageous and crude excuses, without any sincerity, seem to be temporary excuses, and it's still the kind of bad excuses that don't want to spend their thoughts!

"If you don't want to tell the truth, then clearly, there is no need to go around and make up such a bad excuse." Fox couldn't help but gasped, his chest agitating like a bellows, "I thought we were friends, but obviously , You don’t even have the most basic sincerity."

   "Do you think I'm an idiot? I will pay for such bad excuses?"

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