King of Stage

Chapter 702: Snapped up 1 empty

It is true that Atlantic Records is full of confidence in the market appeal of King of One Day. Whether it is the choice of venue or the scale of the first tour, they can feel their strong confidence in every aspect, but despite this, the "departure" tour tickets are sold online. Only four hours after the opening, the tickets for the Washington Field were sold out, which is still a bit exaggerated.

The Verizon Center, a medium-sized venue with a full capacity of 15,000 spectators, performed two performances on Friday and Saturday, but 30,000 tickets were sold out within four hours. Are you sure?

Even if one day the king made history in Grammys, even if one day the king’s tour won countless praises, even if one day the king set off a frenzy at the Coachella Music Festival, but in the final analysis, this music went from being unknown to being highly regarded. It has only been less than half a year, but now has such appealing power?

Break your glasses!

Not only the knights are rushing to buy tickets, the curious people who eat melons are also buying tickets for the first time——

Maybe it's a special trip to go to the scene to challenge, maybe just to join in the fun, maybe follow the trend to buy tickets, maybe just want to go to a concert to enjoy the performance and then meet the opportunity, maybe want to snap up and sell it at a high price.

The possibilities are endless, but in the final analysis, the tickets for the Washington Field have been sold out.

One very interesting thing is that in an interview with "Entertainment Weekly", King One Day took the initiative to mention the special significance of Washington for the band. This time I chose Washington as the starting point for the tour, and I hope that the band can set off again. This also makes Washington Field holds special meaning in the minds of the Cavaliers.

As can be seen from the ticket sales, the enthusiasm of the Cavaliers is indeed extraordinary.

Moreover, this is just the beginning.

In six hours, tickets for the Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Las Vegas shows were all sold out. The three venues basically have a capacity of 10,000 people, which is not too big but not too small. Compared with the previous performances with the Shining Band It has been upgraded two levels, but now ticket sales are ten times faster.

In seven hours, tickets for the Nashville, Atlanta, and Louisville shows were also sold out. The three cities are all places with a deep musical heritage. There are performances almost three hundred and sixty-five days a year. City residents are very keen on buying concerts. Tickets have long been accustomed, and their support reflects the affirmation of the professional level of King One Day——

At least from the news, they have a positive expectation that the sales of concert tickets have been so fast.

In nine hours, the tickets for the New Orleans venue were also emptied. If Jessica Ryder hesitates to miss the first day, it means she will miss it completely.

In ten hours, the Cavaliers of Washington and New Orleans took the lead in calling for additional games.

The former is the starting point of the band’s career, and the latter is the turning point of the band’s musical career. The full moon party was also widely spread among local senior music lovers. This time, the King returned to New Orleans in New Orleans Arena. The stage performance has also received widespread attention.

Judging from the reaction of the New Orleans Cavaliers, it can be known that in fact, they did not expect the concert ticket sales to be so fast. They bought the tickets slowly-the laziness of the North American southerners, and the date is always late. The people who took off in ten minutes showed it vividly.

The result... sold out?

Can not accept!

The knights who missed the ticket purchase immediately issued a righteous protest and strongly demanded an additional show.

It just so happened that the voice of New Orleans coincided with the voice of Washington, so there was an unprecedented scene. On the first day of the concert ticket sales, the sound of the extra show had already risen. Unknown people who eat melons mistakenly thought it was one. The King of Day is another one-way band.

Such a boom is truly amazing.

However, there is still no movement from Atlantic Records. After all, this is the first day of concert ticket sales. There are still many cities where sales are still going on. They still need to wait patiently. There is no need to be impatient. Start the add-on program.

Nonetheless, Atlantic Records is still pushing the scene behind the scenes, making the "additional" sound more and more intense, in such a way to promote the concert.

Twenty-four hours later, the sold-out cities only added San Francisco and Boston. In other words, the speed of ticket sales in those second-tier cities is still not slow. No matter how vast the king's momentum is, the foundation is too shallow. The current market call Power is still not comparable to top superstars.


Seventy-two hours later, fourteen cities including Oakland, San Diego, Orlando, Tampa, Salt Lake City, Atlantic City, etc., have sold out tickets one after another. Good news is spreading. Obviously, the knock-on effect brought by the call for "addition" is It worked, and those who wanted to go to the concert also realized:

If you are sure that you want to watch the concert, you need to start immediately, otherwise the result of procrastination is no tickets.

In addition, the number of people who "was not interested but are now curious to follow the trend" has increased significantly, and the ticket sales work has also accelerated.

In a blink of an eye, only Los Angeles and Chicago tickets are still open for sale in the 25 touring cities, and all other venues have been sold out.

It has to be said that the sales pressure in top big cities is still greater. Although there are many people, the competition is fierce. Moreover, Atlantic Records has also upgraded performance venues in the opposite direction. The difficulty of ticket sales has naturally increased exponentially, not only twice. , And even increased five times ten times.

People in the industry began to discuss that maybe Atlantic Records was too hasty. Choosing Los Angeles and Chicago is already a bit risky, while upgrading venues is a big gamble. A little carelessness may lead to backlash. But they did not expect that these discussions have not had time to ferment. The latest news has arrived hundred and twenty hours later, the Chicago show was the first to announce that the tickets were sold out.

Thirty-six hours later, the Los Angeles venue officially announced that all tickets were sold out.

In other words, before the "Departure" tour officially started online ticket sales on May 6th, in the past six and a half days, before the end of the cycle, all 50 tickets in 25 cities have been sold!

No one left!

Such a frenzy! Such a heat wave! So sought after! It is also a well-deserved first echelon in the entire North American tour market. The soaring ticket sales work is really jaw-dropping. Even Bruno Mars' tour last year could not reach such a crazy level.




Suddenly, all words lost their meaning, because sales figures are the best proof, showing the North American market with practical actions to show how hot the king is now!

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