King of Stage

Chapter 696: Fish tank life

Jessica Ryder felt that she couldn't breathe, as if she was in a fish tank, clear and transparent, calm, but unable to breathe air.

She knew that she was the envy of the neighbor next door:

Affluent middle-class families, although they are not rich, do not need to worry about their livelihood issues. In the nearby neighborhoods, they are already worry-free and able to reach the upper class. The husband is responsible for making money, the wife is responsible for the housekeeping, internal and external cooperation, both children are Growing up healthily without doing business outside; despite the heavy housework, it is not ridiculous. She can occasionally take time out to go shopping and spend time to dress herself up.

In the eyes of others, this is the life she dreams of—to be honest, she has always dreamed of such a life before.

But now, she feels like a doll.

She was stuffed into a beautiful pink lace dress and displayed as a Barbie doll in a toy house. Everything in her words and deeds is exactly the same as the rose image in the fairy tale. She is always beautiful, always brilliant, and always lives in the sun. There is no sorrow, no loneliness, no pain, no negative emotions, just like the dodder grass in the greenhouse, it can't withstand any wind and rain. It only has a viewing function, and it has no self at all.

As she said, it's like living in a fish tank.

Jessica knew that others would say that she was born in blessing and did not know the blessing, was protected too well and did not know the sufferings of the world, and the complaint of being free from illness and moaning was just because she had not experienced the twists and turns of reality. This is a fact, she will not deny it.

But what others don't know is that she is also a living person, she also has her own dreams, she also has her own curiosity, she also has her own pain, and she also has her own life—or, she should have.

Like a canary, even if life in the bird cage is happy and beautiful, very, very occasionally, she wants to experience the feeling of flying freely in the blue sky.

Maybe, she will encounter squally showers, and then just die like this; maybe, she will encounter reality blows and hit her head bloodshed, embarrassed; maybe, she will be at a loss without any life skills, and come back griefly. ; Maybe, nothing will happen, everything is plain.

Perhaps, she will witness the starry sky and the sea, and realize that life can have more possibilities; perhaps, she will experience the ups and downs of adventure and truly feel the luck of "alive"; perhaps, she will dig out a different self, and then Start a whole new life in different ways.

Maybe good, maybe not good; maybe light, maybe dark. Everything is possible, but shouldn't this be the essence of life?


Those uncertain futures are the joy of life; otherwise, at the first glance, everyone's end of life is actually just a handful of loess.

She just wants to have a little... herself, not a "wife" or a "mother", or an "image" in the crowd, but Jessica, an independent individual with her own name, who can cry and laugh , Will be happy and angry, have advantages and disadvantages, not so perfect real existence.

She wants this.

In fact, she was a little envious of Duncan, just as others envied her.

Thinking of this, Jessica couldn't help showing a self-deprecating smile——

Perhaps, everyone is like this, because their life is a feather, because those difficulties and distresses can only be understood by themselves. Therefore, when you see others, you always see those bright, happy and happy sides, and Or seeing the side that oneself yearns for, oneself admires, can't help but produce expectant yearning.

But I completely forgot. In fact, everyone has their own troubles and worries in their lives. In many cases, they just "look beautiful".

But life is like this. The authorities are obsessed and the bystanders are clear, how many people can really see through it?

It's like today.

It's Sunday again.

According to convention, it is a day for golf or tennis. In the eyes of outsiders, this is a day for Ryder and his wife to communicate and have fun. Even the children are temporarily used by the nanny, which also allows parents to win a short time. The breathing time is something that ordinary families can hardly imagine.

But only Jessica knows that this is a day to help her husband to curry favor with her boss and to please her boss’s family. On the bright side, it is going to exercise, in fact, it is an extension of work. Not only cannot relax, but also needs to be tight and deliberate throughout the whole process. How to flatter but not to be honest.

"If you make a mistake, it may affect your promotion and even your daily work." This is the original statement from the husband, and it can even be said to be a warning.

Every time you "exercise", the mental level of exhaustion is much higher than the physical level of fatigue. After returning home, I just sit under the shower head and I can’t recover, because my brain is too tired and I don’t want to turn at all. I just want to. To empty everything, thinking about nothing in the short time of bathing.

If you can choose, Jessica would rather go out and work hard by herself, at least, her efforts can get a sense of accomplishment, but now her efforts are just a display of "Vase Wife", and the final credit does not belong to her at all, as if Barbie’s house wine is the same.

Today, the family members of the husband’s boss are a little uncomfortable, so they temporarily changed their minds. The men went to the club to drink while the wives all rested at home. There was no need to attend, because “the club is the place for men and they will discuss some men’s topics there. ".

It is precisely because of this that Jessica can rest at home.

Standing in front of the sink, Jessica couldn't help but began to wonder, the suffocation that couldn't breathe, and once again firmly grasped her chest.

In a trance, immersed in one's own thoughts will forget the time, just like entering space for a short time and losing the touch of the real timeline, so that when Duncan called, he was suddenly startled, his eyes were a little obvious. Panic.

But Jessica covered it up very well, as if she was a daily routine, put on a mask, changed her body, and she became the envied Mrs. Ryder again.

After a brief greeting, she withdrew her gaze and breathed out quietly, Jessica resumed the work of cleaning up the dishes.

However, she was so busy that even Jessica herself didn't realize it, and she fell into a sluggish state again, her head blank when she stood in front of the sink.

She is also not sure if she has no ideas or the strength to run her brain.


The horrified scream awakened Jessica again. She was so frightened that she was about to lose her breath. She raised her head suddenly and saw Duncan, who was so crazy. Is the question mark:

What the **** is this doing?

But when I was shocked, I could clearly feel the surging enthusiasm, like a summer heat wave, bursting with vigorous vitality, and the gray world burst into gorgeous and colorful colors in an instant, firmly attracting Jessica's sight.

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