King of Stage

Chapter 686: Universal chord

From a creative perspective, Maxim’s style is still dominated by pop rock. Although Ronan’s influence has also tried some mixed styles of different styles, pop rock is still his comfortable field. The difference lies in the past. In the past six months, Maxim has also grown up, adding some more mature and moving parts to his creation.

   From the perspective of appreciation, the popularity is even stronger.

   From a technical perspective, the arrangement is more mature.

   Actually, the two sentences say the same thing, but how should they be understood?

The so-called "more popular" does not mean "putting into the market to verify that singles have better scores and more popular", but when creating melody, the arrangement and combination of chords can be suitable for market communication, that is to say, the technical level The arranger gradually merged with the mainstream industry in the music market.

   What does this mean?

First of all, it is necessary to look back at history. In the 1960s, the Beatles turned out to spread across the world, creating countless brilliant records in nearly two decades. He was selected into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as early as 1988, and wrote A history that cannot be copied or surpassed.

Behind the popularity of the Beatles, we can initially see the embryonic form of the industrialization of music. Of course, the reason for the band’s popularity cannot be simple one or two. It is difficult to tell the whole ins and outs in a few words, but one of the reasons is very important. , Paul McCartney and John Lennon also personally admitted:

   When they were composing chords, they accidentally figured out a rule. The human ear has different abilities to accept different audio and different chord arrangements.

   For example, the high-frequency roar of metal rock is beyond the comfort zone for most people's hearing; another example is the bass whisper of jazz, which is not comfortable for many people's ears. Just like the sound of a whale, it can only be heard when it reaches a certain frequency.

   In other words, from a physiological level, some melodies are easier to "ear in", but some melodies are more "piercing".

Of course, what I'm talking about here is a kind of "mainstream" feeling. Everyone's subjective feelings are definitely different, but for most ordinary listeners, this is the case. Naturally, these "mainstream chords" can also be marketed. More affirmation, excellent mainstream performance is also inevitable.

During the creation process, the Beatles gradually figured out the rules of these "chords". They summarized more than 20 or 30 chords, and then completed creation based on these chords-the result is obvious, and their album sales are constantly refreshing. History has taken the world by storm.

From the 1960s to the 21st century, the secret of "chords" was slowly discovered. More and more singers began to adopt these "comfort zone" chords when creating. Gradually, these chords were It is widely used, and has even reached the level of flooding, so it is called "universal chord".

For example, the "6415" chord is often seen in popular styles; for example, the "4536251" chord is suitable for all styles; for example, the "4321" chord is mostly used in rhythm and blues; for example, "15634145" "Chord-this is also the famous Canon chord; for example, the "1645" chord is widely used in folk songs; and so on.

   These numbers are music scores.

   Take "6415" as an example for a brief description.

"6" can be seen as a "pull" key on the piano's black and white keys. Place the index finger of your right hand on this key, and press the **** of your right hand one key apart, and the ring finger of your right hand to press one key apart, that is to say, the right hand Press three keys at the same time, with one key between your fingers.

   Then, the left hand looks for a “pull” that is lowered by an octave on the left side of the “pull”. The keys of the left hand can not only grasp the center of intonation, but also increase the level of music.

   Finally, the two hands work together and press the four keys at the same time, so this also has the first complete note, "6".

Next, "4", "1", and "5" all adopt the same principle. Press different keys to form the second, third, and fourth notes. It's okay:

   For example, "6415, 6415"; or, "66441155", as long as the order of "6415" is followed, there is no rule for the specific number of repetitions of each note, and it is rearranged according to the creator's own inspiration to form a complete chord.

   There are more than thirty similar "universal chords", and maybe there are more sets of universal chords waiting for music creators to continue to explore, not only for piano, but also for all other instruments.

   Master these universal chords, and then go through different permutations and combinations, and then perform different arrangements in later stages, and they can evolve into thousands of different songs.

   For the general public, these works are easier to hear, accept, and immerse.

   To put it simply, it means "more popular".

It is precisely because of this that contemporary music has entered the "assembly line industry". As long as you master universal chords and try different combinations in the studio, you can continue to produce new works like an assembly line. There is no new idea but it can always be commercialized. Achievements in the market.

Of course, universal chords can be used by everyone, but how to change into different patterns and how to give universal chords new vitality is the natural ability of creators. The same universal chords are mediocre in the hands of some people. , But it can be revitalized in the hands of some people.

   In addition to the Beatles, Michael Jackson, Ed Sheeran, Magic Red Band, Taylor Swift, etc., almost most contemporary pop singers have used universal chords more or less.

   only the "6415" chord can find these works:

The "Apologize" of the Republican era, the "Disappearance of Alan Walker (-Walker) ~ ~ John-Legend's "All-Of-Me", "Say-Something" by A-Great-Big-World and Christian-Aguilera, and "Hello" by Adele.

Etc., etc.

   The above works are all music created on the basis of the "6415" chord. They may be similar but different.

With just a single "6415" chord, more than 30 classic popular hits can be produced in series, and there are even more; Ed Sheeran once demonstrated such a skill on a talk show, using a chord to adapt familiar ones. The legendary works-in fact, the principle of universal chord is also used.

Although the mainstream music market has become more and more homogenized due to the proliferation of "universal chords", and the pipeline products continue to be refreshed, Ronan does not reject or hate "universal chords". What he refuses is not thinking. Frequent use of universal chords without re-creation.

If you look at Ed Sheeran, you can see that universal chords can make a flower in his hands; the same is true for Taylor Swift. Using universal chords is just a medium, but her music is truly moving. The place still lies in the emotion carried by the lyrics, and it touches the audience.

   In Maxim's latest creation, he has adopted a large number of universal chords, and the arrangement is more mature and complete. This is a small improvement.

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