King of Stage

Chapter 675: Time flies

Ollie turned his head and looked at Ronan in a daze. Then, the corners of his mouth raised slightly with a shallow arc. It was a smile, but it revealed a sorrowful sadness, like a dark cloud that slowly dissipated in the autumn treetops a few days ago. The sun is sparse and bleak.

   "Oli, you said, how many people have the courage to face their young self?"

   After thinking for a while, Ronan spoke, but Ollie was unclear, so there was a little confusion in his bright eyes: I don't understand what you mean.

Ronan couldn't help but chuckled, "I mean, when we were young, we always dreamed of becoming a big man, changing the world with our hands, or dreaming that we could grow up and be independent and transform into a beautiful image in our imagination. Yidi believes that we will not become the kind of person that we hate."

   is not necessarily a dream, but everyone has an expired license when they are young, and their expectations for themselves, the future, and life are shiningly beautiful.

   "But when we grow up, how many people dare to face who they used to be, and then confidently say that I have lived up to my expectations?"

  Life is never easy. In the end when the expectations of my youth hit the wall in front of the cruel reality, the ground is often left to pieces; to make matters worse, I suddenly look back and realize that I am becoming the appearance I once hated and hated the most, but he has no power to change.

   So, did we abandon us or did life force us?

  Ophelia had failed herself, she also realized this, so she didn't dare to face herself when she was a young girl again, because in Oli's eyes, she was still the gleaming appearance.

   Ollie, when I understood, the light in his eyes trembled slightly, revealing a deep pain, "Then what about you?"

Ronan thought about it seriously, "I think, I don't have the courage." Although he is still chasing his dreams, the vicissitudes of life seem to have not changed his original intention, but the thorns along the way still left countless traces on his body. "I thought that I would be sharper and more distinct... But in the end, some edges and corners were still smoothed, and even disappeared. I imagined that I should be more dazzling."

   "Hehe." Ollie chuckled, "Is it more dazzling than now?"

Ronan nodded naturally, "When we were sixteen, we always imagined that we were the center of the universe, attracting all eyes like the sun. We can change the world with music, we can create history with our talents, and we can use singing. Inspire others to control destiny..."

   "It's like the Beatles." Ollie spoke gently.

   "It's like Michael Jackson." Ronan also replied.

   Both of them showed a smile.

But the smile at the corner of Ollie’s mouth soon calmed down, and thoughts surged in his mind, “I miss the past too. Before, we were always braver and fearless, if it’s college, even if Ophelia rejected me, I will be sad but not depressed, and I will still look back at her silently."

   "Silently?" Ronan raised the ending sound-I am afraid that Ollie's movements are earth-shattering, and it is a bit difficult to proceed silently.

"Ha." Ollie also laughed, "I mean, I will still look at her from a distance, far away." Silently glanced at Ronan, causing Ronan to laugh. I got up, but then calmed down again, "When I grow up, I seem to be scared."

"Yes, when we were children, we didn’t understand anything. Without timidity, we didn’t have any fear. We slammed our heads and ran into bruises and bloodshed. When we grow up, we slowly begin to understand dangers and learn to avoid dangers. Learn to protect yourself, but at the same time lose that kind of indomitable spirit."

   At this point, Ronan paused for a moment, and his voice slowly lowered.

   "So, is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

   There is no answer.

   The corners of Ollie’s mouth rose slightly again, but it was bitter, "I don't know. But I know that if the eighteen-year-old I saw who I am now, he would be disappointed."

  Ophelia thought that Ollie had not changed, and still maintained the appearance of his youth in college, but in fact, they have all changed.

   It is precisely because of this that love often passes by at the moment of a little carelessness-only when you meet the right person at the right place at the right time, can love bud and blossom. Missing a little is a miss.

   The words did not last after all, Ronan and Ollie were both silent, because neither of them had an answer.

   Even if he is two lives, Ronan also has no correct answer. There are still too many unknowns in life waiting to be explored. This is a kind of helplessness but also a kind of expectation.

   The quiet air flow flowed at the fingertips, but it didn't last long before Ollie opened his mouth again to break the silence.

   "Ronan, it's over."

He says.

   The words are calm and natural, there are no waves or ups and downs, but a clear stop is drawn, and then there is no more.

Ronan paused, the thoughts surging in his mind, he could tell Ollie: Actually, the matter is not over, after all, Ophelia is still single, Ollie still has a chance, as long as Ollie is willing, he can still" Re-understand "now Ophelia, and then see if there is still a possibility of development."

  Emotional matter, who can assert?

   What's more, Ophelia's refusal is not to "hate" Oli.

   But Ronan understands Sometimes, giving hope is a cruel thing, because Ollie will always grasp the ray of hope and refuse to let it go. These years have passed, Oli has never forgotten Ophelia, just because she has always embraced a ray of life and refused to face reality.

   "persistence" and "giving up", "obsession" and "belief" are actually two sides of the same thing. There is only a line between them. If one is not paying attention, it may slide from one extreme to the other. The most important thing is how to keep a calm and clear mind and be aware of where you are.

   It’s just that sometimes, the authorities are fans and the bystanders are clear. If you are trapped in it and you can’t see the whole picture, then you need a third party to give a little hint.

   Maybe, it’s time to let go.

   Ronan lightly chins his head and replied, "Well, it's over." Although cruel, the truth is often the same.

Ollie was stunned, the corners of his mouth rose again, and his smile became brighter, but the sadness in his eyes was surging. Then he closed his eyes in a panic, keeping the appearance of a smile, quietly leaning on the sofa, as if he was recalling the memory. At that moment, it seemed to be controlling the surging emotions.

   The bitterness of the tongue, only one can know.

   Ronan was a little bit unbearable, sighed lightly, and lowered his gaze.



   The air in the recording studio is not turbulent, but I can still feel the sound of convection rolling in my ears. It is clear that the wind is calm, but it creates stormy waves and hits the eardrums severely, and the messy mood slowly settles.

   Ollie just needs a little time, a little time. Ronan thought so.

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