King of Stage

Chapter 704: Co-op single

Zi Zi Zi.

The sound of the phone vibrating in his pocket distracted Kane Williams for a moment, but he was still busy with the work at hand before he took out the phone.

It's a text message from Sophie Vielar. Although they are now located on both sides of the North American continent, and the three-hour time difference has caused a lot of dislocation in each other's lives, they still maintain close contact, especially the topic of the king can easily resonate in one day.

"The collaboration single is online!!!"

Sophie’s text message is only a short sentence, but from a series of exaggerated exclamation marks, you can clearly feel the overflowing excitement and excitement. Without further explanation, Kane can immediately understand who the subject of the sentence is:

One day king.

More precisely, Ronan Cooper.

This summer, there is a lot of heavy news in the music market. The lively scene and the grand scene of the movie summer file complement each other. The heat wave is coming. It is good news for the general public, because there are more choices and a richer entertainment life. They are the beneficiaries.

Among them, the news that Ronan Cooper, Justin Timberlake, and Bruno Mars, three popular stars with different styles, are about to collaborate on a work, are also firmly occupying a place in the fiercely competitive Vanity Fair, discussing the waves and the attention of the eye. As a result, the enthusiasm remains high.

Of course, the cooperation between Justin Timberlake and Jay-Z is the big deal, but relatively speaking, their cooperation style is a foreseeable type; while the collision of Justin, Ronan, and Bruno is full of unknowns, just like Indiana Jones’s. Risky, unpredictable and unpredictable.

However, it is a pity that Justin, who is in the promotion period of the album, Bruno who is in the promotion period of the follow-up single, and Ronan who is preparing for the first band tour, are all so busy that they can’t make time to meet. When the program is publicized, even magazine interviews are difficult.

From May to August, the only occasion where the three singers were interviewed face to face was the "Rolling Stones" family——

By the way, "Rolling Stone" finally published the collaboration with the cover of the August issue. After the magazine was released, the wonderful spark between the three singers could be transmitted through text, and it also triggered countless discussions on social networking platforms. Even once boarded the first place in the hot search list.

Readers can deeply feel the chemical reaction between the three singers. Therefore, there are endless calls for the three singers to join hands in the talk show. The "Jimmy Feather Show" tries to seize the opportunity. Jimmy Cammore invites Justin to come on. During the show, he took the initiative to put forward this idea, but unfortunately, the three people's itinerary did not fit together, and ultimately they did not make it.

Not to mention the talk show, even the magazine interviews are very difficult. The three singers are separated from each other and it is difficult to meet.

Including "The New Yorker", "U.S. Weekly", "Q Music" and other magazines, everyone is sympathetic to each other-feeling the trend of the Internet heat wave, trying to catch the hot spots, but after all, they failed to succeed. In the end, they all took the phone. The interview method was conducted separately, but compared with the face-to-face sparks like "Rolling Stone", the lack of inspiration can be felt at the text level.

Nevertheless, the interviews with the magazines have achieved good results, and the influence of this combination can be felt from the side.

However, the "Allen Show" took a different approach to the audience. A three-way phone connection was also used to promote the new album Justin Timberlake, who was busy in every corner of the North American continent, and then Allen DeGeneres used it on the spot. The mobile phone dialed Bruno and Ronan's numbers respectively.

Although they were not able to face-to-face, they at least achieved the feat of multi-party telephone connections.

This telephone connection also created many hot spots.

For the effect of the show, Allen did not inform Justin of his plan in advance, but made a sudden attack on the scene, which made Justin also messy, so there were a lot of jokes during the phone connection.

Such as Bruno.

Bruno got on the phone soon, and his words were a series of slang words, "Yoyo, J-Man."

This is the "X-Men" imitating the "X-Men". It can be regarded as a little joke between them, describing Justin's omnipotence.

Then the next second will start to swear directly. Fortunately, Justin expected it early, and hurriedly called out, suppressing Bruno’s audio with his own voice, controlling the situation, and waiting for Justin to explain all the situation before Bruno reacted. Said something:

"Justin, you won't cause me trouble again, will you?"

The whole "Allen Show" studio burst into laughter.

Another example is Ronan.

For the first time, Ronan didn’t answer the phone at all, so that Allen teased Justin, “It seems that our big stars are also unwelcome”, which caused Justin to smile awkwardly and said deliberately seriously.” Ronan and I need to have a good talk after today's show is over."

The audience clapped and laughed.

The second time, Ronan answered the phone smoothly, but the ringtone rang for a long time. Justin did not speak, Allen said directly, "Ronan Cooper, hey, hello, hello! This is Alan De Janice, we are recording the "Allen Show" and Justin Timberlake and Bruno Mars are talking to you."

"..." The other end of the call didn't respond for the first time, paused, and said in a relaxed tone, "Hey, Ellen, this is Jay-Leno's'Tonight Show', I'm Jie -Renault, the guests we invite tonight are Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston. You are welcome to join us."

Jay Reynolds, currently the top-ranking player in the ratings of talk shows in North America, if Oprah Winfrey's influence is in the field of morning talk then Jay Reynolds is a late-night talk show The king of the show, the ratings have always been the first of the same type of programs for as long as twenty years.

Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston, the two top superstars, have already passed away. At this moment, they are listed as guests. The subtext is a lie on the other end of the phone call. Obviously, they think this is a prank. But Ronan fought back the prank with a prank, showing his wisdom in a few words.

Allen couldn't help being stunned.

Justin and Bruno on the other end of the phone both laughed, and the sound of laughter in the studio set off a tsunami.

You can feel Ronan's wisdom in a small detail, and the effect of the program is absolutely top-notch.

After waiting for Allen to respond and explain the situation, Ronan said in a single stroke, "I think Justin and I are all friends after today's show."

Is this making a complaint that Justin made a phone connection without saying hello in advance?

Amidst the laughter, after talking, he realized that Ronan was rehearsing for the concert day and night. It was indeed too busy to meet, which was the reason why he didn't answer the first call.

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